Captured Hamas Combat Manual Explains Benefits of Human Shields

Sad how the people of Gaza are being used. I think we all knew that Hamas diesn't care about the people there; and felt if they were killed, Hamas could use their deaths as propaganda and tell the other Muslims that these people were martyrs.

Captured Hamas Combat Manual Explains Benefits of Human Shields

Published on: August 4, 2014

IDF forces in the Gaza Strip found a Hamas manual on “Urban Warfare,” which belonged to the Shuja’iya Brigade of Hamas’ military wing, the Al-Qassam Brigades. The manual explains how the civilian population can be used against IDF forces and reveals that Hamas knows the IDF is committed to minimizing harm to civilians.

Throughout Operation Protective Edge, Hamas has continuously used the civilian population of Gaza as human shields. The discovery of a Hamas “urban warfare” manual by IDF forces reveals that Hamas’ callous use of the Gazan population was intentional and preplanned.

This Hamas urban warfare manual exposes two truths: (1) The terror group knows full well that the IDF will do what it can to limit civilian casualties. (2) The terror group exploits these efforts by using civilians as human shields against advancing IDF forces.

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These racist hate-threads really get old.

You're like the boy who cried wolf.

None of these human shield claims have ever been proven, yet you keep trying to get that dog to hunt.


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