Capitalism is NOT Democratic: Democracy is NOT Capitalist

not sure what you are talking about

only stupid people would vote for hyperinflation xiden
Don the Con is a corrupt crony-capitalist who cut out venal middlemen/women like Biden and Clinton (along with Bush I and II and Obama, etc, etc.

Anyone who voted for any of the above named corporate hacks is missing the picture.


"Class warfare has taken place in the USA, and the wealth owning classes won.

"20% of the overall US tax burden was shifted from the corporations largely owned by the wealthy onto working people.

"The tax haven assault was not only on the right of government to tax, it was also on the people of the world.

"As corporate profits have risen - and they have - corporate tax revenues have fallen..."

Biden’s tax plan is about tackling the class warfare of the US elite
Bum checks would reduce tax revenue.
All those millions of persons are not paying taxes now; you can't complain about it if you are unwilling to solve the problem by merely promoting and providing for the general welfare. We could be generating billions from simple, general taxes through that form of full employment of capital resources in our market based economy.

Even just One percent from all those persons having around 30k to spend in our market economy would be the difference.
It's fiat currency. The state controls how much it's worth. They use that power to devalue currency so bankers can make money and the state can steal from the population without them realizing it.
Fiat money - Wikipedia

"Fiat money is a type of money that is not backed by any commodity such as gold or silver, and derives its value solely from the trust that people place on it.

"Throughout history, fiat money was sometimes issued by local banks and other institutions. In modern times, fiat money is generally established by government regulation."

Would you prefer fiat currency supplied by Wall Street banks or other private monopolies?

Facebook-backed Diem aims to launch digital currency pilot later this year
How many billions does Xi have?
"To try to understand what has made Xi Jinping the leader he is today you have to take a look at his background.

"His father, Xi Zhongxun, was a Communist Party war hero, known as a moderate, who was later purged and imprisoned in the Mao era.

"At the time Mr Xi's mother was forced to denounce his father.

"After his father's official rehabilitation in 1978, he pushed for economic liberalisation in Guangdong Province and reportedly defended one of China's most progressive leaders Hu Yaobang.

"Given the persecution of Mr Xi's father at the hands of Communist Party zealots, given his father's inclination towards reform, many have asked why Xi Jinping now seems to be taking the Party in a direction which would appear to be at odds with his father's beliefs?"

Changing China: Xi Jinping's effort to return to socialism
Because rich capitalists don't have the power to coerce people into doing what they want. If they do something stupid with Bitcoin, we'd just stop buying it and invest in something else. And the rich capitalists wouldn't be rich capitalists anymore.
Should the US follow in El Salvador's Bitcoin footsteps?

Factbox: Pros and cons for El Salvador, the first bitcoin nation

"SAN SALVADOR, Sept 7 (Reuters) - El Salvador will on Tuesday become the first country in the world to recognize bitcoin as legal tender, a move President Nayib Bukele says will save Salvadorans living abroad millions of dollars in commissions on money they send home."
Should the US follow in El Salvador's Bitcoin footsteps?

Factbox: Pros and cons for El Salvador, the first bitcoin nation

"SAN SALVADOR, Sept 7 (Reuters) - El Salvador will on Tuesday become the first country in the world to recognize bitcoin as legal tender, a move President Nayib Bukele says will save Salvadorans living abroad millions of dollars in commissions on money they send home."
The US should go back to free banking. Then banks could choose whatever form of tender they like, which would undoubtedly be the gold backed notes.
they aren’t unequal…employees can become owners….they are equally free to obtain whatever they want

socialism makes people equally slaves to the state. But not free to actually own the fruits of their own labor.
This is the Socialism we are talking about:

The Citizens of each State shall be entitled to all Privileges and Immunities of Citizens in the several States.

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