Capitalism is NOT Democratic: Democracy is NOT Capitalist

Considering what I have read as to your attitudes towards the Jewish state, you would have embraced his message thoroughly.
I believe Hitler's abuse of Jews, Roma, and other "racial inferiors" is being mirrored in Israel's current abuse of non-Jews in Palestine. It's likely another example of the abused child growing up to become an abuser him/her self.

Jewish Voice for Peace | Justice • Equality • Dignity
Some economic historians believe the US virtually ensured WWII when it required its WWI allies to repay their loans. Prior to that conflict, it was traditional for allies to forgive the loans that helped win their victory. When the UK and France had to repay Wall Street, the Germans paid the price.

Germany's Choice | Michael Hudson

"The reality since World War I is that the United States has taken the lead in shaping the international financial system to promote gains for its own bankers, farm exporters, its oil and gas sector, and buyers of foreign resources – and most of all, to collect on debts owed to it."
"it was traditional for allies to forgive the loans that helped win their victory."

Is it? I'm not aware of any such thing prior to WW I
It depends how many people are running for office
The biggest deciding factor in winning public office is running as a Republican or Democrat in spite of the occasional exception "Independent" office holder. Winning a major party primary usually requires appealing to wealthy donors for campaign funds. It's the "best government money can buy."
The biggest deciding factor in winning public office is running as a Republican or Democrat in spite of the occasional exception "Independent" office holder. Winning a major party primary usually requires appealing to wealthy donors for campaign funds. It's the "best government money can buy."
Yet, you still worship democracy.
What is "corporate capitalism" and how is it different then capitalism? and what's a "corporate democrat?"
Modern Capitalism: Mergers and Syndicates

"In social science and economics, corporate capitalism is a capitalist marketplace characterized by the dominance of hierarchical and bureaucratic corporations."
Corporate capitalism - Wikipedia

Corporate Democrats depend on rich donors to fund their campaigns and retirements. Over the past forty years the FIRE sector capitalists (finance, insurance, real estate) have become the dominant specie of corporate capitalists.
why woudn't they mind their stocks and investments? They aren't all that productive if they are laid off....they are actually the that's why they should be spending their time wisely, like managing their investments....IRA, 401Ks, pensions, are all investments worth managing
The vast majority of productive Americans have no reason to contribute to increasing wealth inequality, do they?

  • "The wealthiest 10% of American households now own 89% of all U.S. stocks, a record high that highlights the stock market’s role in increasing wealth inequality.
  • The top 1% gained over $6.5 trillion in corporate equities and mutual fund wealth during the pandemic, according to the latest data from the Federal Reserve.
  • The bottom 90% of Americans held about 11% of stocks, and added $1.2 trillion in wealth during the Covid-19 pandemic."
The wealthiest 10% of Americans own a record 89% of all U.S. stocks
The vast majority of productive Americans have no reason to contribute to increasing wealth inequality, do they?

  • "The wealthiest 10% of American households now own 89% of all U.S. stocks, a record high that highlights the stock market’s role in increasing wealth inequality.
  • The top 1% gained over $6.5 trillion in corporate equities and mutual fund wealth during the pandemic, according to the latest data from the Federal Reserve.
  • The bottom 90% of Americans held about 11% of stocks, and added $1.2 trillion in wealth during the Covid-19 pandemic."
The wealthiest 10% of Americans own a record 89% of all U.S. stocks
So we're all getting wealthier. You're just envious of those who are getting wealthy faster.

Is that about right?
You want the economy to be run "democratically". That covers pretty much everything.
I want public stakeholders including workers, customers, suppliers, neighbors and the broader public to run the economy; why don't you explain why you believe corporate managers and corporate shareholders should continue to corrupt political democracy by giving the richest Americans a bigger and bigger share of the pie?
I want public stakeholders including workers, customers, suppliers, neighbors and the broader public to run the economy;
They already do. Voluntarily and collaboratively. What you want is majority rule, right?
why don't you explain why you believe corporate managers and corporate shareholders should continue to corrupt political democracy by giving the richest Americans a bigger and bigger share of the pie?
Because I don't believe that.
Political democracy can't exist without a free market. That's part of what is causing the US to unravel.
Doers Singapore have a "free" market?
How's democracy faring there?
Capitalism's only concern is maximizing profits, so it's conception of a "free market" is one that's free of any respect for human rights.
I agree; however, when wages stagnate over forty years while asset prices continue to inflate, debt is no longer voluntary for millions of Americans.
Yep. It's vital that we remove government's power to devalue currency. Let's hope bitcoin works.
I want public stakeholders including workers, customers, suppliers, neighbors and the broader public to run the economy; why don't you explain why you believe corporate managers and corporate shareholders should continue to corrupt political democracy by giving the richest Americans a bigger and bigger share of the pie?
"Public stakeholders" is a prog term meaning people with no money at stake.

They made the pie, asshole.

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