Cantor's loss signals more infighting in Republican Party

you better fuckin agree with me when i am RIGHT.., this is a basic ground rule/ideal of the TEA NON-PARTY: "We the People" to decide on the size and scope of their own govenrnment<--------<<<< ha ha haaaaa, just for you>>>>>---------------> government spelling isn't your greatest achievement is it ? may i refer to you as...., ahhhh , hummm "LOW INFORMATION" from now on :lmao:

ooooh, one more thing,


poor winger.... WE THE PEOPLE DID DECIDE THE SIZE AND SCOPE OF OUR GOVERNMENT. We voted for PRESIDENT OBAMA TWICE, by more than 5 million votes

the wingers are about 20% of congress and want to derail everything "WE THE PEOPLE" did vote for.
thanks for playing.

now go wash your mouth out with soap.... since vulgarity seems to be all your type is good for.

That is exactly what the Socialist Dem's did in the 1970's. :lol:
They are still 20% of Americans and control everything in this country.
Guess what? Social Dem's ideology is not working.
Cantor was leading the charge for the GOP to become the party of the future. New ideas, new direction, new paradigm

The message has been sent that the base wants to continue being the Party of No

David Brat is far more open minded than cantor. I like him.

He is educated. He's an economics professor.
Cantor was leading the charge for the GOP to become the party of the future. New ideas, new direction, new paradigm

The message has been sent that the base wants to continue being the Party of No

David Brat is far more open minded than cantor. I like him.

He is educated. He's an economics professor.

Everyone who Republican is an idiot, a loon, nutjob, etc to them they are so childish and all them Democrats are geniuses in their eyes...

now we see how we got Obama as President
Palin, Limbaugh, and Cruz do share beliefs with the teaparty. What is it about individual freedom and responsibility that you object to?

I don't give a shit where you live and would not tell anyone where to live. I merely suggested that what you want govt to be is happening in north korea, so you might be happy there.

When was the last time a republican took responsibility for anything? Palin QUIT 1/2 way through her term shit-brains.

and why did she quit ? :lmao:

She realized she could make more money serving hogwash. Bon apetit.
Cantor was leading the charge for the GOP to become the party of the future. New ideas, new direction, new paradigm

The message has been sent that the base wants to continue being the Party of No

David Brat is far more open minded than cantor. I like him.

He is educated. He's an economics professor.

Exactly what Rick Santorum (the #2 delegate recipient in the 2012 GOP primary) called a "snob". I like that he has zero pull, zero constituency, zero clout, zero backers on the Hill, and will be relegated to powerless back bench positions and that the GOP shot off another one of it's toes.

One would think that some day they would run out of either toes or bullets but as long as they are content with burying themselves, the dems should just keep handing them shovels.
Cantor was leading the charge for the GOP to become the party of the future. New ideas, new direction, new paradigm

The message has been sent that the base wants to continue being the Party of No

He was working for the chamber wanting more illegal immigrants, collusion with big business.
It's the best thing that could have happened to either party although the low information left probably doesn't understand it. Constituents sent a message to incumbent politicians that they are paying attention and it is shaking up the system.
Cantor was leading the charge for the GOP to become the party of the future. New ideas, new direction, new paradigm

The message has been sent that the base wants to continue being the Party of No

You have to be kidding,but your not. You are right about no,saying no to the continuation of policy's that got us to where we are.

It truly amazing people bubber endlessly about how broken DC is,but as soon as someone trys to make changes,they are labeled and demonized.Self destruction is a very interesting thing.
Cantor was leading the charge for the GOP to become the party of the future. New ideas, new direction, new paradigm

The message has been sent that the base wants to continue being the Party of No

Speaking of DUPES who merely parrot whatever the mainstream tells him.:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

Point out the vision of the future being proposed by the TeaTards?

The TP sees a future of the return of Jim Crow and the repeal of the 19th amendment to the US Constitution. Then and only then will they be free to "be themselves."

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