Cantor pulls out of Biden debt talks

I support him backing out. It's high time we stopped caving in on fiscal issues. The uproar before the midterm elections was about spending too much, not about taxes being too low. Cantor is representing what led to his becoming majority leader.

No it wasn't. In case you forgot...the real reason was the economy and jobs. People felt it wasn't improving fast enough.

There's that and the fact that they wanted the 2 parties to actually work together on issues. Taking the "my way or the highway approach" is the exact thing nobody wants to see.
Well now, it seems there exists a consensus of opinion, Cantor is acting out of principle and not raising the debt ceiling is good for America. Is there room for another opinion?

Cantor wants to be Speaker of the House. Knowing Boehner is vulnerable he takes every oppourtunity to put his name and face out there. Cantor is not stupid, his ambition is boundless and the harm to others and our nation should the debt ceiling is not raised, or revenue increased to save programs, is acceptable for the end (his speakership) justifies the harm.

The GOP argues our debt is too high and deficit spending can no longer be tolerated. Their track records suggests this is nothing but election rhetoric. Don't be fooled into believing deficit spending will end this year or next, or that the Republicans will not continue to spend and not tax.

Yeah, there are also a few tax-and-spend Republicans who go along with the sleazy lying Democrats.

Our problems are not a product of tax and spend Democrats exclusively, for spent and cut revenue and taxes Republicans exacerbated the problem enormously during the first decade of this century.

Suggesting otherwise is a lie.

What "harm to the nation" will result if welfare boondoggles are cut? It's perfectly fine with me if revenue is not raised to provide parasites with more sustenance. Harm to useless parasites is not the equivalent of "harm to our nation." It's precisely the opposite.
Debt accumulates when you have too little revenue and too much spending. You can't attack $14.5 trillion in debt by attacking only half the equation

Sure you can. We don't have too little revenue. Washington takes in enough money to float a battleship in.

This means EVERYONE needs to make sacrifices. We need to revert to previous tax rates, cut allowable deductions, we need to scale down social programs, we need to look at why we need so powerful a millitary, why we are engaged in so many conflicts around the world

We can't do it all by raising taxes and we can't do it all by cutting spending. We need politicians who will COMPROMISE and stop the posturing and grandstanding

The main people who need to sacrifice are the ones sucking on the government tit. Let them all take a pay cut. The idea that the taxpayers haven't sacrificed enough is to absurd for words.

The one thing we don't need is politicians wiling to screw the taxpayers again.
When you ignore revenue you have to cut twice as much spending. Given the limited amount of discretionary spending, it is not as easy as Republicans claim

Would you agree to a tax increase that was 100% dedicated to debt reduction?

All you're saying is "kick the ball, Charlie Brown.I won't pull it away this time."

No, I wouldn't agree to that. Cut Social Security, Cut Medicare. Cut everything.
Paul Ryan is the third most disliked Republican, behind Newt, and Palin.

Democrats are winning the messaging war on Rep. Paul Ryan’s bid to overhaul Medicare, with a new Bloomberg poll finding 57 percent of Americans believe they would be worse off under his plan.

Only 34 percent said they would be better off if Congress replaced “traditional Medicare” with a program to purchase private insurance with government subsidies, as Ryan has proposed.

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From your own link: :lol::lol:

Planned Parenthood’s 2008-2009 annual report states that it received $363.2 million in "Government Grants and Contracts.

Where are the figures for 2010 and 2011? Hmmm?? Run along and get them.

Fuck you.... You are the one giving the assertion that our money is paying for abortions. How about You do the legwork and PROVE it with unbiased sources.

Poor thing.. I've already provided the links and facts.. we're all waiting for you to show your own Meathead. LOL

Oh, yeah.... the FOX News thing.... Sorry, that don't cut it with me. The truth is, you damned well know that abortions aren't being paid for with taxpayer money. So you choose to play dumb and scream "Fire in a movie theater" repeatedly in the hopes that more and more people will jump on your bandwagon. It's rumor spreading at it's finest... You figure that if people hear it enough times, they'll think it's true... the actual truth doesn't matter.

I went to and looked at it. It wasn't good enough for you. Too fuckin' bad.... however, that is what's mission is... to separate truth from lies, and as usual... you wingnuts are on the wrong side of the truth/lie equation.
Fuck you.... You are the one giving the assertion that our money is paying for abortions. How about You do the legwork and PROVE it with unbiased sources.

Poor thing.. I've already provided the links and facts.. we're all waiting for you to show your own Meathead. LOL

Oh, yeah.... the FOX News thing.... Sorry, that don't cut it with me. The truth is, you damned well know that abortions aren't being paid for with taxpayer money. So you choose to play dumb and scream "Fire in a movie theater" repeatedly in the hopes that more and more people will jump on your bandwagon. It's rumor spreading at it's finest... You figure that if people hear it enough times, they'll think it's true... the actual truth doesn't matter.

I went to and looked at it. It wasn't good enough for you. Too fuckin' bad.... however, that is what's mission is... to separate truth from lies, and as usual... you wingnuts are on the wrong side of the truth/lie equation.

Meathead, you can cry, foam, spew all you like.. we provided PROOF that abortions are being federally funded.. just because you come here and continually lie doesn't mean we're going to buy in to your BULLSHIT.
You're as lame and limp as the asshole you lie for.

Heh heh cute retort.

But, I guess once you've been shown how wrong you are, all you have left is insults.

She's not wrong.

And what you're doing is trying to make excuses by rationalizing what was said.

We all know that the Obama Administration makes all kinds of claims that never seem to pan out. They don't promise. They just claim that they have all of the answers.

Well, up until this week. Now they've admitted they don't have the answers, and instead they want to blame everything on the GOP. They want to claim that the GOP's stonewalling is causing the economy to be in the tank or that their bad policies these last 10 years is the cause, not the massive spending, all of the bailouts that went to their union buddies, and the constant threats this Administration has made to steal businesses profits and spread the wealth.

Problem is if you're dealing with people who have a good memory you realize that this latest lie just doesn't work. The Dems have been using our money to shore up their support and sell us on the idea that all of that spending is a good thing....but unfortunately they have to pay for it. So they've also been selling us on huge tax increases as well. That is what this has been all about. Taking care of unions and raising our taxes. Their defense is that the GOP wants to cut taxes.....but in reality the GOP wants to cut spending.....which the Democrats refuse to do.
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Fuck you.... You are the one giving the assertion that our money is paying for abortions. How about You do the legwork and PROVE it with unbiased sources.

Poor thing.. I've already provided the links and facts.. we're all waiting for you to show your own Meathead. LOL

Oh, yeah.... the FOX News thing.... Sorry, that don't cut it with me. The truth is, you damned well know that abortions aren't being paid for with taxpayer money. So you choose to play dumb and scream "Fire in a movie theater" repeatedly in the hopes that more and more people will jump on your bandwagon. It's rumor spreading at it's finest... You figure that if people hear it enough times, they'll think it's true... the actual truth doesn't matter.

I went to and looked at it. It wasn't good enough for you. Too fuckin' bad.... however, that is what's mission is... to separate truth from lies, and as usual... you wingnuts are on the wrong side of the truth/lie equation.

I know you are new here, so I will cut you a break. Heres how it is.....Don't mess with rightwing dogma or the dogpile will come after you. Current dogma includes, but is not limited to:

1. The Government pays for abortions
2. There is no global warming
3. Cutting taxes makes jobs, boosts the economy and will pay for itself
4. The Government has taken over healthcare
5. Welfare recipients live better than we do
6. There really were WMDs in Iraq
7. The answer to our energy needs is to drill more oil
8. Those swirley lightbulbs are a plot for Government control
9. Teaching the ten commandments in schools will stop crime
10. The answer to high crime is more guns

Now, if you will only accept these "facts", your life on this board will be much easier and you will have rep heaped on you by the rightwing mob. Good luck
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Repubs signed that weasely fuckers "no-tax pledge". Whats his name? Oh yeah- Norquist.

Poor thing.. I've already provided the links and facts.. we're all waiting for you to show your own Meathead. LOL

Oh, yeah.... the FOX News thing.... Sorry, that don't cut it with me. The truth is, you damned well know that abortions aren't being paid for with taxpayer money. So you choose to play dumb and scream "Fire in a movie theater" repeatedly in the hopes that more and more people will jump on your bandwagon. It's rumor spreading at it's finest... You figure that if people hear it enough times, they'll think it's true... the actual truth doesn't matter.

I went to and looked at it. It wasn't good enough for you. Too fuckin' bad.... however, that is what's mission is... to separate truth from lies, and as usual... you wingnuts are on the wrong side of the truth/lie equation.

I know you are new here, so I will cut you a break. Heres how it is.....Don't mess with rightwing dogma or the dogpile will come after you. Current dogma includes, but is not limited to:

1. The Government pays for abortions
2. There is no global warming
3. Cutting taxes makes jobs, boosts the economy and will pay for itself
4. The Government has taken over healthcare
5. Welfare recipients live better than we do
6. There really were WMDs in Iraq
7. The answer to our energy needs is to drill more oil
8. Those swirley lightbulbs are a plot for Government control
9. Teaching the ten commandments in schools will stop crime
10. The answer to high crime is more guns

Now, if you will only accept these "facts", your life on this board will be much easier and you will have rep heaped on you by the rightwing mob. Good luck

Well, I agree somewhat but we are talking politics and everyone has their dogma.
1. True in many instances
2. False
3. True is some instances and that is all that matters
4. False
5. They live how they want to live
6. War politics is almost apolitical
7. False as demand is the problem but more available oil lowers the price, short term solution only
8. False, good one there!!
9. Ditto #8!
10. Guns to do not cause crime. People do.
Poor thing.. I've already provided the links and facts.. we're all waiting for you to show your own Meathead. LOL

Oh, yeah.... the FOX News thing.... Sorry, that don't cut it with me. The truth is, you damned well know that abortions aren't being paid for with taxpayer money. So you choose to play dumb and scream "Fire in a movie theater" repeatedly in the hopes that more and more people will jump on your bandwagon. It's rumor spreading at it's finest... You figure that if people hear it enough times, they'll think it's true... the actual truth doesn't matter.

I went to and looked at it. It wasn't good enough for you. Too fuckin' bad.... however, that is what's mission is... to separate truth from lies, and as usual... you wingnuts are on the wrong side of the truth/lie equation.

I know you are new here, so I will cut you a break. Heres how it is.....Don't mess with rightwing dogma or the dogpile will come after you. Current dogma includes, but is not limited to:

1. The Government pays for abortions
2. There is no global warming
3. Cutting taxes makes jobs, boosts the economy and will pay for itself
4. The Government has taken over healthcare
5. Welfare recipients live better than we do
6. There really were WMDs in Iraq
7. The answer to our energy needs is to drill more oil
8. Those swirley lightbulbs are a plot for Government control
9. Teaching the ten commandments in schools will stop crime
10. The answer to high crime is more guns

Now, if you will only accept these "facts", your life on this board will be much easier and you will have rep heaped on you by the rightwing mob. Good luck
Thats the truth. This board is overrun w/ right-wing-nuts and their signing pledges :lol:
Poor thing.. I've already provided the links and facts.. we're all waiting for you to show your own Meathead. LOL

Oh, yeah.... the FOX News thing.... Sorry, that don't cut it with me. The truth is, you damned well know that abortions aren't being paid for with taxpayer money. So you choose to play dumb and scream "Fire in a movie theater" repeatedly in the hopes that more and more people will jump on your bandwagon. It's rumor spreading at it's finest... You figure that if people hear it enough times, they'll think it's true... the actual truth doesn't matter.

I went to and looked at it. It wasn't good enough for you. Too fuckin' bad.... however, that is what's mission is... to separate truth from lies, and as usual... you wingnuts are on the wrong side of the truth/lie equation.

I know you are new here, so I will cut you a break. Heres how it is.....Don't mess with rightwing dogma or the dogpile will come after you. Current dogma includes, but is not limited to:

1. The Government pays for abortions
2. There is no global warming
3. Cutting taxes makes jobs, boosts the economy and will pay for itself
4. The Government has taken over healthcare
5. Welfare recipients live better than we do
6. There really were WMDs in Iraq
7. The answer to our energy needs is to drill more oil
8. Those swirley lightbulbs are a plot for Government control
9. Teaching the ten commandments in schools will stop crime
10. The answer to high crime is more guns

Now, if you will only accept these "facts", your life on this board will be much easier and you will have rep heaped on you by the rightwing mob. Good luck

Someone get me a tissue.. Cry me a fucking river.. :eusa_boohoo: I'd like to see ANYONE refute the links and facts we've supplied concerning OBAMA'S GOVERNMENT FUNDED ABORTIONS.. All you lefties do is whine about your messiah being exposed.
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So we have gone from talking about why the republicans pulled out of the talks to random broadbrushed and prejudicial attacks on the right by people like rightwinger in this thread?

Thats pretty pathetic considering just how important the issue is.
So what??? Thats' just the socialist healthcare fiasco.. your messiah created a loophole and we've posted several different VERIFIABLE links with facts to back it up.

It's still not clear to me what you think the "loophole" is. Federal dollars in the exchanges can't go toward abortions and states have the prerogative of outlawing abortion coverage altogether if they're feeling particularly zealous. The PCIPs can't cover abortions beyond those allowed under the Hyde Amendment, according to the rules governing the PCIPs (which came out two weeks after your hysterical article about Pennsylvania's pool). Pennsylvania's pool, you should note, follows those rules:

PA Fair Care will NOT cover:


abortions, except in cases of rape or incest, or where the life of the woman would be endangered.​

So what are you referring to? Did you have more made-up nonsense I've missed?
Oh, yeah.... the FOX News thing.... Sorry, that don't cut it with me. The truth is, you damned well know that abortions aren't being paid for with taxpayer money. So you choose to play dumb and scream "Fire in a movie theater" repeatedly in the hopes that more and more people will jump on your bandwagon. It's rumor spreading at it's finest... You figure that if people hear it enough times, they'll think it's true... the actual truth doesn't matter.

I went to and looked at it. It wasn't good enough for you. Too fuckin' bad.... however, that is what's mission is... to separate truth from lies, and as usual... you wingnuts are on the wrong side of the truth/lie equation.

I know you are new here, so I will cut you a break. Heres how it is.....Don't mess with rightwing dogma or the dogpile will come after you. Current dogma includes, but is not limited to:

1. The Government pays for abortions
2. There is no global warming
3. Cutting taxes makes jobs, boosts the economy and will pay for itself
4. The Government has taken over healthcare
5. Welfare recipients live better than we do
6. There really were WMDs in Iraq
7. The answer to our energy needs is to drill more oil
8. Those swirley lightbulbs are a plot for Government control
9. Teaching the ten commandments in schools will stop crime
10. The answer to high crime is more guns

Now, if you will only accept these "facts", your life on this board will be much easier and you will have rep heaped on you by the rightwing mob. Good luck
Thats the truth. This board is overrun w/ right-wing-nuts and their signing pledges :lol:

As opposed to the Leftists twits that agree to everything the Messiah demands..Tough shit you idiots are not the only people living in this nation ......don't like it leave.
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rdean.. why pay for abortions when we can pay for missiles to bomb Libya and put...uh..uh..who did you say is taking power in Libya again?

Even Lindsey Graham and John McCain said Obama saved lives by stopping Qaddafi from killing his own people. Besides, why do right wingers care so much about abortion? They don't care about the baby after it's born.

So you mean you don't KNOW who our bombs might put into power. Just say so then. And if a government killings it's own people is the criteria, when do U.S bombs start landing in Syria?

Who did Republican put into power in Iraq and Afghanistan? That's the mess they left for Obama.

Besides, I don't understand why you are supporting Qaddafi. He's not a good man.
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Oh, yeah.... the FOX News thing.... Sorry, that don't cut it with me. The truth is, you damned well know that abortions aren't being paid for with taxpayer money. So you choose to play dumb and scream "Fire in a movie theater" repeatedly in the hopes that more and more people will jump on your bandwagon. It's rumor spreading at it's finest... You figure that if people hear it enough times, they'll think it's true... the actual truth doesn't matter.

I went to and looked at it. It wasn't good enough for you. Too fuckin' bad.... however, that is what's mission is... to separate truth from lies, and as usual... you wingnuts are on the wrong side of the truth/lie equation.

I know you are new here, so I will cut you a break. Heres how it is.....Don't mess with rightwing dogma or the dogpile will come after you. Current dogma includes, but is not limited to:

1. The Government pays for abortions
2. There is no global warming
3. Cutting taxes makes jobs, boosts the economy and will pay for itself
4. The Government has taken over healthcare
5. Welfare recipients live better than we do
6. There really were WMDs in Iraq
7. The answer to our energy needs is to drill more oil
8. Those swirley lightbulbs are a plot for Government control
9. Teaching the ten commandments in schools will stop crime
10. The answer to high crime is more guns

Now, if you will only accept these "facts", your life on this board will be much easier and you will have rep heaped on you by the rightwing mob. Good luck

Well, I agree somewhat but we are talking politics and everyone has their dogma.
1. True in many instances
2. False
3. True is some instances and that is all that matters
4. False
5. They live how they want to live
6. War politics is almost apolitical
7. False as demand is the problem but more available oil lowers the price, short term solution only
8. False, good one there!!
9. Ditto #8!
10. Guns to do not cause crime. People do.

Fuck you.... You are the one giving the assertion that our money is paying for abortions. How about You do the legwork and PROVE it with unbiased sources.

Poor thing.. I've already provided the links and facts.. we're all waiting for you to show your own Meathead. LOL

Oh, yeah.... the FOX News thing.... Sorry, that don't cut it with me. The truth is, you damned well know that abortions aren't being paid for with taxpayer money. So you choose to play dumb and scream "Fire in a movie theater" repeatedly in the hopes that more and more people will jump on your bandwagon. It's rumor spreading at it's finest... You figure that if people hear it enough times, they'll think it's true... the actual truth doesn't matter.

I went to and looked at it. It wasn't good enough for you. Too fuckin' bad.... however, that is what's mission is... to separate truth from lies, and as usual... you wingnuts are on the wrong side of the truth/lie equation.

The smoking gun was Pennsylvania working on specific legislation to insure Obama can't fund abortions in their state. You all but conceded Planned Parenthood got everything paid for except the actual abortion procedure. Even contradicted yourself on what your tax dollars pay for. Let me hear you don't want Obama or your state pay for abortions.
Soooo, everything is on the table except rolling back the rich man's tax cuts? I love the way Canyousee me? Cantor plays the political game.

Uh. Moron. The Bush Tax Cuts applied to everyone. The amount for the Very Rich who make more than $200K per year is approximately 25% of the total "cost" (which is bogus as it's completely fictitious that tax cuts cost the government). 75% of the tax cuts went to those who are solidly middle class or lower.

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