Everybody Knew This Was Coming

Trump started by attacking everyone and everything. So just stop pretending that Trump is some victim. The racist crap you throw at Harris is why you will lose.

I just said that the games go back and forth. Both sides do it.

What racist crap? Are you suggesting that if someone pokes fun at Harris, that’s somehow racist? Is that the thing you are trying to push? Any criticism, any insult, any jabbing at Harris is now racist?
You right wingers are sooooooo predictable. Everybody knows what's coming. The racism, the sexism, all of it., there sin't goingto be any of you go low we stay high. You guys have asked for this brawl. Now it's on. And let me tell you that when you star tthis shit, you will ensure a trump defeat.

Keep it up.
im2 has been a black guy longer than you have been here dudley......no one accused him of being a white guy when trump was president....why is he a "phony" now?...

He was outed on another board, two other ones. actually for this schtick. He is also SupaBadBreath, and a fake 'indian', along with a few others.

He has never been 'black', he is an old white homosexual deviant.
oh really who were you before?.....

I identify here as a one legged black lesbian Mexican woman with Asian parents. It's racist, misogynistic, and hateful against the disabled to disagree with me. The fact that Obama never appointed me to a Big Important Government Job is discrimination.

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