Capt. James Kirk commands U.S. Navy’s largest destroyer ever on maiden voyage

Nice ship. Cost 4 billion dollars. For a destroyer. That is what the previous version of the main US nuclear aircraft carrier cost before the new 13 billion dollar sitting duck.

I love the navy and like these types of new weapons systems but its over the top in a military who's spending has been over the top for decades.

And for the braindead who say 'we should spend whatever they want to spend' get bent. The bridge you drive over every day may fall down while you are on it but we need a 4 billion dollar destroyer.

Mental illness.
Oh Look...............Isaac has a Navy.............Cute hmmm........


You gonna cry cuz I said somtin you don't like? Here's a tissue.
Layers of defense......................Hardly sitting ducks....................We have assets on Land, Sea, Under Sea, and get at these sitting ducks you have to get through ALL THE LAYERS........................

The only ones that would have a chance in a all out War against us is China and Russia...................Carriers and these Battle Groups put our Firepower in their back yard.........................With a hell of a lot of fire power..........................



They are sitting ducks. ALL ships in the world are because of modern missiles.

And I'm not having this same conversation with people who need to believe anything to feel safe.

Pick up your blanky and go play.
Anything that floats can be sunk.
Anything that flies can be shot down.
Anything on the ground can be destroyed.

It's a matter of who the hell kills the other first. And your sitting ducks BS is getting old................

We parked Carrier Groups in the Persian Gulf right in their faces...........How many of them did we lose...........
The futuristic looking profile is nothing more than 1930's diesel technology transferred to a battery operated electric core. It runs on fossil fuel. Maybe it can operate like the old diesel Subs and "run silent and (hopefully not) run deep".
Nice ship. Cost 4 billion dollars. For a destroyer. That is what the previous version of the main US nuclear aircraft carrier cost before the new 13 billion dollar sitting duck.

I love the navy and like these types of new weapons systems but its over the top in a military who's spending has been over the top for decades.

And for the braindead who say 'we should spend whatever they want to spend' get bent. The bridge you drive over every day may fall down while you are on it but we need a 4 billion dollar destroyer.

Mental illness.
Oh Look...............Isaac has a Navy.............Cute hmmm........


You gonna cry cuz I said somtin you don't like? Here's a tissue.
Layers of defense......................Hardly sitting ducks....................We have assets on Land, Sea, Under Sea, and get at these sitting ducks you have to get through ALL THE LAYERS........................

The only ones that would have a chance in a all out War against us is China and Russia...................Carriers and these Battle Groups put our Firepower in their back yard.........................With a hell of a lot of fire power..........................



They are sitting ducks. ALL ships in the world are because of modern missiles.

And I'm not having this same conversation with people who need to believe anything to feel safe.

Pick up your blanky and go play.
Anything that floats can be sunk.
Anything that flies can be shot down.
Anything on the ground can be destroyed.

It's a matter of who the hell kills the other first. And your sitting ducks BS is getting old................

We parked Carrier Groups in the Persian Gulf right in their faces...........How many of them did we lose...........

No one was shooting at them.

You need to believe something so much that you construct fantasy reality to accommodate it.

I'm sure this new DD is very good, all modern the best there is. Just as the Russian fighter that Turkey shot down with a missile.

I thought “destroyers” were small, fast ships used to defend the Big Boys like battleships, cruisers, and flat tops. This one sure isn't the traditional one.

The ship has electric propulsion, new radar and sonar, powerful missiles and guns, and a stealthy design to reduce its radar signature. Advanced automation will allow the warship to operate with a much smaller crew size than current destroyers.

Read more with a video @ Capt. James Kirk commands U.S. Navy’s largest destroyer ever on maiden voyage
Fucking BAD ASS!!

600ft? Wow!
Hell, my BB was 887ft

This ain't no "Tin Can", that's for damned sure


Unfortunately it's an aluminium can.
Apparently they're having a shitload of problems with electrolysis around the engines and the hull is absolutely disintegrating.
And a lot of experts are questioning the stability of the new hull as well.

That being said I hope they get all the bugs out.

I thought “destroyers” were small, fast ships used to defend the Big Boys like battleships, cruisers, and flat tops. This one sure isn't the traditional one.

The ship has electric propulsion, new radar and sonar, powerful missiles and guns, and a stealthy design to reduce its radar signature. Advanced automation will allow the warship to operate with a much smaller crew size than current destroyers.

Read more with a video @ Capt. James Kirk commands U.S. Navy’s largest destroyer ever on maiden voyage
Fucking BAD ASS!!

600ft? Wow!
Hell, my BB was 887ft

This ain't no "Tin Can", that's for damned sure


Unfortunately it's an aluminium can.
Apparently they're having a shitload of problems with electrolysis around the engines and the hull is absolutely disintegrating.
And a lot of experts are questioning the stability of the new hull as well.

That being said I hope they get all the bugs out.
That's informative to me..............If it's all Aluminum then it's a waste.................The Navy and aluminum Hull ships have had severe problems with cracking of the aluminum structures...............

Electrolysis will eat a ship.........even minor amps..............Just threw me against it.............I've helped build aluminum hull ships and I've seen and repaired the problems personally. Including stray amps to the hull pitting the entire hull.........................

Will they ever learn..............steel is just simply better.

I thought “destroyers” were small, fast ships used to defend the Big Boys like battleships, cruisers, and flat tops. This one sure isn't the traditional one.

The ship has electric propulsion, new radar and sonar, powerful missiles and guns, and a stealthy design to reduce its radar signature. Advanced automation will allow the warship to operate with a much smaller crew size than current destroyers.

Read more with a video @ Capt. James Kirk commands U.S. Navy’s largest destroyer ever on maiden voyage
Fucking BAD ASS!!

600ft? Wow!
Hell, my BB was 887ft

This ain't no "Tin Can", that's for damned sure


Unfortunately it's an aluminium can.
Apparently they're having a shitload of problems with electrolysis around the engines and the hull is absolutely disintegrating.
And a lot of experts are questioning the stability of the new hull as well.

That being said I hope they get all the bugs out.
That's too bad......
me too
Oh Look...............Isaac has a Navy.............Cute hmmm........


You gonna cry cuz I said somtin you don't like? Here's a tissue.
Layers of defense......................Hardly sitting ducks....................We have assets on Land, Sea, Under Sea, and get at these sitting ducks you have to get through ALL THE LAYERS........................

The only ones that would have a chance in a all out War against us is China and Russia...................Carriers and these Battle Groups put our Firepower in their back yard.........................With a hell of a lot of fire power..........................



They are sitting ducks. ALL ships in the world are because of modern missiles.

And I'm not having this same conversation with people who need to believe anything to feel safe.

Pick up your blanky and go play.
Anything that floats can be sunk.
Anything that flies can be shot down.
Anything on the ground can be destroyed.

It's a matter of who the hell kills the other first. And your sitting ducks BS is getting old................

We parked Carrier Groups in the Persian Gulf right in their faces...........How many of them did we lose...........

No one was shooting at them.

You need to believe something so much that you construct fantasy reality to accommodate it.

I'm sure this new DD is very good, all modern the best there is. Just as the Russian fighter that Turkey shot down with a missile.
I think you need to get back into the tub and play with your boat....................You are out of your league here................Take the blinders off and get to see the rest of the world.........................

We aren't getting rid of our Navy and it's abilities because some Novice like you says so.............................They are not sitting ducks and pack a hell of a punch.....................And if we go to War with Russia or might as well stick your head between your legs and kiss your ass goodbye anyway.........As it will go Nuclear and none of this will matter anyway.

I thought “destroyers” were small, fast ships used to defend the Big Boys like battleships, cruisers, and flat tops. This one sure isn't the traditional one.

The ship has electric propulsion, new radar and sonar, powerful missiles and guns, and a stealthy design to reduce its radar signature. Advanced automation will allow the warship to operate with a much smaller crew size than current destroyers.

Read more with a video @ Capt. James Kirk commands U.S. Navy’s largest destroyer ever on maiden voyage
Fucking BAD ASS!!

600ft? Wow!
Hell, my BB was 887ft

This ain't no "Tin Can", that's for damned sure


Unfortunately it's an aluminium can.
Apparently they're having a shitload of problems with electrolysis around the engines and the hull is absolutely disintegrating.
And a lot of experts are questioning the stability of the new hull as well.

That being said I hope they get all the bugs out.
That's informative to me..............If it's all Aluminum then it's a waste.................The Navy and aluminum Hull ships have had severe problems with cracking of the aluminum structures...............

Electrolysis will eat a ship.........even minor amps..............Just threw me against it.............I've helped build aluminum hull ships and I've seen and repaired the problems personally. Including stray amps to the hull pitting the entire hull.........................

Will they ever learn..............steel is just simply better.

I've fought a little of it as well on my personal boats.
It can be a serious pain in the ass tracking down those "leaks" I had sacrificial anodes disappearing in a few months.
It's the size and weight of a super heavy crusier from WWII.

It can carry up to five choppers and VTOLs! How cool is that!!

Class & type: Zumwalt-class destroyer
Displacement: 14,564 tons[3]
Length: 600 ft (182.9 m)
Beam: 80.7 ft (24.6 m)
Draft: 27.6 ft (8.4 m)
Installed power: Integrated Power System (IPS)
Speed: 30.3 knots (56.1 km/h; 34.9 mph)
Complement: 142
Sensors and
processing systems:
  • AN/SPY-3 Multi-Function Radar (MFR) (X-band, scanned array)
  • Volume Search Radar (VSR) (S-band, scanned array)
Aircraft carried:

I thought “destroyers” were small, fast ships used to defend the Big Boys like battleships, cruisers, and flat tops. This one sure isn't the traditional one.

The ship has electric propulsion, new radar and sonar, powerful missiles and guns, and a stealthy design to reduce its radar signature. Advanced automation will allow the warship to operate with a much smaller crew size than current destroyers.

Read more with a video @ Capt. James Kirk commands U.S. Navy’s largest destroyer ever on maiden voyage
Fucking BAD ASS!!

600ft? Wow!
Hell, my BB was 887ft

This ain't no "Tin Can", that's for damned sure


Unfortunately it's an aluminium can.
Apparently they're having a shitload of problems with electrolysis around the engines and the hull is absolutely disintegrating.
And a lot of experts are questioning the stability of the new hull as well.

That being said I hope they get all the bugs out.
That's informative to me..............If it's all Aluminum then it's a waste.................The Navy and aluminum Hull ships have had severe problems with cracking of the aluminum structures...............

Electrolysis will eat a ship.........even minor amps..............Just threw me against it.............I've helped build aluminum hull ships and I've seen and repaired the problems personally. Including stray amps to the hull pitting the entire hull.........................

Will they ever learn..............steel is just simply better.

I've fought a little of it as well on my personal boats.
It can be a serious pain in the ass tracking down those "leaks" I had sacrificial anodes disappearing in a few months.
A good ground detector system helps you isolate the leaks quickly. It will detect current on the hull. Then simply turn off breakers and watch the meter...........If it drops......investigate it until you find all the leaks...............Even small start stop transformers will cause it. We had to isolate the grounds on those transformers as well.

Electronics can also cause it. A lot of electronics have grounded power supplies causing leaks.............isolation transformers can help........1 to 1 transformers or filter systems as well................They tend to cause false grounds.......

I thought “destroyers” were small, fast ships used to defend the Big Boys like battleships, cruisers, and flat tops. This one sure isn't the traditional one.

The ship has electric propulsion, new radar and sonar, powerful missiles and guns, and a stealthy design to reduce its radar signature. Advanced automation will allow the warship to operate with a much smaller crew size than current destroyers.

Read more with a video @ Capt. James Kirk commands U.S. Navy’s largest destroyer ever on maiden voyage
Fucking BAD ASS!!

600ft? Wow!
Hell, my BB was 887ft

This ain't no "Tin Can", that's for damned sure


Unfortunately it's an aluminium can.
Apparently they're having a shitload of problems with electrolysis around the engines and the hull is absolutely disintegrating.
And a lot of experts are questioning the stability of the new hull as well.

That being said I hope they get all the bugs out.
That's informative to me..............If it's all Aluminum then it's a waste.................The Navy and aluminum Hull ships have had severe problems with cracking of the aluminum structures...............

Electrolysis will eat a ship.........even minor amps..............Just threw me against it.............I've helped build aluminum hull ships and I've seen and repaired the problems personally. Including stray amps to the hull pitting the entire hull.........................

Will they ever learn..............steel is just simply better.

I've fought a little of it as well on my personal boats.
It can be a serious pain in the ass tracking down those "leaks" I had sacrificial anodes disappearing in a few months.
A good ground detector system helps you isolate the leaks quickly. It will detect current on the hull. Then simply turn off breakers and watch the meter...........If it drops......investigate it until you find all the leaks...............Even small start stop transformers will cause it. We had to isolate the grounds on those transformers as well.

Electronics can also cause it. A lot of electronics have grounded power supplies causing leaks.............isolation transformers can help........1 to 1 transformers or filter systems as well................They tend to cause false grounds.......

Mine turned out to be the chart plotter/depth finder.
Fucking BAD ASS!!

600ft? Wow!
Hell, my BB was 887ft

This ain't no "Tin Can", that's for damned sure


Unfortunately it's an aluminium can.
Apparently they're having a shitload of problems with electrolysis around the engines and the hull is absolutely disintegrating.
And a lot of experts are questioning the stability of the new hull as well.

That being said I hope they get all the bugs out.
That's informative to me..............If it's all Aluminum then it's a waste.................The Navy and aluminum Hull ships have had severe problems with cracking of the aluminum structures...............

Electrolysis will eat a ship.........even minor amps..............Just threw me against it.............I've helped build aluminum hull ships and I've seen and repaired the problems personally. Including stray amps to the hull pitting the entire hull.........................

Will they ever learn..............steel is just simply better.

I've fought a little of it as well on my personal boats.
It can be a serious pain in the ass tracking down those "leaks" I had sacrificial anodes disappearing in a few months.
A good ground detector system helps you isolate the leaks quickly. It will detect current on the hull. Then simply turn off breakers and watch the meter...........If it drops......investigate it until you find all the leaks...............Even small start stop transformers will cause it. We had to isolate the grounds on those transformers as well.

Electronics can also cause it. A lot of electronics have grounded power supplies causing leaks.............isolation transformers can help........1 to 1 transformers or filter systems as well................They tend to cause false grounds.......

Mine turned out to be the chart plotter/depth finder.
Electronic power supply straying to ground?

On one ship, it ended up being a grey water pump with a cap start circuit. It had been stepped on and cracked it...........Never tripped.......Overloads too high...............replaced cap and fixed.............but on that ship the ground detector system had been mis-wired.........No neutral to ground connection through the the detector never worked............As soon as I hooked it up I found 8 amps of stray current................isolated it.....but a lot of hull damage had already happened...........pitted Aluminum.
It's the size and weight of a super heavy crusier from WWII.

It can carry up to five choppers and VTOLs! How cool is that!!

Class & type: Zumwalt-class destroyer
Displacement: 14,564 tons[3]
Length: 600 ft (182.9 m)
Beam: 80.7 ft (24.6 m)
Draft: 27.6 ft (8.4 m)
Installed power: Integrated Power System (IPS)
Speed: 30.3 knots (56.1 km/h; 34.9 mph)
Complement: 142
Sensors and
processing systems:
  • AN/SPY-3 Multi-Function Radar (MFR) (X-band, scanned array)
  • Volume Search Radar (VSR) (S-band, scanned array)
Aircraft carried:
So freaking transparent propaganda. Here we have IPS technology and no mention that diesel fuel is the power source. Rolls Royce engines? Taxpayer funding and the best they can do is Brit technology?
You gonna cry cuz I said somtin you don't like? Here's a tissue.
Layers of defense......................Hardly sitting ducks....................We have assets on Land, Sea, Under Sea, and get at these sitting ducks you have to get through ALL THE LAYERS........................

The only ones that would have a chance in a all out War against us is China and Russia...................Carriers and these Battle Groups put our Firepower in their back yard.........................With a hell of a lot of fire power..........................



They are sitting ducks. ALL ships in the world are because of modern missiles.

And I'm not having this same conversation with people who need to believe anything to feel safe.

Pick up your blanky and go play.
Anything that floats can be sunk.
Anything that flies can be shot down.
Anything on the ground can be destroyed.

It's a matter of who the hell kills the other first. And your sitting ducks BS is getting old................

We parked Carrier Groups in the Persian Gulf right in their faces...........How many of them did we lose...........

No one was shooting at them.

You need to believe something so much that you construct fantasy reality to accommodate it.

I'm sure this new DD is very good, all modern the best there is. Just as the Russian fighter that Turkey shot down with a missile.
I think you need to get back into the tub and play with your boat....................You are out of your league here................Take the blinders off and get to see the rest of the world.........................

We aren't getting rid of our Navy and it's abilities because some Novice like you says so.............................They are not sitting ducks and pack a hell of a punch.....................And if we go to War with Russia or might as well stick your head between your legs and kiss your ass goodbye anyway.........As it will go Nuclear and none of this will matter anyway.

You have the knowledge of an angry teen, you are no authority on anything. So sorry to pop your bubble but you are in over your head. You don't have fact on your side, you have emotion.

What is it with people like you who read YOUR entire bizarre world into what someone else says?

Please note the # of the post where anyone said 'get rid of the Navy'. What is wrong with you? Again, you aren't knowledgable about facts. Yours is a world of emotion.
WHO CARES as long as it does its job!
Who cares? Who cares about what? We have a diesel fuel Destroyer with a rad profile and 1930's updated technology produced by British corporations and funded by American taxpayers with a mission that expired fifty years ago.
WHO CARES as long as it does its job!
Who cares? Who cares about what? We have a diesel fuel Destroyer with a rad profile and 1930's updated technology produced by British corporations and funded by American taxpayers with a mission that expired fifty years ago.
No, we don't, and you are wrong. Nuff of you.
Is that what they taught liberals in grammer school? When you are confronted with an argument simply say "nuff of you" and the argument goes away? It goes to the heart of liberal thinking. They lost the ability to reason so they want to silence the opposition. The best you can say for these toys for big boys is that it impresses 3rd world countries with the industrial might of the U.S. even if it is a waste of money.
WHO CARES as long as it does its job!
Who cares? Who cares about what? We have a diesel fuel Destroyer with a rad profile and 1930's updated technology produced by British corporations and funded by American taxpayers with a mission that expired fifty years ago.
No, we don't, and you are wrong. Nuff of you.
Is that what they taught little jakey in grammer school? When you are confronted with an argument simply say "nuff of you" and the argument goes away? It goes to the heart of liberal thinking. They lost the ability to reason so they want to silence the opposition.

LOL Sorry but 'conservative' and 'reason' are two ends of a spectrum. Conservatives operate on emotion, facts and reason are abstracts for them.

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