Capitol Police Chief resigned, and the Media is silent.

Now why do you suppose the State controlled Media would have a black out on the Capitol Police Chief accepting responsibility for leadership failure that facilitated the attack on the Capitol? Could it be that they don't want anything to distract from their mission to impeach President Trump? Nah couldn't be. That would mean they aren't really "News" people.

Apparently Pelosi and Schumer wouldn't let them do anything. Those two rule that house.

Why would anyone stay working there with those people after what they tried to pull off on the sixth after Trump supporters left.

What an outrageous liar you are. Oh.. Its the Federalist.. I should have known immediately.
Now why do you suppose the State controlled Media would have a black out on the Capitol Police Chief accepting responsibility for leadership failure that facilitated the attack on the Capitol? Could it be that they don't want anything to distract from their mission to impeach President Trump? Nah couldn't be. That would mean they aren't really "News" people.

Apparently Pelosi and Schumer wouldn't let them do anything. Those two rule that house.

Why would anyone stay working there with those people after what they tried to pull off on the sixth after Trump supporters left.

What an outrageous liar you are. Oh.. Its the Federalist.. I should have known immediately.
And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ: for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night.
Now why do you suppose the State controlled Media would have a black out on the Capitol Police Chief accepting responsibility for leadership failure that facilitated the attack on the Capitol? Could it be that they don't want anything to distract from their mission to impeach President Trump? Nah couldn't be. That would mean they aren't really "News" people.

The story you have is from CBS evidently the state controlled media is releasing stories about it.
Now why do you suppose the State controlled Media would have a black out on the Capitol Police Chief accepting responsibility for leadership failure that facilitated the attack on the Capitol? Could it be that they don't want anything to distract from their mission to impeach President Trump? Nah couldn't be. That would mean they aren't really "News" people.

The story you have is from CBS evidently the state controlled media is releasing stories about it.
Yep.....they gotta milk this puppy for all it's worth till the next incident happens that they can blame on Trump.
Now why do you suppose the State controlled Media would have a black out on the Capitol Police Chief accepting responsibility for leadership failure that facilitated the attack on the Capitol? Could it be that they don't want anything to distract from their mission to impeach President Trump? Nah couldn't be. That would mean they aren't really "News" people.

Apparently Pelosi and Schumer wouldn't let them do anything. Those two rule that house.

Why would anyone stay working there with those people after what they tried to pull off on the sixth after Trump supporters left.

What an outrageous liar you are. Oh.. Its the Federalist.. I should have known immediately.
You are right, the Federalist does tend to be biased, so, lets look at their facts, shall we?

Now why do you suppose the State controlled Media would have a black out on the Capitol Police Chief accepting responsibility for leadership failure that facilitated the attack on the Capitol? Could it be that they don't want anything to distract from their mission to impeach President Trump? Nah couldn't be. That would mean they aren't really "News" people.

Apparently Pelosi and Schumer wouldn't let them do anything. Those two rule that house.

Why would anyone stay working there with those people after what they tried to pull off on the sixth after Trump supporters left.

What an outrageous liar you are. Oh.. Its the Federalist.. I should have known immediately.
You are right, the Federalist does tend to be biased, so, lets look at their facts, shall we?

Evidence doesn't mean much to people pushing their propaganda version. The Sergent at Arms made his statement about interference too. Said he could not do his job effectively with that kind of interference.

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