Capt. James Kirk commands U.S. Navy’s largest destroyer ever on maiden voyage

WHO CARES as long as it does its job!
Who cares? Who cares about what? We have a diesel fuel Destroyer with a rad profile and 1930's updated technology produced by British corporations and funded by American taxpayers with a mission that expired fifty years ago.
No, we don't, and you are wrong. Nuff of you.
Is that what they taught liberals in grammer school? When you are confronted with an argument simply say "nuff of you" and the argument goes away? It goes to the heart of liberal thinking. They lost the ability to reason so they want to silence the opposition. The best you can say for these toys for big boys is that it impresses 3rd world countries with the industrial might of the U.S. even if it is a waste of money.
When confronted by an ignorant know nothing like you, yes, that's what well educated, intelligent people do. We dismiss you.
Wow! All I intended was to give a heads up that the monster was going to sea and the irony of the name of her captain.

Did it have to degrade to name-calling and bashing?
WHO CARES as long as it does its job!
Who cares? Who cares about what? We have a diesel fuel Destroyer with a rad profile and 1930's updated technology produced by British corporations and funded by American taxpayers with a mission that expired fifty years ago.
No, we don't, and you are wrong. Nuff of you.
Is that what they taught liberals in grammer school? When you are confronted with an argument simply say "nuff of you" and the argument goes away? It goes to the heart of liberal thinking. They lost the ability to reason so they want to silence the opposition. The best you can say for these toys for big boys is that it impresses 3rd world countries with the industrial might of the U.S. even if it is a waste of money.
When confronted by an ignorant know nothing like you, yes, that's what well educated, intelligent people do. We dismiss you.
When confronted by a legitimate argument, well educated people will debate it in a logical way. The ignorant and the low information rabble will offer insults and pretend they won the argument. I'm sorry the post has degenerated into name calling but that's what the left does these days.
Yer a tard. This was a fun thread until you shit all over the floor.

I thought “destroyers” were small, fast ships used to defend the Big Boys like battleships, cruisers, and flat tops. This one sure isn't the traditional one.

The ship has electric propulsion, new radar and sonar, powerful missiles and guns, and a stealthy design to reduce its radar signature. Advanced automation will allow the warship to operate with a much smaller crew size than current destroyers.

Read more with a video @ Capt. James Kirk commands U.S. Navy’s largest destroyer ever on maiden voyage

Went to RTC Orlando with a guy named Kirk. Stands out obviously. :)
Oh Look...............Isaac has a Navy.............Cute hmmm........


You gonna cry cuz I said somtin you don't like? Here's a tissue.
Layers of defense......................Hardly sitting ducks....................We have assets on Land, Sea, Under Sea, and get at these sitting ducks you have to get through ALL THE LAYERS........................

The only ones that would have a chance in a all out War against us is China and Russia...................Carriers and these Battle Groups put our Firepower in their back yard.........................With a hell of a lot of fire power..........................



They are sitting ducks. ALL ships in the world are because of modern missiles.

And I'm not having this same conversation with people who need to believe anything to feel safe.

Pick up your blanky and go play.
Anything that floats can be sunk.
Anything that flies can be shot down.
Anything on the ground can be destroyed.

It's a matter of who the hell kills the other first. And your sitting ducks BS is getting old................

We parked Carrier Groups in the Persian Gulf right in their faces...........How many of them did we lose...........

No one was shooting at them.

You need to believe something so much that you construct fantasy reality to accommodate it.

I'm sure this new DD is very good, all modern the best there is. Just as the Russian fighter that Turkey shot down with a missile.

Ever been on a carrier, or any other Navy warship for that matter? They're better defended than you might think.

I remember back in the early 90's during Desert Storm, we (the USS DWIGHT D. EISENHOWER (CVN-69)), were coming through the Straits of Hormuz (the entry point for the Persian Gulf), and had to go to General Quarters because there were a couple of Iranian gunboats coming towards us at a high rate of speed (and yes, they were armed with missiles), displaying a threatening profile.

Well, we sent out the alert aircraft, and within a couple of minutes they were buzzing the boats at around 200 ft off the ground. We told them that unless they turned around, they would be blown out of the water.

Guess what? They turned around and didn't fire a shot. Why? They knew we would rain hell on them if they tried anything.

There's a lot to be said for intimidation. Especially when the enemy understands what kind of firepower you have.
Its Admiral Kirk now thanks.

And he doesn't know how to use the twirling overhead camera shot like the one used on him in Wrath of Khan.

Wow! All I intended was to give a heads up that the monster was going to sea and the irony of the name of her captain.

Did it have to degrade to name-calling and bashing?

I wonder if there was some politics going on in the background when this Capt. was assigned to the newest and most advanced ship that we have? I mean, c' just know that someone in the Public Affairs Office was thinking that this would make for some good publicity.

Too bad the ship wasn't able to be named Enterprise though..............
You gonna cry cuz I said somtin you don't like? Here's a tissue.
Layers of defense......................Hardly sitting ducks....................We have assets on Land, Sea, Under Sea, and get at these sitting ducks you have to get through ALL THE LAYERS........................

The only ones that would have a chance in a all out War against us is China and Russia...................Carriers and these Battle Groups put our Firepower in their back yard.........................With a hell of a lot of fire power..........................



They are sitting ducks. ALL ships in the world are because of modern missiles.

And I'm not having this same conversation with people who need to believe anything to feel safe.

Pick up your blanky and go play.
Anything that floats can be sunk.
Anything that flies can be shot down.
Anything on the ground can be destroyed.

It's a matter of who the hell kills the other first. And your sitting ducks BS is getting old................

We parked Carrier Groups in the Persian Gulf right in their faces...........How many of them did we lose...........

No one was shooting at them.

You need to believe something so much that you construct fantasy reality to accommodate it.

I'm sure this new DD is very good, all modern the best there is. Just as the Russian fighter that Turkey shot down with a missile.

Ever been on a carrier, or any other Navy warship for that matter? They're better defended than you might think.

I remember back in the early 90's during Desert Storm, we (the USS DWIGHT D. EISENHOWER (CVN-69)), were coming through the Straits of Hormuz (the entry point for the Persian Gulf), and had to go to General Quarters because there were a couple of Iranian gunboats coming towards us at a high rate of speed (and yes, they were armed with missiles), displaying a threatening profile.

Well, we sent out the alert aircraft, and within a couple of minutes they were buzzing the boats at around 200 ft off the ground. We told them that unless they turned around, they would be blown out of the water.

Guess what? They turned around and didn't fire a shot. Why? They knew we would rain hell on them if they tried anything.

There's a lot to be said for intimidation. Especially when the enemy understands what kind of firepower you have.

Look I'm sure they have very good defenses. But there is no ship in the world impervious to missiles that travel at Mach 1 to Mach 5. And missiles are exceedingly cheap compared to a 4 billion dollar ship. If the cost of the ship were close to say 20 missiles the cost/risk ratio would be acceptable. The loss is not so great compared to the cost to destroy it.

But for this and the new CV that costs 13 billion dollars they could shoot 100 missiles at it for very low cost and sink it easily.

And please stop using examples where the enemy would never shoot at us. We are talking about full on war with China or Russia where losing one of these expensive ships IS a big deal and they are highly vulnerable.

And yes I've been on an aircraft carrier, I am well versed in WW2 and world history as well as the military. Though I wouldn't claim to be an expert in any of them. There aren't any of those here.

The cost/risk ratio on these new ships is astronomical and not worth it.
Do you realize how many Bearcat bombers, or ships you would have to send to launch 100 missiles at the same time? Roughly 10 Bearcats or 5 ships to do the job.

They would be detected on radar and watched long before they got in range. And, like the example I provided, if the aircraft get there first, they might just decide to go back. you know what the specs are for the CIWS Phalanx system? They are a lot faster and better than you think. I know, I've seen them shoot down missiles on drills.
Wow! All I intended was to give a heads up that the monster was going to sea and the irony of the name of her captain.

Did it have to degrade to name-calling and bashing?

I wonder if there was some politics going on in the background when this Capt. was assigned to the newest and most advanced ship that we have? I mean, c' just know that someone in the Public Affairs Office was thinking that this would make for some good publicity.

Too bad the ship wasn't able to be named Enterprise though..............

It is one hell of a career maker to be assigned the post of skipper of an advanced ship like this.

There's clearly some politics involved but he wouldn't be there unless he was considered to be highly qualified. Check him out @ Commanding Officer
Wow! All I intended was to give a heads up that the monster was going to sea and the irony of the name of her captain.

Did it have to degrade to name-calling and bashing?

I wonder if there was some politics going on in the background when this Capt. was assigned to the newest and most advanced ship that we have? I mean, c' just know that someone in the Public Affairs Office was thinking that this would make for some good publicity.

Too bad the ship wasn't able to be named Enterprise though..............

It is one hell of a career maker to be assigned the post of skipper of an advanced ship like this.

There's clearly some politics involved but he wouldn't be there unless he was considered to be highly qualified. Check him out @ Commanding Officer

I understand that they have to be highly qualified to command. Shoot, if you're on the plankowner crew you are screened carefully (almost as carefully as an Overseas Screening) when you are the first crew.

I'm just saying that some PAO saw his name on the list, saw he was qualified, and thought "what a great opportunity to get the Navy some good publicity".

Yes, his qualifications were the largest part of him being selected, but with a name like Capt. James Kirk, you gotta figure that his name was factored in as well.

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