Cant' wait for 20th of January to get here

Ben Thomson

Diamond Member
Aug 13, 2020
So these stupid idiotic vote challenges stop and we can get to work getting this country back on track. The latest...they are now suing Pence to not abide by the standard protocols that have been used since John Adams was sworn in. They want him to just count the electors that went to Trump and ignore those that went to Biden and then declare Trump the winner. Can't be done but they are going to try it anyway..Gohmert suit may force Pence's hand in effort to overturn Trump's defeat
I am just waiting for the sirens and the emergency broadcast corporation to let us know what emergency has been declared.
Gay people are in for a rude awakening.

HINT: Being gay in China, North Korea, Cuba, Venezuela or Russia is dangerous.

What do all those places have in common with this past election?

IQ above 70 required.
So these stupid idiotic vote challenges stop and we can get to work getting this country back on track. The latest...they are now suing Pence to not abide by the standard protocols that have been used since John Adams was sworn in. They want him to just count the electors that went to Trump and ignore those that went to Biden and then declare Trump the winner. Can't be done but they are going to try it anyway..Gohmert suit may force Pence's hand in effort to overturn Trump's defeat
This is so ironic.....
.....I remember how you faggots on the left constantly cried about stopping Trump from being sworn in.
This is so ironic.....
.....I remember how you faggots on the left constantly cried about stopping Trump from being sworn in.

And we're still listening to how you faggots on the right are saying that Biden stole the election, which is why there needs to be another so that Trump can have another term.

So ironic...............................
Glen Greenwald is predicting that the corporate and government propaganda is going to turn the Trump movement and Trump supporters into some sort of quasi-terrorist organization. . . akin to white supremacists and neo-nazis. :rolleyes:

Because the pseudo-intellects of the neo-liberal establishment that are oppressing everyone, that have no critical thinking ability constantly have a need to be distracted and need their "two-minutes of hate." As this is a perfect distraction from the real lies that are going on.

I am seeing it in it's infancy apparently.

. . . all you folks should wake the fuck up. Neither Biden nor Trump is a hill worth dying on.
So these stupid idiotic vote challenges stop and we can get to work getting this country back on track. The latest...they are now suing Pence to not abide by the standard protocols that have been used since John Adams was sworn in. They want him to just count the electors that went to Trump and ignore those that went to Biden and then declare Trump the winner. Can't be done but they are going to try it anyway..Gohmert suit may force Pence's hand in effort to overturn Trump's defeat

Goober Gohmert lawsuit is so FREAKING dumb! since Pence duties are well spelled out in the 12th Amendment, posted this earlier:

From the 12th amendment:

"The President of the Senate shall, in the presence of the Senate and House of Representatives, open all the certificates and the votes shall then be counted; -- The person having the greatest number of votes for President, shall be the President, if such number be a majority of the whole number of Electors appointed; and if no person have such majority, then from the persons having the highest numbers not exceeding three on the list of those voted for as President, the House of Representatives shall choose immediately, by ballot, the President. But in choosing the President, the votes shall be taken by states, the representation from each state having one vote; a quorum for this purpose shall consist of a member or members from two-thirds of the states, and a majority of all the states shall be necessary to a choice."


There is NOTHING in there saying the V.P, as President of the Senate can change anything, all he does is open the Certificates and do a roll call of the states with it, that is it. The Congress is the body that can decide on any disputed EC votes, NOT Pence the current President of the Senate.

Republicans needs to stop the silly caterwauling over it.
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I think the Trump lawyers have given up even trying to be reasonable with arguments. They're out of ideas, but for 23 more days, they've got a job.
Glen Greenwald is predicting that the corporate and government propaganda is going to turn the Trump movement and Trump supporters into some sort of quasi-terrorist organization. . . akin to white supremacists and neo-nazis. :rolleyes:

Because the pseudo-intellects of the neo-liberal establishment that are oppressing everyone, that have no critical thinking ability constantly have a need to be distracted and need their "two-minutes of hate." As this is a perfect distraction from the real lies that are going on.

I am seeing it in it's infancy apparently.

. . . all you folks should wake the fuck up. Neither Biden nor Trump is a hill worth dying on.
That’s a good point. What better way to further divide the American people than to depict Trump supporters, who obviously number in the tens of millions, as radicals, skin heads, and terrorists? Expect the tech companies and MSM to lead the way in this effort. This will give the government the green light to further impose draconian authoritarian measures, and Joe and Kamala will happily assist.

If Joe imposes lock downs, something Trump never did even though the MSM continusily portrayed him as a dictator, we will know what’s coming.
So these stupid idiotic vote challenges stop and we can get to work getting this country back on track. The latest...they are now suing Pence to not abide by the standard protocols that have been used since John Adams was sworn in. They want him to just count the electors that went to Trump and ignore those that went to Biden and then declare Trump the winner. Can't be done but they are going to try it anyway..Gohmert suit may force Pence's hand in effort to overturn Trump's defeat
So these stupid idiotic vote challenges stop and we can get to work getting this country back on track. The latest...they are now suing Pence to not abide by the standard protocols that have been used since John Adams was sworn in. They want him to just count the electors that went to Trump and ignore those that went to Biden and then declare Trump the winner. Can't be done but they are going to try it anyway..Gohmert suit may force Pence's hand in effort to overturn Trump's defeat

Oh, yes!

Many people are eagerly awaiting January 20, 2021.

And when it does come, some of those fans are going to regret that January 20, 2021, ever came when some of His Excellency's policies bite them in the posterior.
So these stupid idiotic vote challenges stop and we can get to work getting this country back on track. The latest...they are now suing Pence to not abide by the standard protocols that have been used since John Adams was sworn in. They want him to just count the electors that went to Trump and ignore those that went to Biden and then declare Trump the winner. Can't be done but they are going to try it anyway..Gohmert suit may force Pence's hand in effort to overturn Trump's defeat

Oh, yes!

Many people are eagerly awaiting January 20, 2021.

And when it does come, some of those fans are going to regret that January 20, 2021, ever came when some of His Excellency's policies bite them in the posterior.
Such as??..
And we're still listening to how you faggots on the right are saying that Biden stole the election, which is why there needs to be another so that Trump can have another term.

So ironic...............................
Can you imagine holding another election just so Biden could win by more?

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