Cantor's loss signals more infighting in Republican Party

HaHa they are splitting the party just like Nader always wants to try with the Dems but Dems aren't stupid enough to let him succeed by giving him power.

Repubs gave everything to the Teaparty and they willingly took it. Look at how they followed the Teaparty right into that government shutdown, denying extensions for unemployment, ALL of those ridiculous filibusters, wasting valueable time voting for overturning the ACA...

These new Republican leaders are insane.

Yeah in the age of Ignorance (aka Age of Liberalism), anyone who disputes statism is INSANE!

You are the poster child for the Death of America.
HaHa they are splitting the party just like Nader always wants to try with the Dems but Dems aren't stupid enough to let him succeed by giving him power.

Repubs gave everything to the Teaparty and they willingly took it. Look at how they followed the Teaparty right into that government shutdown, denying extensions for unemployment, ALL of those ridiculous filibusters, wasting valueable time voting for overturning the ACA...

These new Republican leaders are insane.

Were the founders of our nation insane? The founders and the teaparty have the same basic beliefs.

maybe you should move to north korea, that country follows the principles that you support.
Cantor was one of the GOP's insiders.

Some of you complaint that he was a D lite.


Still I doubt many of you who agree with above will have a clue what some of mean when we say

OBAMA is simply GOP-Lite. the difference between Canto and Obama is the difference between actors on a stage. They play roles to amuse those of you still too dense to see that there is but one party in power and it is neither LEFT NOR RIGHT, it is simply organized crime.​

One of these days you partisans (especially those of you who are angry at your own party) are going to realize that both these parties are gigantic lies foisted upon you.

true to a point, and that is why we see a "kick them all out" movement in many places. Its also why there are a lot of people demanding term limits for congress.

being in congress should not be a "career", it should be a short term sacrifice for your country and then you return to being a normal citizen after a few years. Thats what the founders envisioned and we need to return to that.

The career thing certainly applies to the House of Reps. They were supposed to be average Americans who stayed in office a short time.

Brat is the epitome of this. Because of this he will be demonized by the statists.
HaHa they are splitting the party just like Nader always wants to try with the Dems but Dems aren't stupid enough to let him succeed by giving him power.

Repubs gave everything to the Teaparty and they willingly took it. Look at how they followed the Teaparty right into that government shutdown, denying extensions for unemployment, ALL of those ridiculous filibusters, wasting valueable time voting for overturning the ACA...

These new Republican leaders are insane.

Were the founders of our nation insane? The founders and the teaparty have the same basic beliefs.

maybe you should move to north korea, that country follows the principles that you support.

The hold the same beliefs as Sarah Palin, Rush Limbaugh, Ted Cruz...

I see you're insane as well trying to tell me where to live, dopey.
HaHa they are splitting the party just like Nader always wants to try with the Dems but Dems aren't stupid enough to let him succeed by giving him power.

Repubs gave everything to the Teaparty and they willingly took it. Look at how they followed the Teaparty right into that government shutdown, denying extensions for unemployment, ALL of those ridiculous filibusters, wasting valueable time voting for overturning the ACA...

These new Republican leaders are insane.

Were the founders of our nation insane? The founders and the teaparty have the same basic beliefs.

maybe you should move to north korea, that country follows the principles that you support.

The hold the same beliefs as Sarah Palin, Rush Limbaugh, Ted Cruz...

I see you're insane as well trying to tell me where to live, dopey.

Palin, Limbaugh, and Cruz do share beliefs with the teaparty. What is it about individual freedom and responsibility that you object to?

I don't give a shit where you live and would not tell anyone where to live. I merely suggested that what you want govt to be is happening in north korea, so you might be happy there.
HaHa they are splitting the party just like Nader always wants to try with the Dems but Dems aren't stupid enough to let him succeed by giving him power.

Repubs gave everything to the Teaparty and they willingly took it. Look at how they followed the Teaparty right into that government shutdown, denying extensions for unemployment, ALL of those ridiculous filibusters, wasting valueable time voting for overturning the ACA...

These new Republican leaders are insane.

Were the founders of our nation insane? The founders and the teaparty have the same basic beliefs.

maybe you should move to north korea, that country follows the principles that you support.

Is it insane to demand an 18th century government for a 21st century superpower?

Why do you think we call them TeaTards?
Were the founders of our nation insane? The founders and the teaparty have the same basic beliefs.

maybe you should move to north korea, that country follows the principles that you support.

The hold the same beliefs as Sarah Palin, Rush Limbaugh, Ted Cruz...

I see you're insane as well trying to tell me where to live, dopey.

Palin, Limbaugh, and Cruz do share beliefs with the teaparty. What is it about individual freedom and responsibility that you object to?

I don't give a shit where you live and would not tell anyone where to live. I merely suggested that what you want govt to be is happening in north korea, so you might be happy there.

When was the last time a republican took responsibility for anything? Palin QUIT 1/2 way through her term shit-brains.
HaHa they are splitting the party just like Nader always wants to try with the Dems but Dems aren't stupid enough to let him succeed by giving him power.

Repubs gave everything to the Teaparty and they willingly took it. Look at how they followed the Teaparty right into that government shutdown, denying extensions for unemployment, ALL of those ridiculous filibusters, wasting valueable time voting for overturning the ACA...

These new Republican leaders are insane.

Were the founders of our nation insane? The founders and the teaparty have the same basic beliefs.

maybe you should move to north korea, that country follows the principles that you support.

Is it insane to demand an 18th century government for a 21st century superpower?

Why do you think we call them TeaTards?

you just don't get it. are the following 18th century principles: individual freedom, individual responsibiliy, low taxes, small federal govt, limited federal govt, states rights, sane fiscal policy, sane international policy, balanced budgets, sane immigration policy, following the law?

which of those do you find offensive?
Cantor was leading the charge for the GOP to become the party of the future. New ideas, new direction, new paradigm

The message has been sent that the base wants to continue being the Party of No

i wonder why this word, paradigm, is not pronounced para dig em, where did para dime come from ?

party of "NO" ?? that must be the dems.., right ? every good idea turned into a bill that was passed sent to senate Harry Fuckup Reid threw it in the round file..., ooooh ! for you low information libs, that means the shit can !! :lmao:
Were the founders of our nation insane? The founders and the teaparty have the same basic beliefs.

maybe you should move to north korea, that country follows the principles that you support.

Is it insane to demand an 18th century government for a 21st century superpower?

Why do you think we call them TeaTards?

you just don't get it. are the following 18th century principles: individual freedom, individual responsibiliy, low taxes, small federal govt, limited federal govt, states rights, sane fiscal policy, sane international policy, balanced budgets, sane immigration policy, following the law?

which of those do you find offensive?

The basic principles of liberty, freedom and form of government remain the same

What TeaTards object to is the right of todays "We the People" to decide on the size and scope of their own govenrnment
you party doesn't have to worry about infighting, they know they have a base who marches in lockstep with them, so they feel all warm and comfomfy they'll be sucking off taxpayers and be elected until they carry them out on a stretcher

most of them are so old they have a plastic surgeon on standby

but it's nice of to worry about the other party, too bad you don't worry about your own and how many are crooks, corrupted , liars, etc are in it
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For some Republicans looking at the next presidential campaign, however, Mr. Cantor’s defeat at the hands of an opponent who assailed him for being open to an immigration overhaul could have an even more damaging impact in the long run. Even as party officials debate how significant a factor immigration was in Virginia, the fear that addressing it could alienate the party base may prevent any action on immigration legislation in the next two years. That could leave Republican presidential contenders with a significant disadvantage as they face an increasingly diverse electorate in 2016.

WOW! Just when the GOP thought they had smashed the TP, oooops. The answer?


There is in fighting in the Republican Party. Good. It is needed. Tired of RINOs. They are weak. They should move to the Democrat side. Above all, not let Liberals or Democrats define what the Republican Party should be.

AMEN BROTHER ! i agree 101% :up:
The hold the same beliefs as Sarah Palin, Rush Limbaugh, Ted Cruz...

I see you're insane as well trying to tell me where to live, dopey.

Palin, Limbaugh, and Cruz do share beliefs with the teaparty. What is it about individual freedom and responsibility that you object to?

I don't give a shit where you live and would not tell anyone where to live. I merely suggested that what you want govt to be is happening in north korea, so you might be happy there.

When was the last time a republican took responsibility for anything? Palin QUIT 1/2 way through her term shit-brains.

and why did she quit ? shit 4 brains :lmao:
Is it insane to demand an 18th century government for a 21st century superpower?

Why do you think we call them TeaTards?

you just don't get it. are the following 18th century principles: individual freedom, individual responsibiliy, low taxes, small federal govt, limited federal govt, states rights, sane fiscal policy, sane international policy, balanced budgets, sane immigration policy, following the law?

which of those do you find offensive?

The basic principles of liberty, freedom and form of government remain the same

What TeaTards object to is the right of todays "We the People" to decide on the size and scope of their own govenrnment

you better fuckin agree with me when i am RIGHT.., this is a basic ground rule/ideal of the TEA NON-PARTY: "We the People" to decide on the size and scope of their own govenrnment<--------<<<< ha ha haaaaa, just for you>>>>>---------------> government spelling isn't your greatest achievement is it ? may i refer to you as...., ahhhh , hummm "LOW INFORMATION" from now on :lmao:

ooooh, one more thing,

you better fuckin agree with me when i am RIGHT.., this is a basic ground rule/ideal of the TEA NON-PARTY: "We the People" to decide on the size and scope of their own govenrnment<--------<<<< ha ha haaaaa, just for you>>>>>---------------> government spelling isn't your greatest achievement is it ? may i refer to you as...., ahhhh , hummm "LOW INFORMATION" from now on :lmao:

ooooh, one more thing,


poor winger.... WE THE PEOPLE DID DECIDE THE SIZE AND SCOPE OF OUR GOVERNMENT. We voted for PRESIDENT OBAMA TWICE, by more than 5 million votes

the wingers are about 20% of congress and want to derail everything "WE THE PEOPLE" did vote for.

thanks for playing.

now go wash your mouth out with soap.... since vulgarity seems to be all your type is good for.
I could walk around with a sign sayinG:


But it would do no good. No of the RWers would believe it. The GOP has allowed the TP to drag it so far to the right, there is no return. It is rather sad to see a once strong political party being dragged around by the nose.
you better fuckin agree with me when i am RIGHT.., this is a basic ground rule/ideal of the TEA NON-PARTY: "We the People" to decide on the size and scope of their own govenrnment<--------<<<< ha ha haaaaa, just for you>>>>>---------------> government spelling isn't your greatest achievement is it ? may i refer to you as...., ahhhh , hummm "LOW INFORMATION" from now on :lmao:

ooooh, one more thing,


poor winger.... WE THE PEOPLE DID DECIDE THE SIZE AND SCOPE OF OUR GOVERNMENT. We voted for PRESIDENT OBAMA TWICE, by more than 5 million votes

the wingers are about 20% of congress and want to derail everything "WE THE PEOPLE" did vote for.

thanks for playing.

now go wash your mouth out with soap.... since vulgarity seems to be all your type is good for.

still beating your chest like apes...humility is not your all strong suit and we lived through eight of you whining, bitching, nastiness with Bush, and it's worse under this ugly little man Obama who approvals are no better than Bushes did you really win?
First of all, no one celebrated the shutdown of 15% of the government lie

second, the teaparty did not do it, Obama did it, the teaparty minority in the house does not have the power to shut down anything. lie

third, Cantor was a dem in pub clothing lie

fourth, the teaparty principles are: follow the constitution, smaller less intrusive federal government, lower taxes, lower govt spending, individual freedom. along with sexists, racists, homophobes, social conservatives, neo-cons, psuedo-libertarians, anarcho-commies

You amuse me.

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