Everybody Knew This Was Coming

Of course they will. It's how they got an idiot like Joe Biden into the Oval Office. Covid allowed them hide Biden in his basement and let the Main Stream Media campaign for him. They're already trying to do the same thing for Kamala. They'll tell everyone how she's like the female Barack and expect the Obama coalition will come together to support her. What they'll avoid at all costs is Kamala's actual record because let's face it...the last thing that the country needs right now is a far left California politician trying to impose the same woke policies that have turned Cali into a place nobody wants to live! :)
The idiot was Trump. And you are an idiot for supporting him. Biden didn't hide anywhere and Trump lost because he had COVID super spreader rallies where he made people sign waivers so they would sue him when they got sick. Ask Herman Caine. You don't know Harris actual record. And what we don't need is any more bullshit far right draconian policies.

MAGA's "DEI" Attacks on Kamala Harris will BACKFIRE​

No, because Trump is brain dead amd he has never, ever got the most popular votes. He won't this time either. You worship this idiot, most of the rest of America doesn't.
nobody worships Trump moron .. he's just the leading voice in the Make America Great Again movement ..
Tulsi Gabbard didn't roast anything.. He comments were totally inaccurate. And this isn't 2019. The record you on the right talks about isn't her accurate recird. And Trump is going to get roasted if you want to talk about records.

Trump was not attacked for 8 years. Trump has talked shit on everybody. He's been a rude nasty asshole and he has gotten back what he has dished out. So stop pretending Trump was sme kind of victim and stop repeating those lies about Tulsi Gabbard.

When you are referring to this womam as a fucking ho, whore or talking about her sleeping her way to the top when your punk asses have not done this for any white female politician, amd you ignore the fact that trump cheated on all is wives, has chidren by 3 different women, and paid off a porn start so he would not be hurt in an election, that is evidence of racism.

It's now time for whites like you to stop your fucking whining about being callled racists when you mfs say racist shit. Trump is a convicted felon. Trump is a serial adulterer. You pricks have made excuses for his adutery so shut the hell up about Harris and hers. You want to talk about records, fine. because Trump was a fucked up president and despite the lies you tell yourself his record is not something you want to compare with Harris. And do not try arguing with the bullshit that Gabbard tried using from the Wahington Free Beacon. Gabbard didn't send Harris anywhere and if Gabbard has such stregnth her ass would be challenging Harris right now. But she's nothing but a loon who says crazy shit you guys want to hear so you think she is more than she really is.
:auiqs.jpg: nah ..LOL ! we are definitely going to keep talking about CommieLa and her record .

The idiot was Trump. And you are an idiot for supporting him. Biden didn't hide anywhere and Trump lost because he had COVID super spreader rallies where he made people sign waivers so they would sue him when they got sick. Ask Herman Caine. You don't know Harris actual record. And what we don't need is any more bullshit far right draconian policies.
You think we need the same far left woke policies that have made California...one of the most beautiful places on planet earth...a place where for the first time more people are moving OUT of then are moving IN?

I'm more than happy to make this election be about policy, IM2 because the policies that Kamala has supported in the past have been failures and the policies that Trump has supported have succeeded. The left will try and make this about "racism" and "sexism" because they know they can't win on the issues!
Your candidate is a convicted felon. Understand that while you run your mouth.
convicted through Marxist banana republic lawfare . voters know this .. that's why he went up in the polls after the sham conviction .. lol ! Bribens lawfare tried to end Trumps political career but instead Trumpn ended Bribens political career after he destroyed him in the debate ! did you have to stand in a long line to vote for Briben in the primary ?? I hope you did ! :auiqs.jpg:
The question is when you and your socks stop posting like some old white faggot pretending to be a dumb angry kneegrow on duh innernutz,

If the site is so in need of hits, hell, just turn into a porn site or a hair growth scam.
im2 has been a black guy longer than you have been here dudley......no one accused him of being a white guy when trump was president....why is he a "phony" now?...
im2 has been a black guy longer than you have been here dudley......no one accused him of being a white guy when trump was president....why is he a "phony" now?...
IM2 has been claiming to be black...that doesn't mean he actually IS. This is the internet. There are phonies everywhere.
IM2 has been claiming to be black...that doesn't mean he actually IS. This is the internet. There are phonies everywhere.
your another who hasnt been here long....Im2 was a black man when he joined 9 years ago....no one said he wasnt black during trumps time and he had the same opinions then...why is it different now?...
your another who hasnt [sic] been here long....Im2 was a black man when he joined 9 years ago....no one said he wasnt [sic] black during trumps time and he had the same opinions then...why is it different now?...

Perhaps the cumulative effect of his clownish, racist performance. Which, by the way, he has just repeated over and over endlessly. Shriek "whitey! whitey! whitey!" hundreds of times a day for 9 years and you can expect people to form an opinion of you. Hard to be too sympathetic for such a vile racist.
your another who hasnt been here long....Im2 was a black man when he joined 9 years ago....no one said he wasnt black during trumps time and he had the same opinions then...why is it different now?...
I've been here for longer than 9 years, Harry. My point was that someone claiming on the internet that they're black doesn't mean that they actually are black. One of the biggest problems with the internet is that it's anonymous. People can pretend to be things that they aren't. I'm not saying that IM2 isn't black. I don't have any way of knowing one way or the other. What I am saying is that people CLAIM all kinds of things on the internet that's total crap! IM2 seems to think he speaks for the black people of America. It wouldn't shock me if he was a 40 year old white guy living with his mom. Just saying...
I've been here for longer than 9 years, Harry. My point was that someone claiming on the internet that they're black doesn't mean that they actually are black. One of the biggest problems with the internet is that it's anonymous. People can pretend to be things that they aren't. I'm not saying that IM2 isn't black. I don't have any way of knowing one way or the other. What I am saying is that people CLAIM all kinds of things on the internet that's total crap! IM2 seems to think he speaks for the black people of America. It wouldn't shock me if he was a 40 year old white guy living with his mom. Just saying...
oh really who were you before?.....

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