Carly Fiorina and Other Republican Candidates

Chris Stevens, Sean Smith, Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty, Wonder if they had families. Doesn't matter.
Off topic, even if you were being very vague about your point. Nobody is going to take Benghazi into the voting booth with them.

Complete unadulterated BS, just because you give Hitlary a pass on it doesn't mean everyone will
Oh Issa and his never ending investigation took care of that. Your incompetent Teaparty made sure Hillary won't have to deal with it anytime soon. The TP just needs to understand when to shut up.

Why on Earth do ordinary Americans just "need to shut up"..... we had to endure the Street Shitters and their wretched nonsense.. all under the guise of "freedom of speech".
It's called strategy. That guy should never have gone at her over and over. The voters weren't interested, they might have been during her campaign but now, they're just bored with the Teaparty and their antics.
Chris Stevens, Sean Smith, Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty, Wonder if they had families. Doesn't matter.
Off topic, even if you were being very vague about your point. Nobody is going to take Benghazi into the voting booth with them.

It's very on topic. It speaks to taking responsibility. I thought that this was what we were talking about. Why should some candidates have things held over their heads while others should not? Oh. I know why.

Since you want to change the topic ...

Chris Stevens, Sean Smith, Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty, Wonder if they had families. Doesn't matter.
Off topic, even if you were being very vague about your point. Nobody is going to take Benghazi into the voting booth with them.

Complete unadulterated BS, just because you give Hitlary a pass on it doesn't mean everyone will
Oh Issa and his never ending investigation took care of that. Your incompetent Teaparty made sure Hillary won't have to deal with it anytime soon. The TP just needs to understand when to shut up.

She goes in front of Gowdy again very soon. Perhaps you should pay attention to what's happening in the real world?
Chris Stevens, Sean Smith, Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty, Wonder if they had families. Doesn't matter.
Off topic, even if you were being very vague about your point. Nobody is going to take Benghazi into the voting booth with them.

It's very on topic. It speaks to taking responsibility. I thought that this was what we were talking about. Why should some candidates have things held over their heads while others should not? Oh. I know why.

Since you want to change the topic ...

I hate to break it to you guys but money is not the driving factor for everything. Until you realize that, no one can help you and nothing with change.
Chris Stevens, Sean Smith, Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty, Wonder if they had families. Doesn't matter.
Off topic, even if you were being very vague about your point. Nobody is going to take Benghazi into the voting booth with them.

It's more than that... the Clintons have been using public office to cash in for decades. They have possibly broken the law by taking money from foreign governments while holding public office, that is a felony.

And there is the fact that she's 70, she has health issues, she has issues with telling the truth, she willfully destroyed an e-mail server that she shouldn't have been using in the first place, and on and on and on.

Not everyone is just going to let that go; matter of fact, there are prominent libs who are raising questions about it already.

bla bla bla ...

running a mega million $$ company into the ground suits RW's to a T.

run CF !
Chris Stevens, Sean Smith, Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty, Wonder if they had families. Doesn't matter.
Off topic, even if you were being very vague about your point. Nobody is going to take Benghazi into the voting booth with them.

It's very on topic. It speaks to taking responsibility. I thought that this was what we were talking about. Why should some candidates have things held over their heads while others should not? Oh. I know why.

Since you want to change the topic ...

That talking point was proven to be false right after it happend ago,keep trying
She sucked at HP. Proof a woman should be nowhere near the Oval Ofiice unless it invovles cigars.

Another idiot who thinks all women are alike.

All this is proof of is that Fiorina is not qualified to be president of much of anything.
Yeah she sucked in her one job where she had executive responsibilty
Which jobs has Hillary had executive responsibility in?

Your first point gets shot down so you quickly try another non-issue.

The US is not a business and business experience is not required, needed and most of our presidents have not had business experience.

George W. Bush had "owned" business his daddy bought for him and that experience didn't stop him from running us into bankruptcy. With his tax hikes, corruption, running up our debt, turning us into a debtor nation, Ronnie Ray-Gun was easily one of our worst presidents. By your "logic" (see bolded red above, we should never again vote for someone experienced in business or an ex-governor.
Chris Stevens, Sean Smith, Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty, Wonder if they had families. Doesn't matter.
Off topic, even if you were being very vague about your point. Nobody is going to take Benghazi into the voting booth with them.

Complete unadulterated BS, just because you give Hitlary a pass on it doesn't mean everyone will
Oh Issa and his never ending investigation took care of that. Your incompetent Teaparty made sure Hillary won't have to deal with it anytime soon. The TP just needs to understand when to shut up.

Why on Earth do ordinary Americans just "need to shut up"..... we had to endure the Street Shitters and their wretched nonsense.. all under the guise of "freedom of speech".

The "tea party" is a complete disaster, a national embarrassment. There was nothing nonsensical about the Occupy movement. They were actually what the tee potties said they wanted to be but failed at because they sold out to Big Money and Big Government.

Carly is running? ........She'll split the Vagina vote.....



Because women are so dumb, they vote with their vaginas! (sarcasm)......
She sucked at HP. Proof a woman should be nowhere near the Oval Ofiice unless it invovles cigars.

Another idiot who thinks all women are alike.

All this is proof of is that Fiorina is not qualified to be president of much of anything.
Yeah she sucked in her one job where she had executive responsibilty
Which jobs has Hillary had executive responsibility in?

Your first point gets shot down so you quickly try another non-issue.

The US is not a business and business experience is not required, needed and most of our presidents have not had business experience.

George W. Bush had "owned" business his daddy bought for him and that experience didn't stop him from running us into bankruptcy. With his tax hikes, corruption, running up our debt, turning us into a debtor nation, Ronnie Ray-Gun was easily one of our worst presidents. By your "logic" (see bolded red above, we should never again vote for someone experienced in business or an ex-governor.
Trying to deflect again? What executive experience has Hillary had?
She sucked at HP. Proof a woman should be nowhere near the Oval Ofiice unless it invovles cigars.

Another idiot who thinks all women are alike.

All this is proof of is that Fiorina is not qualified to be president of much of anything.
Yeah she sucked in her one job where she had executive responsibilty
Which jobs has Hillary had executive responsibility in?

Your first point gets shot down so you quickly try another non-issue.

The US is not a business and business experience is not required, needed and most of our presidents have not had business experience.

George W. Bush had "owned" business his daddy bought for him and that experience didn't stop him from running us into bankruptcy. With his tax hikes, corruption, running up our debt, turning us into a debtor nation, Ronnie Ray-Gun was easily one of our worst presidents. By your "logic" (see bolded red above, we should never again vote for someone experienced in business or an ex-governor.
Trying to deflect again? What executive experience has Hillary had?

She executed Vince Foster. Does that count?

And don't forget!! she does have a vagina!!
Chris Stevens, Sean Smith, Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty, Wonder if they had families. Doesn't matter.
Off topic, even if you were being very vague about your point. Nobody is going to take Benghazi into the voting booth with them.

Complete unadulterated BS, just because you give Hitlary a pass on it doesn't mean everyone will
Oh Issa and his never ending investigation took care of that. Your incompetent Teaparty made sure Hillary won't have to deal with it anytime soon. The TP just needs to understand when to shut up.

She goes in front of Gowdy again very soon. Perhaps you should pay attention to what's happening in the real world?
Do you believe if she felt the least bit threatened by any of your candidates, she would have announced her candidacy? Gosh you guys sure are clueless about politics. I'm more and more confident she is going to win the more I read from you fools.
Chris Stevens, Sean Smith, Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty, Wonder if they had families. Doesn't matter.
Off topic, even if you were being very vague about your point. Nobody is going to take Benghazi into the voting booth with them.

It's more than that... the Clintons have been using public office to cash in for decades. They have possibly broken the law by taking money from foreign governments while holding public office, that is a felony.

And there is the fact that she's 70, she has health issues, she has issues with telling the truth, she willfully destroyed an e-mail server that she shouldn't have been using in the first place, and on and on and on.

Not everyone is just going to let that go; matter of fact, there are prominent libs who are raising questions about it already.

bla bla bla ...

running a mega million $$ company into the ground suits RW's to a T.

run CF !

I never indicated that I would vote for her... matter of fact, I probably wouldn't.

And as long as you're talking about creds, what of Clinton's? She's a fucking disaster and a crook to boot. Suits lefties to a T?
Chris Stevens, Sean Smith, Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty, Wonder if they had families. Doesn't matter.
Off topic, even if you were being very vague about your point. Nobody is going to take Benghazi into the voting booth with them.

Complete unadulterated BS, just because you give Hitlary a pass on it doesn't mean everyone will
Oh Issa and his never ending investigation took care of that. Your incompetent Teaparty made sure Hillary won't have to deal with it anytime soon. The TP just needs to understand when to shut up.

She goes in front of Gowdy again very soon. Perhaps you should pay attention to what's happening in the real world?
Do you believe if she felt the least bit threatened by any of your candidates, she would have announced her candidacy? Gosh you guys sure are clueless about politics. I'm more and more confident she is going to win the more I read from you fools.

She was going to win in '08 too... how'd that work out?
Chris Stevens, Sean Smith, Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty, Wonder if they had families. Doesn't matter.
Off topic, even if you were being very vague about your point. Nobody is going to take Benghazi into the voting booth with them.

Complete unadulterated BS, just because you give Hitlary a pass on it doesn't mean everyone will
Oh Issa and his never ending investigation took care of that. Your incompetent Teaparty made sure Hillary won't have to deal with it anytime soon. The TP just needs to understand when to shut up.

She goes in front of Gowdy again very soon. Perhaps you should pay attention to what's happening in the real world?
Do you believe if she felt the least bit threatened by any of your candidates, she would have announced her candidacy? Gosh you guys sure are clueless about politics. I'm more and more confident she is going to win the more I read from you fools.

You should run Sarah. You're at least as smart as Hillary. And your avatar is way better'd get at least 50% of the vote just for the gash between your legs!
Chris Stevens, Sean Smith, Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty, Wonder if they had families. Doesn't matter.
Off topic, even if you were being very vague about your point. Nobody is going to take Benghazi into the voting booth with them.

Complete unadulterated BS, just because you give Hitlary a pass on it doesn't mean everyone will
Oh Issa and his never ending investigation took care of that. Your incompetent Teaparty made sure Hillary won't have to deal with it anytime soon. The TP just needs to understand when to shut up.

She goes in front of Gowdy again very soon. Perhaps you should pay attention to what's happening in the real world?
Do you believe if she felt the least bit threatened by any of your candidates, she would have announced her candidacy? Gosh you guys sure are clueless about politics. I'm more and more confident she is going to win the more I read from you fools.

Yeah she was going to win in 08 also, then some no account community organizer kicked her to the curb
Off topic, even if you were being very vague about your point. Nobody is going to take Benghazi into the voting booth with them.

Complete unadulterated BS, just because you give Hitlary a pass on it doesn't mean everyone will
Oh Issa and his never ending investigation took care of that. Your incompetent Teaparty made sure Hillary won't have to deal with it anytime soon. The TP just needs to understand when to shut up.

She goes in front of Gowdy again very soon. Perhaps you should pay attention to what's happening in the real world?
Do you believe if she felt the least bit threatened by any of your candidates, she would have announced her candidacy? Gosh you guys sure are clueless about politics. I'm more and more confident she is going to win the more I read from you fools.

You should run Sarah. You're at least as smart as Hillary. And your avatar is way better'd get at least 50% of the vote just for the gash between your legs!

Off topic, even if you were being very vague about your point. Nobody is going to take Benghazi into the voting booth with them.

Complete unadulterated BS, just because you give Hitlary a pass on it doesn't mean everyone will
Oh Issa and his never ending investigation took care of that. Your incompetent Teaparty made sure Hillary won't have to deal with it anytime soon. The TP just needs to understand when to shut up.

She goes in front of Gowdy again very soon. Perhaps you should pay attention to what's happening in the real world?
Do you believe if she felt the least bit threatened by any of your candidates, she would have announced her candidacy? Gosh you guys sure are clueless about politics. I'm more and more confident she is going to win the more I read from you fools.

Yeah she was going to win in 08 also, then some no account community organizer kicked her to the curb

That's only because Obama is a vagina.....

the Vag rules!

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