Car slams into counter protesters in Charlottesville, Va.

Why do we need to focus on left or right wing in situations like this? Why does every tragedy have to be political propaganda? Neither side is responsible for maniacs like this.

Right, because neither side is responsible for Islamist extremists driving trucks into crowds?

No, but there are people like you eager to pin this on the other side, when there has been a slew of left wing violence preceding and following the election of President Trump. Spare us your false indignance, Carbine.

Oh that ship sailed hours ago when Rexx Taylor started his desperate-plea-for-attention thread called "Angry Democrat Plows Into WhiteNationalists". Which title I have no doubt this thread was a satire on.

Huh? Did you read the title of this thread? Please tell me you did, friend.

Of course. As well as the RexxTaylor thread.
One is a parody of the other.

You know --- like the "Obamagas" thread.

I pretty much don't care who did what. The fact the people are "parodying" this tragedy is starting to piss me off.
Your'e insane! The First Amendment was spat upon by the white thug(s) who committed murder today.
They have freedom of assembly and speech. Counter protesters showed up to incite violence ...well, they got it.

You support murder and attempted murder when citizens exercise their right to free speech and expression, when you disagree with their message. That makes you a )&*&^#$&%&^*$

Here are your own words saying the Right got what they deserved when a Leftist targeted the Republican charity baseball practice and opened fire.

"Considering the rhetoric of Trump, and his supporters, you might consider Karma as the reason for today's shooting. The I've got mine, fuck the rest of you crowd ought to consider how their selfishness and callous disregard for others can come back to bite them."

When you believe (not proven yet) a Rightie targeted Leftists, it isn't Karma? They didn't get what they deserved? Somehow, it's still Trump's fault?

Can you explain this twisted logic?

Trump's rhetoric, pre and post his election, have been divisive. I don't think anyone can deny that. His identity politics singles out enemies from such diverse groups as Muslims, liberals, professors and higher education, Democrats, individual Republicans, the Media, Individual States, past POTUS and anyone who does not tow the line he has set.

Yes VIRGINIA, the hate and violence which occurred today in your City was a product of Trump's rhetoric. That much we know, and that is something we will not forget or forgive.

The hate all came from the dim protesters. It's not against the law to protest the taking down of historical statues. And why do all the regressive libs here call them racists? Do you call blacks racist when they murder 5 cops and burn and loot towns? Why is ALL the media calling them racists? If this isn't a conspiracy to hurt whites I don't know what is.

Racism is not restricted to only white, poorly educated southern crackers; racism crosses all boundaries of race, color, ethnicity, region, education and religion.

Q. Why did the protesters show up with helmets, sticks, long guns and hand guns?
Why do we need to focus on left or right wing in situations like this? Why does every tragedy have to be political propaganda? Neither side is responsible for maniacs like this.

Right, because neither side is responsible for Islamist extremists driving trucks into crowds?

No, but there are people like you eager to pin this on the other side, when there has been a slew of left wing violence preceding and following the election of President Trump. Spare us your false indignance, Carbine.

Oh that ship sailed hours ago when Rexx Taylor started his desperate-plea-for-attention thread called "Angry Democrat Plows Into WhiteNationalists". Which title I have no doubt this thread was a satire on.
"thread called "Angry Democrat Plows Into WhiteNationalists".

Can't seem to find that thread.

Funny that you got to be a Mod and can't find a thread that's been merged. As I expect this will be.

But you can see my post mocking his title in that merged thread. I'll come back and quote it.

Found a thread, by Rexx, that was merged with one by Wry, but the title of that one was:

Car slams into counter protesters in Charlottesville, Va.

Nothing about leftist there
Racism is not restricted to only white, poorly educated southern crackers; racism crosses all boundaries of race, color, ethnicity, education and religion.

Q. Why did the protesters show up with helmets, sticks, long guns and hand guns?
If you think racism only happens in the south, you are sorely misinformed.
Oh that ship sailed hours ago when Rexx Taylor started his desperate-plea-for-attention thread called "Angry Democrat Plows Into WhiteNationalists". Which title I have no doubt this thread was a satire on.

Huh? Did you read the title of this thread? Please tell me you did, friend.

Of course. As well as the RexxTaylor thread.
One is a parody of the other.

You know --- like the "Obamagas" thread.
If this is a parody (and you give the OP too much credit to have the ability even to know what a parody is), parodies go in TFZ.

Indeed, a parody of the parody just got posted.

"Leftwing Terrorist Drives Car Into Crowd...."

And if memory serves (and this may have been during your hiatus) the OP here is the same one who started the parody "Obamagas" thread.
I can't keep up with the actions taken at this place.

Good grief.

I know right? I'm severely tempted to post a thread called "Centrist Terrorist Drives Car Into Crowd". After all he did drive down the middle of the road.

Damned Centrists. :death:
Right, because neither side is responsible for Islamist extremists driving trucks into crowds?

No, but there are people like you eager to pin this on the other side, when there has been a slew of left wing violence preceding and following the election of President Trump. Spare us your false indignance, Carbine.

Oh that ship sailed hours ago when Rexx Taylor started his desperate-plea-for-attention thread called "Angry Democrat Plows Into WhiteNationalists". Which title I have no doubt this thread was a satire on.
"thread called "Angry Democrat Plows Into WhiteNationalists".

Can't seem to find that thread.

Funny that you got to be a Mod and can't find a thread that's been merged. As I expect this will be.

But you can see my post mocking his title in that merged thread. I'll come back and quote it.

Found a thread, by Rexx, that was merged with one by Wry, but the title of that one was:

Car slams into counter protesters in Charlottesville, Va.

Nothing about leftist there

Nothing about "leftist" in my post either. It said --- and still says, and will continue to say ---- "Angry Democrat".
That's uh, kind of why my retort makes mention of political parties.

Get it?

Literacy is a lost art.

The title you're quoting there is WryCatcher's title, which preceded Rexx's and is where Rexx's ended up. That's not Rexx's title.
They have freedom of assembly and speech. Counter protesters showed up to incite violence ...well, they got it.

You support murder and attempted murder when citizens exercise their right to free speech and expression, when you disagree with their message. That makes you a )&*&^#$&%&^*$

Here are your own words saying the Right got what they deserved when a Leftist targeted the Republican charity baseball practice and opened fire.

"Considering the rhetoric of Trump, and his supporters, you might consider Karma as the reason for today's shooting. The I've got mine, fuck the rest of you crowd ought to consider how their selfishness and callous disregard for others can come back to bite them."

When you believe (not proven yet) a Rightie targeted Leftists, it isn't Karma? They didn't get what they deserved? Somehow, it's still Trump's fault?

Can you explain this twisted logic?

Trump's rhetoric, pre and post his election, have been divisive. I don't think anyone can deny that. His identity politics singles out enemies from such diverse groups as Muslims, liberals, professors and higher education, Democrats, individual Republicans, the Media, Individual States, past POTUS and anyone who does not tow the line he has set.

Yes VIRGINIA, the hate and violence which occurred today in your City was a product of Trump's rhetoric. That much we know, and that is something we will not forget or forgive.

The hate all came from the dim protesters. It's not against the law to protest the taking down of historical statues. And why do all the regressive libs here call them racists? Do you call blacks racist when they murder 5 cops and burn and loot towns? Why is ALL the media calling them racists? If this isn't a conspiracy to hurt whites I don't know what is.

Racism is not restricted to only white, poorly educated southern crackers; racism crosses all boundaries of race, color, ethnicity, region, education and religion.

Q. Why did the protesters show up with helmets, sticks, long guns and hand guns?
To protect themselves from violent democrats who have proven to be lawless and violent.
No, but there are people like you eager to pin this on the other side, when there has been a slew of left wing violence preceding and following the election of President Trump. Spare us your false indignance, Carbine.

Oh that ship sailed hours ago when Rexx Taylor started his desperate-plea-for-attention thread called "Angry Democrat Plows Into WhiteNationalists". Which title I have no doubt this thread was a satire on.
"thread called "Angry Democrat Plows Into WhiteNationalists".

Can't seem to find that thread.

Funny that you got to be a Mod and can't find a thread that's been merged. As I expect this will be.

But you can see my post mocking his title in that merged thread. I'll come back and quote it.

Found a thread, by Rexx, that was merged with one by Wry, but the title of that one was:

Car slams into counter protesters in Charlottesville, Va.

Nothing about leftist there

Nothing about "leftist" in my post either. It said --- and still says, and will continue to say ---- "Angry Democrat".
That's uh, kind of why my retort makes mention of political parties.

Get it?

Literacy is a lost art.

care to point out the words "angry democrat" in this thread title?

Car slams into counter protesters in Charlottesville, Va.

"Literacy is a lost art."

Then you should get the needed help to overcome it.
I would post something but it would just get censored. The only thing I will post is the rally members had a right to be able to hold a peaceful rally, the counter protesters attacked them and the original rally members protected themselves since the police would not. If it took a car killing a few liberals involved in a criminal assault then so be it. There is NO right not to be offended, no right to erase someone's history, no right to infringe upon the rights of others and attack them for exercising those rights. Liberals are the ones who stop others from exercising their rights, NOT conservatives if we did you really wouldn't like it. Too bad they didn't get mowed down before they sprayed the rally members with paint and pepper spray and assaulted them. If they had let them exercise their constitutional rights, there would have been no trouble whatsoever. Edit me now or just ban me. The same people make the same old tired lies and propaganda shit daily with no basis in reality to back it up. Liberals are so historically and mentally challenged it is just watching a cartoon anyway. AMF's
I would post something but it would just get censored. The only thing I will post is the rally members had a right to be able to hold a peaceful rally, the counter protesters attacked them and the original rally members protected themselves since the police would not. If it took a car killing a few liberals involved in a criminal assault then so be it. There is NO right not to be offended, no right to erase someone's history, no right to infringe upon the rights of others and attack them for exercising those rights. Liberals are the ones who stop others from exercising their rights, NOT conservatives if we did you really wouldn't like it. Too bad they didn't get mowed down before they sprayed the rally members with paint and pepper spray and assaulted them. If they had let them exercise their constitutional rights, there would have been no trouble whatsoever. Edit me now or just ban me. The same people make the same old tired lies and propaganda shit daily with no basis in reality to back it up. Liberals are so historically and mentally challenged it is just watching a cartoon anyway. AMF's

No edit needed for this story. All that's needed is.............

Somehow what's being lost in all the details is that this was a fucking big white supremacist rally,

apparently occurring by magic since if you read enough USMB you'd know that, according to conservatives,

there is no more racism in America.
But when BLM brings guns and knives to polling booths - all is well.
When the "occupiers" are setting cars on fire, destroying buildings, beating up women, and defecating on street corners - all is well. I see.

So what you previously condemned you now support? lol, moron.

They did the same on people illegally registered to vote in more than one state. Until they found three people in the Trump campaign that were guilty of it.
Later they were shown to be not guilty. Don't that stop you from telling lies though.
Somehow what's being lost in all the details is that this was a fucking big white supremacist rally,

apparently occurring by magic since if you read enough USMB you'd know that, according to conservatives,

there is no more racism in America.
I would post something but it would just get censored. The only thing I will post is the rally members had a right to be able to hold a peaceful rally, the counter protesters attacked them and the original rally members protected themselves since the police would not. If it took a car killing a few liberals involved in a criminal assault then so be it. There is NO right not to be offended, no right to erase someone's history, no right to infringe upon the rights of others and attack them for exercising those rights. Liberals are the ones who stop others from exercising their rights, NOT conservatives if we did you really wouldn't like it. Too bad they didn't get mowed down before they sprayed the rally members with paint and pepper spray and assaulted them. If they had let them exercise their constitutional rights, there would have been no trouble whatsoever. Edit me now or just ban me. The same people make the same old tired lies and propaganda shit daily with no basis in reality to back it up. Liberals are so historically and mentally challenged it is just watching a cartoon anyway. AMF's

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