Cantor Lays Out New Priorities for House GOP


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2011
Cantor Lays Out New Priorities for House GOP

House Republicans will pursue legislation aimed at overhauling immigration and federal education policy, streamlining student-aid funding and making it easier for highly educated foreigners trained at U.S. colleges to stay in the country, Majority Leader Eric Cantor said Tuesday.

Outstanding goals.

Educated immigrants will start businesses, creating jobs.

He also wants to streamline student-aid funding, so let's talk about student loans for a minute. This is going to blow your mind.

The United States government has various assets on its balance sheets. For instance, reserve assets. These are kind of like cash on hand to be used to pay bills. They could also be wads of foreign cash.

Then there are mortgages. If you loan someone money, the paper on that loan is an asset on your books. The US government owns or guarantees a lot of mortgages.

Then, of course, there are taxes receivable. That's a government asset.

And then there are student loans which the government makes.

Guess which is the largest asset on the government's books?

Well, yeah, I did foreshadow the answer, didn't I?

Student loans:


Government student loans have exploded 448 percent since the 2008 crash!


But that's literally not even the half of it. Before you go off about the government being behind the student loan bubble, you should know the portion of student loans originated from the private sector is more than half the total:

Recently, we undertook what we understand is the first major effort to understand the size of the private student loan market. This market went through the same boom and bust cycle we saw play out in markets for mortgages and other credit products.

Our initial findings on the size of the private student loan market are sobering. When we add in the outstanding debt in the federal student loan program, it appears that outstanding student loan debt hit the trillion dollar mark several months ago – much larger than estimates from other recent reports. It seems that this market is too big to fail.

Unlike other consumer credit products, student debt keeps growing at a steady clip. Students borrowed $117 billion in just federal student loans last year. And students continue to borrow private student loans, which lack the income-based repayment and deferment options of federal student loans. If current trends continue, there will be consequences not just for young people, but for all of us.

According to data from the Department of Education, federal student loan debt isn’t growing just with new originations – with so many borrowers unable to keep up with interest payments, debt is growing even for many who have left school. Too much debt means too much risk for a generation of young people, many of whom are struggling in today’s economy.

Same pattern, different asset.

And we are seeing the same trend:


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GOP sees the handwriting on the wall, old white people are a dying breed -- and as an old white person myself I say...

It's about effin' time.

Romeny/Ryan that the GOP backed has now become like a never existed
More items from the Cantor agenda:

In perhaps the most significant policy development, Mr. Cantor called for a change in immigration law to allow young people who were brought to the U.S. illegally as minors by their parents to remain in the country if they meet certain criteria.

Last year, Obama issued a delayed enforcement directive which so many people lost their heads over and called "amnesty". It sounds like Cantor is aligning the House Republicans with Obama on this issue.

Very interesting sea change, indeed!

He said there is a need to make it easier for children living in urban environments to attend safe and good schools, and that that could be accomplished by changing federal funding to follow where students choose to go to school instead of continuing to prop up poorly performing public schools. This would form part of a larger overhaul of federal education policy that Republicans would pursue this year, he said.

Vouchers. Excellent.

Back to student loans:

Mr. Cantor said students and parents should be made more aware of the debt burden they would face upon college graduation and which disciplines have the best prospects for employment.

This sounds like he is going to propose some regulations to make this happen. Some of the shadier online colleges have been ripping kids off blind, fraudulently promising gainful employment as a result of their paper mill degrees.

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Every time I look at Cantor, a line from Shakespeare's Julius Caesar always runs through my head:

Let me have men about me that are fat,
Sleek-headed men and such as sleep a-nights.
Yond Cassius has a lean and hungry look,
He thinks too much; such men are dangerous.
I think those are fine goals, but I'm not comfortable with the part of children of illegal immigrants. Obviously, they won't allow just the children to stay, they'll let the whole family stay. That being the case, why word the goal directly at children? Because it sounds bad to say "we'll let any illegal immigrant stay as long as you're part of a family".

It makes it way to easy for any illegal immigrant to come over and stay. "Sure, the person with me is my son, as far as you know".
Every time I look at Cantor, a line from Shakespeare's Julius Caesar always runs through my head:

Let me have men about me that are fat,
Sleek-headed men and such as sleep a-nights.
Yond Cassius has a lean and hungry look,
He thinks too much; such men are dangerous.

I think of two quotes...
Richard III:

"Now is the winter of our discontent". Richard III Quote (Act I, Scene I).

"A horse! a horse! my kingdom for a horse!". Quote (Act V, Scene IV).
Every time I look at Cantor, a line from Shakespeare's Julius Caesar always runs through my head:

Let me have men about me that are fat,
Sleek-headed men and such as sleep a-nights.
Yond Cassius has a lean and hungry look,
He thinks too much; such men are dangerous.

[ame=]President Obama Chides Rep. Cantor for Use of Props at Health-Care Summit - YouTube[/ame]


I think those are fine goals, but I'm not comfortable with the part of children of illegal immigrants. Obviously, they won't allow just the children to stay, they'll let the whole family stay. That being the case, why word the goal directly at children? Because it sounds bad to say "we'll let any illegal immigrant stay as long as you're part of a family".

It makes it way to easy for any illegal immigrant to come over and stay. "Sure, the person with me is my son, as far as you know".

I think the "young people who were brought to the U.S. illegally as minors" he has in mind are adults now.
More items from the Cantor agenda:

In perhaps the most significant policy development, Mr. Cantor called for a change in immigration law to allow young people who were brought to the U.S. illegally as minors by their parents to remain in the country if they meet certain criteria.

Last year, Obama issued a delayed enforcement directive which so many people lost their heads over and called "amnesty". It sounds like Cantor is aligning the House Republicans with Obama on this issue.

Very interesting sea change, indeed!

He said there is a need to make it easier for children living in urban environments to attend safe and good schools, and that that could be accomplished by changing federal funding to follow where students choose to go to school instead of continuing to prop up poorly performing public schools. This would form part of a larger overhaul of federal education policy that Republicans would pursue this year, he said.

Vouchers. Excellent.

Back to student loans:

Mr. Cantor said students and parents should be made more aware of the debt burden they would face upon college graduation and which disciplines have the best prospects for employment.

This sounds like he is going to propose some regulations to make this happen. Some of the shadier online colleges have been ripping kids off blind, fraudulently promising gainful employment as a result of their paper mill degrees.


Elections have consequences. Cantor wants to keep his seat; Cantor wants to be Speaker, maybe he even wants to be POTUS. My take away is Cantor is still 'the weasel', he intends to lie, patronize, cheat and do what ever helps him achieve his ambition.
Cantor Lays Out New Priorities for House GOP

House Republicans will pursue legislation aimed at overhauling immigration and federal education policy, streamlining student-aid funding and making it easier for highly educated foreigners trained at U.S. colleges to stay in the country, Majority Leader Eric Cantor said Tuesday.

Outstanding goals.

Educated immigrants will start businesses, creating jobs.

He also wants to streamline student-aid funding, so let's talk about student loans for a minute. This is going to blow your mind.

The United States government has various assets on its balance sheets. For instance, reserve assets. These are kind of like cash on hand to be used to pay bills. They could also be wads of foreign cash.

Then there are mortgages. If you loan someone money, the paper on that loan is an asset on your books. The US government owns or guarantees a lot of mortgages.

Then, of course, there are taxes receivable. That's a government asset.

And then there are student loans which the government makes.

Guess which is the largest asset on the government's books?

Well, yeah, I did foreshadow the answer, didn't I?

Student loans:


Government student loans have exploded 448 percent since the 2008 crash!


But that's literally not even the half of it. Before you go off about the government being behind the student loan bubble, you should know the portion of student loans originated from the private sector is more than half the total:

Recently, we undertook what we understand is the first major effort to understand the size of the private student loan market. This market went through the same boom and bust cycle we saw play out in markets for mortgages and other credit products.

Our initial findings on the size of the private student loan market are sobering. When we add in the outstanding debt in the federal student loan program, it appears that outstanding student loan debt hit the trillion dollar mark several months ago – much larger than estimates from other recent reports. It seems that this market is too big to fail.

Unlike other consumer credit products, student debt keeps growing at a steady clip. Students borrowed $117 billion in just federal student loans last year. And students continue to borrow private student loans, which lack the income-based repayment and deferment options of federal student loans. If current trends continue, there will be consequences not just for young people, but for all of us.

According to data from the Department of Education, federal student loan debt isn’t growing just with new originations – with so many borrowers unable to keep up with interest payments, debt is growing even for many who have left school. Too much debt means too much risk for a generation of young people, many of whom are struggling in today’s economy.

Same pattern, different asset.

And we are seeing the same trend:



All that’s just wonderful.

But will GOP leadership follow through with pursuing these goals?

Or will the republican House get sidetracked again with attacking gays, undermining privacy rights, and legitimate rape?

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