Capitalism Dreamcatcher


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Here's a mock discussion between Shiva (Hindu god of destruction) and two hypothetical Devil's Advocates named Deformer (a supporter of nihilism) and Deranger (a supporter of Marxism) about capitalism dogma.

Signing off,



SHIVA: Why do you despise capitalism?
DEFORMER: Competitive systems always lead to profiteerism.

SHIVA: Are you an adversary of the European Union?
DERANGER: I do not trust commercial treaties.

SHIVA: What do you think of Facebook?
DEFORMER: I'm not opposed to photography-folklore.

SHIVA: Are you suspicious of comic book media?
DERANGER: I like Captain America (Marvel Comics).

SHIVA: When is terrorism justified?
DEFORMER: Terrorism is useful for free-speech.

SHIVA: Would you endorse profit-sharing networks?
DERANGER: I would endorse the vitality of the World Bank only.

SHIVA: I like Choose-Your-Own-Adventure novels...
DEFORMER: Self-determined fantasies are always comforting!

SHIVA: What do you think of the A.I. avatar Scorponok (a warrior-robot symbolizing cunning)?
DERANGER: Stealth is a reality of nature...

SHIVA: What if Captain America became evil?
DEFORMER: I would hope Spider-Man could save him!

SHIVA: What's the difference between genetic engineering and A.I. empires?
DERANGER: I think it's a question of resource preferences (e.g., OPEC vs. Wall Street).

SHIVA: Would you be interested in a story about Captain America saving the World Bank?
DEFORMER: I think a 'tale' about an idealistic 'hero' such as Captain America salvaging capitalism is neat.

SHIVA: What's your opinion of nuclear warfare (e.g., North Korea)?
DERANGER: Unusual weapons represent the instinct to dominate...



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