Capitalism is NOT Democratic: Democracy is NOT Capitalist

Yeah, Venezuela and Cuba are much better off with their collective bullshit. Russia and NoKo too. The waiting line for Americans waiting to go to those four countries must stretch for miles.
The superior countries are those with demosocialism implemented. That means Germany, France, Sweden, Netherlands, Japan, Israel, Australia, NZ, Canada, Spain, Denmark, etc.

The USA is a 2nd-world craphole thanks to Reaganomics.
Capitalism is what allowed our country to develop into the greatest country in the world. Central planning would have sentenced us to a perpetual state of poverty, shortages, distrust, no freedom and a total dependence on government followed by economic collapse and chaos. You people who would rather be a part of the "collective" should pick one of those great Marxist destinations and go there. It'll be good for your head.
The same capitalist-propaganda lies.

The advanced countries with the best living standards today are demosocialist, not laissez-faire capitalist/feudal like the USA, not "Communist" like Venezuela or NK. Nope, the best countries are Germany, France, New Zealand, Canada, Spain, UK, etc.

Demosocialism works. Reaganomics has trashed the USA into the 2nd world and we will continue to decline until we get some real Democratic policies implemented to replace all this quasi-fascist QOP crap.
Capitalism is what made America the greatest most powerful nation of all time. PERIOD!!
And so... given the history of the USA, you must include in the definition of "capitalist" extensive slavery and genocide of indigenous people. Yeah, that all made us quite rich.

I could be rich by robbing a bank, or I could work hard. See the difference? Apparently not.
Capitalism did not "create" slavery as a thing, long ago in ancient times...

But capitalism definitely was the motive force behind USA's slavery. Without any govt regulation, that is what capitalism is---a slave system.

The desire to make money is not the same thing as capitalism. Are you actually implying that capitalism is nothing more than the desire to make money?

By the way, shit for brains, slavery laws are regulations. Slavery and capitalism are mutually exclusive.
And so... given the history of the USA, you must include in the definition of "capitalist" extensive slavery and genocide of indigenous people. Yeah, that all made us quite rich.

I could be rich by robbing a bank, or I could work hard. See the difference? Apparently not.
Only morons like you believe that.
All your economic fictions are childish. You have no idea how finance works, and the bubbles just began to inflate later, starting with the dot-com bubble.
The dollar is the world's reserve currency, its inflation does not depend on the US economy
Roughly speaking, without going into details, the dollar depreciates when the United States is in the shit and ceases to be a global autority ority, as is now happening when the left has seized power and purposefully destroys the United States.
It is corporatist, and that was enabled by Reagan's demented policies.

I'm using Ron Paul's word, "corporatist", though I'm a progressive Democrat. But Paul was right about that.
Reagan died a long time ago.....bring your thinking into current times....
"The bodies of the enslaved served as America’s largest financial asset, and they were forced to maintain America’s most exported commodity. In 60 years, from 1801 to 1862, the amount of cotton picked daily by an enslaved person increased 400 percent.

"The profits from cotton propelled the US into a position as one of the leading economies in the world, and made the South its most prosperous region.

"The ownership of enslaved people increased wealth for Southern planters so much that by the dawn of the Civil War, the Mississippi River Valley had more millionaires per capita than any other region."

How slavery became America’s first big business
slavery existed long before the united states existed. Long before Adam Smith wrote Wealth of Nations…

leftist theory, such as socialism, promotes slavery. The fact that an individual has no ability to own anything, the product of their labor…is slavery

Capitalism promotes private, individual, ownership…the ability to make choice, that’s the opposite of slavery
Do you see crypto as an improvement?

"Perhaps it’s no surprise that China is likely to become the first major economy with a digital legal tender."

Should cryptocurrency be legal tender? 44% of financial institutions say yes - Ledger Insights - enterprise blockchain

"Perhaps it’s no surprise that China is likely to become the first major economy with a digital legal tender."

According to a Q&A on its website, the PBOC said that all crypto-related activities are illegal in China, including services like offering trading of digital assets, order matching, token issuance and derivatives. In addition, overseas crypto exchanges providing services in mainland China are also illegal, the PBOC said.

If liberty and equality are chiefly to be found in democracy, they will be best attained when all persons alike share in government to the utmost.--Aristotle
Yes, in a world of tyrants and dictators and the corrupt, capitalism being the only force for good, is easily accused of being the culprit. Certainly in your eyes, the eyes of those who relish tyranny, capitalism is what the bad must fight against.
"Capitalism as we know it has two egregious flaws: it relentlessly widens inequality and destroys nature.

"Its ‘invisible hand,’ which is supposed to transform individual self-seeking into widely shared well-being, too often doesn’t, and governments can’t keep up with the consequences.

"For billions of people around the world, the challenge of our era is to repair or replace capitalism before its cumulative harms become irreparable."

Capitalism's Core Problem: The Case for Universal Property
"Capitalism as we know it has two egregious flaws: it relentlessly widens inequality and destroys nature.
uh, no.

without capitalism you are still working for the king, on the king's land. Equality means nothing in the King's kingdom.

Destroys nature? Now you are simply talking out your ass.
"Its ‘invisible hand,’ which is supposed to transform individual self-seeking into widely shared well-being, too often doesn’t, and governments can’t keep up with the consequences.
Government is what destroys capitalism, and what man creates for himself. My work is my property, my labor is not the property of government, which is what you advocate.

Consequences, how about getting off you high horse and quit looking down your nose at the people you are no better than. You can be a man and state what you believe the consequences to be, instead of talking like you sit at the right hand of the king.
"Capitalism as we know it has two egregious flaws: it relentlessly widens inequality and destroys nature.

"Its ‘invisible hand,’ which is supposed to transform individual self-seeking into widely shared well-being, too often doesn’t, and governments can’t keep up with the consequences.

"For billions of people around the world, the challenge of our era is to repair or replace capitalism before its cumulative harms become irreparable."

Capitalism's Core Problem: The Case for Universal Property

it relentlessly widens inequality

If you have no skills, why should you enjoy equality?

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