Capitol Attack Panel Obtains PowerPoint That Set Out Plan For trump To Stage Coup

Your pic of the Vegetable In Chief isn't evidence either, Simpleton.
No, that's just me laughing at your desperation and ignorance.

Do you think all of these events preceding and following the election should be a part of the normal American voting procedure?

Nope, but I also object to commies being drama queens and inventing shit for propaganda purposes. They keep throwing around nonapplicable incendiary terms trying to keep an unfortunate event alive. All the while ignoring the States that violated their own laws and Constitutions, with the intent of effecting the outcome.

Since when is receiving an email you don't act on treason, Dumbass?
This theory is akin to the Dim theory that if Nazis register as Republicans, then Trump supports NAZIs. Of course, it means nothing if they register as Democrats.
Stamping your foot and shouting "I'm right" doesn't make it so, moron.

There is a lot of wiggle room in the phrase "votes shall then be counted."
So expand on that wiggle room.... the VP shall open the votes and then the votes shall then be counted.

So explain how rejected votes can be counted...

And do you even comprehend how if that were allowed, and of course it's not, it would be the end of our republic since a sitting VP could simply run in EVERY presidential election and on EVERY January 6th following a presidential election, unilaterally declare themselves the winner regardless of how badly they lose an election. You realize there are no term limits for the VP, right? A VP could remain VP for life if the Constitution actually allowed that. And do you even realize that's what you're arguing for?

Are you ever not a fucking moron?

Your own fucking link says Medows received this power point from an UNNAMED SOURCE... Was that before or after the Jan 6th disturbance? Funny how they omit that chain of custody time line... I wonder why? Same bullshit they did for the Russia hoax...
Lol. Okay. Chain of custody. Meadows had it. Then the committee had it.

It’s not like these ideas came out of left field. They were getting more mainstream among Republicans.

So expand on that wiggle room.... the VP shall open the votes and then the votes shall then be counted.

So explain how rejected votes can be counted...

And do you even comprehend how if that were allowed, and of course it's not, it would be the end of our republic since a sitting VP could simply run in EVERY presidential election and on EVERY January 6th following a presidential election, unilaterally declare themselves the winner regardless of how badly they lose an election. You realize there are no term limits for the VP, right? And do you even realize that's what you're arguing for?

Are you ever not a fucking moron?

I'm not interested. The bottom line that your claim that you have corner on truth hasn't been demonstrated.
Wow, another commie with a vivid imagination.

See? We aren't going to get through to these lobotomized cultists. Their high priests literally produced a powerpoint for each other on how to pull off a coup. They then followed its instructions. These cultist freaks supported it 100%. They still do.

But then they say stuff like this ^^. I wonder who they think they are fooling?
Nope, but I also object to commies being drama queens and inventing shit for propaganda purposes. They keep throwing around nonapplicable incendiary terms trying to keep an unfortunate event alive. All the while ignoring the States that violated their own laws and Constitutions, with the intent of effecting the outcome.

Trump is the one on a daily basis still claiming the 2020 election was "rigged". Trump has undermined our election process. End of story. Are you actually saying this undermining of our election process is acceptable? Are you saying trump was in the right to claim the Iowa primary in which he lost to Cruz was rigged? Are you saying Trump is in the right when he says the election is fair if he wins and rigged if he loses?

The reason this investigation is being done is that this type of activity has NO place in a civilized democracy. Now if you want to live like an animal (which seemingly you do), please by all means continue being against any sort of investigation.

And please. The whole calling anyone a "commie" who disagrees with you is getting really old at this point.
Your claim that doing so would be treason is pure idiocy. Furthermore, there were three proposals, not just the one you're yelling about.
Fucking moron, that was the proposal Trump ran with.

Are you ever not a fucking moron?

A lot of the protestors were there saying that they expected this to happen. Poor deranged souls.

Trump wanted Pence to declare him the winner of the election. We need to remember this.
Pence had every right to delay certification for the states that were challenged. It has been done before. Cruz offered the way to do it to Congress. They refused knowing the result would give the election to Trump. There was not sufficient time to cover their tracks. Congress was complicit and the country has suffered immensely because of it.
Please quote him saying that.
Trump: Because it’s common sense, Jon. It’s common sense that you’re supposed to protect. How can you—if you know a vote is fraudulent, right?—how can you pass on a fraudulent vote to Congress? How can you do that?

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