Capitol Attack Panel Obtains PowerPoint That Set Out Plan For trump To Stage Coup

democrats ald libr

So, 9/10ths of all the civil unrest and Democratic sponsored/supported race riots all the damage they did, that doesn't merit any investigation of any kind? Hmm.

It's not like some wingnuts haven't been caught trying to stir up trouble either.

But rioting in the streets is bad enough, rioting in an attempt to overturn election results is something else altogether. We look like a bunch of ridiculous buffoons on the national stage. I wouldn't be surprised if even to this day some countries are afraid to share intelligence with us just in case you wackos ever get back in charge.
Actually it had everything to do with it......on one hand the Dems were claiming that burning down car dealerships is mostly peacefull protests..

Really? That's quite a claim. Please quote who said burning down car dealerships was a peaceful protest. I'd really like to see that.

..whereas showing up to protest a stolen election is overturning Democracy and an insurrection.

Really? Again multiple court cases dropped either through standing, not coming with enough evidence to demonstrate fraud or in some cases Trump's lawyers insisting in court they are not even claiming fraud yet they tell you guys something different.

It was an insurrection, the votes were certified and the only thing left for Congress to do was count them.

Democrats wanted to make sure that their opponents wouldn't be allowed to do what they were paying criminals to do for them all over the country....even thou it says in the constitution that they have every right to do it in the peaceful manner it started out to be. Then the DNC told their Capital thugs to shoot teargas canisters into these peaceful Trump supporters right when they were fixing to leave.
Yes, that massive multi-state conspiracy where the only voter fraud found to date has been by Republicans. Not enough to turn an election but not a single Democrat has been proven to have done anything wrong. In the meantime "Hang Mike Pence". Fuck you.
democrats ald libr

So, 9/10ths of all the civil unrest and Democratic sponsored/supported race riots all the damage they did, that doesn't merit any investigation of any kind? But just that ONE day by that ONE specific group above all else merits this much attention? Explain that to me.
You want to investigate George Soros, right Ace?
Yet the article says they wanted to do just thinking about it is enough for the House Democrats to file articles for impeachment.

Who are "they"? Also there's no one in office to impeach.

Yep, Meadows must have gotten it from the Russians.

Meadows has friends.

The Russians explained to them how it's done.

July 5 2018
Eight members of Congress, all Republicans, spent America's Independence Day in Russia.

Seven senators — John Kennedy (R-LA), Richard Shelby (R-AL), Steve Daines (R-MT), John Hoeven (R-ND), John Thune (R-SD), Jerry Moran (R-KS), and Ron Johnson (R-WI) — and one House member, Kay Granger (R-TX), are all in Moscow over the Fourth of July holiday this week for talks with Russian lawmakers and officials.

It's now clearer than ever: the GOP party line is to support Trump no matter what, and to look the other way as Russia actively tries to destroy American democracy.


Which new name should we give Trump, like your Let's go Brandon logo?



Any ideas?
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The fraudulent votes for Biden should be thrown out.
The illegal ballots already were thrown out of the counts for both Biden and Trump, it's part of the election process.

Unverified registered voters, non signature matched ballots, late return ballots etc.....thousands were rejected ballots not counted in all the states election results... It's a process part of elections, categorized, then by the number in all the different rejection types, in every state.
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democrats ald libr

So, 9/10ths of all the civil unrest and Democratic sponsored/supported race riots all the damage they did, that doesn't merit any investigation of any kind? But just that ONE day by that ONE specific group above all else merits this much attention? Explain that to me.

Answer this question, what was their goal on 1-6?
Ok, help me out here. This guy worked for Trump in the White House. He was one of Trump’s confidants, one of his advisors. Yet, now he’s a lying jackass because he is saying what you don’t want to hear?

When he was saying Trump was awesome, you guys thought he was great. Now, he’s a douche because he turned on Trump. Get real gang.
So democrats can get away with burning down and terrorizing for a year. But on one specific day for a few hours, people fight back and shazzam shazam, its worse than the big bang and 9/11? Because democrats say so...Excuse me but no...
They didn't 'get away' with anything.
More than 12,000 people were arrested.

Trumptards didn't want anyone arrested, let alone charged, for the attempted coup on the US government.
Really? That's quite a claim. Please quote who said burning down car dealerships was a peaceful protest. I'd really like to see that.

Really? Again multiple court cases dropped either through standing, not coming with enough evidence to demonstrate fraud or in some cases Trump's lawyers insisting in court they are not even claiming fraud yet they tell you guys something different.

It was an insurrection, the votes were certified and the only thing left for Congress to do was count them.

Yes, that massive multi-state conspiracy where the only voter fraud found to date has been by Republicans. Not enough to turn an election but not a single Democrat has been proven to have done anything wrong. In the meantime "Hang Mike Pence". Fuck you.
Boy are you full of shit. "LET'S GO BRANDON" is a prime example of the media trying to lie to us. Claiming that the chants they were hearing "FUCK JOE BIDEN" was really "LET'S GO BRANDON".
You actually feel you can get away with believing everything that CNN and MSNBC tells you after Russian Collusion and everything else they've lied to us about?
  • Jussie Smollet propped up like a victim for months only to discover that he planned the attack with the help of Don Lemon text msgs, and now has been convicted of it....yet they still want to support him?
  • Claiming that border agents on horseback were using bull whips on invading border-crossers only to discover that they used a picture of a border agent's stirrups flying thru the air to make the false claim it was a whip?
  • Capital police let a few protesters into the Capital building so they could shoot tear gas at them and stage a false-flag riot, yet you bought it like an idiot.
  • CNN claimed that it's an insurrection simply by showing live coverage of the protesters peaceably filing thru roped off areas.
  • The Press claiming that 5 people were killed only to discover that is was all a lie, that the only people killed were murdered by Capital Police. (Two unarmed female protesters. We have video evidence of both murders)
  • Claiming that there is no evidence of election fraud only because none has been allowed to see the light of day in court, thanks to crooked judges and armies of lawyers paid by the DNC.
  • Discovering that Georgia destroyed votes by the thousands to prevent discovery in any possible audit. Box after box of ballots that inspectors found were filled with blank forms.
  • Vote counters wearing Black Lives Matter apparel which is against the law.
  • Vote counters refusing to allow GOP poll observers to see the vote counting by using blinds and keeping them a safe distance so they cannot see what is really going on.
  • Poll workers claiming the counting was competed, then sending GOP poll observers home, and then restarting counting after they were gone.
  • Using COVID as an excuse to throw GOP poll observers out of the building during counting.
Here's more proof of election fraud by Democrats. Not allowing GOP poll observers in the building in Detroit. long as you keep your fucking head up your ass you can never admit that Biden had the most massive election fraud organization in US history and they took advantage of COVID to cheat in several states.
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Ok, help me out here. This guy worked for Trump in the White House. He was one of Trump’s confidants, one of his advisors. Yet, now he’s a lying jackass because he is saying what you don’t want to hear?

When he was saying Trump was awesome, you guys thought he was great. Now, he’s a douche because he turned on Trump. Get real gang.

That's what they do to everyone who doesn't bow down to trump.

It doesn't matter who it is or how much the person supported trump.

The trump people have no morals or beliefs. They are thrown out the window for trump.
When this is all done and in 2025 on January 20th are you willing to admit the left is as pathetic as the right when Trump is sworn back in after winning the 2024 Electoral College?

May point?

Nothing will be done…
So democrats can get away with burning down and terrorizing for a year. But on one specific day for a few hours, people fight back and shazzam shazam, its worse than the big bang and 9/11? Because democrats say so...Excuse me but no...
Did anybody get arrested for rioting over the summer?
They didn't 'get away' with anything.
More than 12,000 people were arrested.

Trumptards didn't want anyone arrested, let alone charged, for the attempted coup on the US government.
Why must you lie so much?
We want anyone who committed a violent act charged.....not sent to a Gulag and beaten to death while waiting on trial.
That's what they do to everyone who doesn't bow down to trump.

It doesn't matter who it is or how much the person supported trump.

The trump people have no morals or beliefs. They are thrown out the window for trump.
More projection. Democrats have no morals. Forget about the fact that Biden is so hated that people started chanting "FUCK JOE BIDEN" at sporting events.....and the media attempting to say it was "LET'S GO BRANDON"!!!

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