Capitalism for Dummies

May 12, 2011
[ame=]YouTube - ‪Stick Figure Logic: The Truth About Capitalism.flv‬‏[/ame]

Dumbfvcking Liberal Socialists
As Minister of Agitprop, I must say that's not bad propaganda. Stupid enough to work but not so obviously such that idiots like the OP will realize how stupid they are for buying it. I doubt the Op even realized that 'that you and me buy' means that the system only works if the working class is guaranteed a level of pay that enables them to feed the machine. I also love how they ignore how Gates got so many ideas [stealing them] and leave out the way he crushes capitalist competition in such a way that the OP never thinks to question it.

Pretty good propaganda. Whoever made it should get a cookie.
As Minister of Agitprop, I must say that's not bad propaganda. Stupid enough to work but not so obviously such that idiots like the OP will realize how stupid they are for buying it. I doubt the Op even realized that 'that you and me buy' means that the system only works if the working class is guaranteed a level of pay that enables them to feed the machine. I also love how they ignore how Gates got so many ideas [stealing them] and leave out the way he crushes capitalist competition in such a way that the OP never thinks to question it.

Pretty good propaganda. Whoever made it should get a cookie.

What an idiot.

'that you and me buy' means that the system only works if the working class is guaranteed a level of pay that enables them to feed the machine.

How do you think Gates got rich? You and I do have enough money to buy his product. Who here does not have an apple product? Or use itunes? Or something similar?

If you libs would quit trying to fix a system that is not broke it would have already fixed itself. It is Obama's "War on Wealth" that is the problem. Bail-outs are the problem. Socialism is the problem. Liberals are the problem.

Why do you think America has more millionaires than any other country?

1 United States 2,886,200
2 Japan 1,650,000
3 Germany 861,500
4 China 477,400
5 United Kingdom 383,000
6 France 280,000
7 Canada 251,300
8 Switzerland 222,000
9 Italy 179,000
10 Australia 173,600
11 Brazil 146,700
12 Spain 143,000
13 India 139,835
14 Russia 117,700
15 Mexico 70,000
16 Israel 8,419
17 Norway 54,810

The America Dream is real, but is not guaranteed. You bitch ass welfare punk will have to work for it.

FYI - You will never get rich working for someone else. You need a product and you need to market it. Low on cash? Start out on ebay. You can even keep your day job.

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It is not a coincidence that countries with no private property rights are all basket cases.

Yet people keep making the same mistake.
Lesson two for you Socialist Democrats

[ame=]YouTube - ‪The Truth About Hyperinflation (Stick Figure Logic)‬‏[/ame]
Those complaining about Capitalism are either too stupid to capitalize on it or know when they already have.
As Minister of Agitprop, I must say that's not bad propaganda. Stupid enough to work but not so obviously such that idiots like the OP will realize how stupid they are for buying it. I doubt the Op even realized that 'that you and me buy' means that the system only works if the working class is guaranteed a level of pay that enables them to feed the machine. I also love how they ignore how Gates got so many ideas [stealing them] and leave out the way he crushes capitalist competition in such a way that the OP never thinks to question it.

Pretty good propaganda. Whoever made it should get a cookie.

Should not the working class rise to their own level of pay based on their abilities?

And if that "working class" must rely on guarantees - is that in itself not socialism?

Gates was no different from Walt Disney. If you can dream it, you can do it.
If you have no dreams of success, then be successful in your work for those that do.

And quit your motherfucking bitching.
Should not the working class rise to their own level of pay based on their abilities?

Who in this thread said they shouldn't be hired get raises based on their merits?
And if that "working class" must rely on guarantees - is that in itself not socialism?

And? Do you know what life was like for the working class before the minimum wage, workplace safety standards, and other socialist reforms?

Gates was no different from Walt Disney. If you can dream it, you can do it.
Disney, too, stole is flagship product.
Should not the working class rise to their own level of pay based on their abilities?

Who in this thread said they shouldn't be hired get raises based on their merits?
And if that "working class" must rely on guarantees - is that in itself not socialism?

And? Do you know what life was like for the working class before the minimum wage, workplace safety standards, and other socialist reforms?

Gates was no different from Walt Disney. If you can dream it, you can do it.
Disney, too, stole is flagship product.

... the system only works if the working class is guaranteed a level of pay that enables them to feed the machine.
Merits without guarantees. That means stand on your own two feet. A quality that is sorely lacking these days.

This is the 21st century. Not life before minimum wage.

Disney, Gates? And what did Edison take from Tesla? Capitalism? Because Tesla was a dummy?
As Minister of Agitprop, I must say that's not bad propaganda. Stupid enough to work but not so obviously such that idiots like the OP will realize how stupid they are for buying it. I doubt the Op even realized that 'that you and me buy' means that the system only works if the working class is guaranteed a level of pay that enables them to feed the machine. I also love how they ignore how Gates got so many ideas [stealing them] and leave out the way he crushes capitalist competition in such a way that the OP never thinks to question it.

Pretty good propaganda. Whoever made it should get a cookie.

What an idiot.

'that you and me buy' means that the system only works if the working class is guaranteed a level of pay that enables them to feed the machine.

How do you think Gates got rich? You and I do have enough money to buy his product. Who here does not have an apple product? Or use itunes? Or something similar?

If you libs would quit trying to fix a system that is not broke it would have already fixed itself. It is Obama's "War on Wealth" that is the problem. Bail-outs are the problem. Socialism is the problem. Liberals are the problem.

Why do you think America has more millionaires than any other country?

1 United States 2,886,200
2 Japan 1,650,000
3 Germany 861,500
4 China 477,400
5 United Kingdom 383,000
6 France 280,000
7 Canada 251,300
8 Switzerland 222,000
9 Italy 179,000
10 Australia 173,600
11 Brazil 146,700
12 Spain 143,000
13 India 139,835
14 Russia 117,700
15 Mexico 70,000
16 Israel 8,419
17 Norway 54,810

The America Dream is real, but is not guaranteed. You bitch ass welfare punk will have to work for it.

FYI - You will never get rich working for someone else. You need a product and you need to market it. Low on cash? Start out on ebay. You can even keep your day job.


So based on population, Germany and Japan have more millionaires per capita than the US. Got it.
Capitalism is a very good system -- provided its innate tendency for runaway exploitation is controlled by the kind of socialist regulations put in place by the New Deal and the Union Movement. Those controls operated to facilitate the most productive and prosperous four decades in our history, 1947 to 1987, which ended when Ronald Reagan, the grade-B movie actor and dimwitted tool of an emerging corporatocracy, began removing the socialist controls thus commencing the disassembly of the Middle Class and directing the flow of our Nation's wealth in the direction of a small number of unconstrained capitalists.

The problem with unconstrained capitalism is it inevitably evolves into fascism, signs of which are already beginning to manifest in America.
As Minister of Agitprop, I must say that's not bad propaganda. Stupid enough to work but not so obviously such that idiots like the OP will realize how stupid they are for buying it. I doubt the Op even realized that 'that you and me buy' means that the system only works if the working class is guaranteed a level of pay that enables them to feed the machine. I also love how they ignore how Gates got so many ideas [stealing them] and leave out the way he crushes capitalist competition in such a way that the OP never thinks to question it.

Pretty good propaganda. Whoever made it should get a cookie.

What an idiot.

'that you and me buy' means that the system only works if the working class is guaranteed a level of pay that enables them to feed the machine.

How do you think Gates got rich? You and I do have enough money to buy his product. Who here does not have an apple product? Or use itunes? Or something similar?

If you libs would quit trying to fix a system that is not broke it would have already fixed itself. It is Obama's "War on Wealth" that is the problem. Bail-outs are the problem. Socialism is the problem. Liberals are the problem.

Why do you think America has more millionaires than any other country?

1 United States 2,886,200
2 Japan 1,650,000
3 Germany 861,500
4 China 477,400
5 United Kingdom 383,000
6 France 280,000
7 Canada 251,300
8 Switzerland 222,000
9 Italy 179,000
10 Australia 173,600
11 Brazil 146,700
12 Spain 143,000
13 India 139,835
14 Russia 117,700
15 Mexico 70,000
16 Israel 8,419
17 Norway 54,810

The America Dream is real, but is not guaranteed. You bitch ass welfare punk will have to work for it.

FYI - You will never get rich working for someone else. You need a product and you need to market it. Low on cash? Start out on ebay. You can even keep your day job.


So based on population, Germany and Japan have more millionaires per capita than the US. Got it.

Sure move to Germany where the average income is $23,500 vs. the U.S.A. at $33,500 or move to Japan where the cost of living is nearly double, but the average income is only $35,500. In addition, the Japanese have a different work ethic. One that is one not shared by our lazy Democrat Welfare bums. Perhaps some of them could be Millionaires and increase our $$$ per capita if they would only get off the couch.

Again, they opportunity is there, but you have to be willing to work for it. Why do you think people are sneaking across our borders and not the other way around?

The cost of living is much higher in other places in the world. We don't even make the list until #15 with NYC.

Highest Cost of Living Cities In The World

1. Moscow, Russia
2. London, United Kingdom
3. Seoul, South Korea
4. Tokyo, Japan
5. Hong Kong, China
6. Copenhagen, Denmark
7. Geneva, Switzerland
8. Osaka, Japan
9. Zurich, Switzerland
10. Oslo, Norway
11. Milan, Italy
12. St. Petersburg, Russia
13. Paris, France
14. Singapore, Republic of Singapore
15. New York City, United States
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Capitalism is a very good system -- provided its innate tendency for runaway exploitation is controlled by the kind of socialist regulations put in place by the New Deal and the Union Movement. Those controls operated to facilitate the most productive and prosperous four decades in our history, 1947 to 1987, which ended when Ronald Reagan, the grade-B movie actor and dimwitted tool of an emerging corporatocracy, began removing the socialist controls thus commencing the disassembly of the Middle Class and directing the flow of our Nation's wealth in the direction of a small number of unconstrained capitalists.

The problem with unconstrained capitalism is it inevitably evolves into fascism, signs of which are already beginning to manifest in America.

Socialism is great for the lazy, sick, elderly and/or stupid. You sound like the latter. Socialism has failed everywhere throughout history and it is failing here. Have you forgotten we are in the middle of bailing out half of Socialist Europe?

Regarding The New Deal: FDR made it more expensive for employers to hire people. He forced above market wages, introduced excise taxes on payrolls and promoted unionism. The "New Deal" increased the costs of employing people about 25% and this resulted in double digit unemployment.

The goal of the New Deal was to create work for people. It had the opposite effect. Folks were actually working less under FDRs "New Deal" era than before he took office. Total hours worked per adult, including government employees, were 18% below their 1929 level between 1930-32 and were 23% lower on average during the New Deal era from 1933 to 1939. Private hours worked were even lower after FDR took office, averaging 27% below their 1929 level, compared to 18% lower between in 1930-32. Unemployment went up under FDR instead of down. At its worst, unemployment was around 18%. FDR was a failure. Had it not been for the WWII final creating factory jobs the Great Depression would have lasted much longer.
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Socialism is great for the lazy, sick, elderly and/or stupid. You sound like the latter.
That you open your response with a personal insult says all that anyone with reasonable intelligence needs to know about you.

Socialism has failed everywhere throughout history and it is failing here. Have you forgotten we are in the middle of bailing out half of Socialist Europe?
I'm sure you believe all that hype because it is precisely the kind of disinformation pumped into the brains of right-wing acolytes by such propagandists as Limbaugh, Hannity and Beck. But the fact is those countries whose citizens are most content ("happiest") are socialist -- Denmark being the outstanding example. (We don't find too many Danes, Swedes, etc., sneaking into the U.S.)


The World's Happiest Places
by Lauren Sherman, Forbes Magazine, 05.05.09, 06:00 PM EDT

A new report reveals where people feel most positive about their lives.

According to a new report released by the Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD), a Paris-based group of 30 countries with democratic governments that provides economic and social statistics and data, happiness levels are highest in northern European countries.

Denmark, Finland and the Netherlands rated at the top of the list, ranking first, second and third, respectively. Outside Europe, New Zealand and Canada landed at Nos. 8 and 6, respectively. The U.S. did not crack the top 10. Switzerland placed seventh and Belgium placed tenth.

World's Happiest Places -

But I'm sure you won't believe that, either.

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