Carly Fiorina and Other Republican Candidates

Complete unadulterated BS, just because you give Hitlary a pass on it doesn't mean everyone will
Oh Issa and his never ending investigation took care of that. Your incompetent Teaparty made sure Hillary won't have to deal with it anytime soon. The TP just needs to understand when to shut up.

She goes in front of Gowdy again very soon. Perhaps you should pay attention to what's happening in the real world?
Do you believe if she felt the least bit threatened by any of your candidates, she would have announced her candidacy? Gosh you guys sure are clueless about politics. I'm more and more confident she is going to win the more I read from you fools.

Yeah she was going to win in 08 also, then some no account community organizer kicked her to the curb

That's only because Obama is a vagina.....

the Vag rules!

I forget who made the comment regarding Obama's "The View" appearance that he "brought some much needed estrogen to the show". But it was funny.
Oh Issa and his never ending investigation took care of that. Your incompetent Teaparty made sure Hillary won't have to deal with it anytime soon. The TP just needs to understand when to shut up.

She goes in front of Gowdy again very soon. Perhaps you should pay attention to what's happening in the real world?
Do you believe if she felt the least bit threatened by any of your candidates, she would have announced her candidacy? Gosh you guys sure are clueless about politics. I'm more and more confident she is going to win the more I read from you fools.

Yeah she was going to win in 08 also, then some no account community organizer kicked her to the curb

That's only because Obama is a vagina.....

the Vag rules!

I forget who made the comment regarding Obama's "The View" appearance that he "brought some much needed estrogen to the show". But it was funny.

he is a pussy.
Off topic, even if you were being very vague about your point. Nobody is going to take Benghazi into the voting booth with them.

Complete unadulterated BS, just because you give Hitlary a pass on it doesn't mean everyone will
Oh Issa and his never ending investigation took care of that. Your incompetent Teaparty made sure Hillary won't have to deal with it anytime soon. The TP just needs to understand when to shut up.

She goes in front of Gowdy again very soon. Perhaps you should pay attention to what's happening in the real world?
Do you believe if she felt the least bit threatened by any of your candidates, she would have announced her candidacy? Gosh you guys sure are clueless about politics. I'm more and more confident she is going to win the more I read from you fools.

Yeah she was going to win in 08 also, then some no account community organizer kicked her to the curb
Hey FatsoLassie, both she and Obama had 18,000,000 primary votes. Either of them could have won but it went to the delegates. NONE of your candidates will ever see that many primary votes. Know why? They're too stupid to vote for, you all are always voting for the least hated candidate.

You keep telling yourself that you have anyone who can beat Hillary. To get back on topic, maybe Carly can beat her.

She goes in front of Gowdy again very soon. Perhaps you should pay attention to what's happening in the real world?
Do you believe if she felt the least bit threatened by any of your candidates, she would have announced her candidacy? Gosh you guys sure are clueless about politics. I'm more and more confident she is going to win the more I read from you fools.

Yeah she was going to win in 08 also, then some no account community organizer kicked her to the curb

That's only because Obama is a vagina.....

the Vag rules!

I forget who made the comment regarding Obama's "The View" appearance that he "brought some much needed estrogen to the show". But it was funny.

he is a pussy.
Oooo, that's kind of rough, isn't it? :lol:
Complete unadulterated BS, just because you give Hitlary a pass on it doesn't mean everyone will
Oh Issa and his never ending investigation took care of that. Your incompetent Teaparty made sure Hillary won't have to deal with it anytime soon. The TP just needs to understand when to shut up.

She goes in front of Gowdy again very soon. Perhaps you should pay attention to what's happening in the real world?
Do you believe if she felt the least bit threatened by any of your candidates, she would have announced her candidacy? Gosh you guys sure are clueless about politics. I'm more and more confident she is going to win the more I read from you fools.

Yeah she was going to win in 08 also, then some no account community organizer kicked her to the curb
Hey FatsoLassie, both she and Obama had 18,000,000 primary votes. Either of them could have won but it went to the delegates. NONE of your candidates will ever see that many primary votes. Know why? They're too stupid to vote for, you all are always voting for the least hated candidate.

You keep telling yourself that you have anyone who can beat Hillary. To get back on topic, maybe Carly can beat her.


Grow up. You're such a child and then wonder why you're never taken serious. Go back to your realm, the Flame Zone
Chris Stevens, Sean Smith, Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty, Wonder if they had families. Doesn't matter.

Conservatives using American deaths for political purposes. I'm shocked

Here are a few more names for you to remember Bubba

Operation Iraqi Freedom
iCasualties OIF Iraq Fatalities Details

In Context: Hillary Clinton's 'What difference does it make' comment

"Was it because of a protest or was it because of guys out for a walk one night and decided they’d go kill some Americans," Clinton said. "What difference – at this point, what difference does it make?"

In Context Hillary Clinton s What difference does it make comment PolitiFact
Oh Issa and his never ending investigation took care of that. Your incompetent Teaparty made sure Hillary won't have to deal with it anytime soon. The TP just needs to understand when to shut up.

She goes in front of Gowdy again very soon. Perhaps you should pay attention to what's happening in the real world?
Do you believe if she felt the least bit threatened by any of your candidates, she would have announced her candidacy? Gosh you guys sure are clueless about politics. I'm more and more confident she is going to win the more I read from you fools.

Yeah she was going to win in 08 also, then some no account community organizer kicked her to the curb
Hey FatsoLassie, both she and Obama had 18,000,000 primary votes. Either of them could have won but it went to the delegates. NONE of your candidates will ever see that many primary votes. Know why? They're too stupid to vote for, you all are always voting for the least hated candidate.

You keep telling yourself that you have anyone who can beat Hillary. To get back on topic, maybe Carly can beat her.


Grow up. You're such a child and then wonder why you're never taken serious. Go back to your realm, the Flame Zone
I go where I want here. Did you forget I already told you that?

Chris Stevens, Sean Smith, Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty, Wonder if they had families. Doesn't matter.
Off topic, even if you were being very vague about your point. Nobody is going to take Benghazi into the voting booth with them.

Complete unadulterated BS, just because you give Hitlary a pass on it doesn't mean everyone will

True, Hil will have to take responsibility for supporting the Conservatives/GOP war in Iraq on false premises. That embassy thing? Not so much!

"During the George W. Bush period, there were 13 attacks on various embassies and consulates around the world. Sixty people died.".

Prior to Benghazi were there 13 attacks on embassies and 60 deaths under President George W. Bush PolitiFact
She goes in front of Gowdy again very soon. Perhaps you should pay attention to what's happening in the real world?
Do you believe if she felt the least bit threatened by any of your candidates, she would have announced her candidacy? Gosh you guys sure are clueless about politics. I'm more and more confident she is going to win the more I read from you fools.

Yeah she was going to win in 08 also, then some no account community organizer kicked her to the curb
Hey FatsoLassie, both she and Obama had 18,000,000 primary votes. Either of them could have won but it went to the delegates. NONE of your candidates will ever see that many primary votes. Know why? They're too stupid to vote for, you all are always voting for the least hated candidate.

You keep telling yourself that you have anyone who can beat Hillary. To get back on topic, maybe Carly can beat her.


Grow up. You're such a child and then wonder why you're never taken serious. Go back to your realm, the Flame Zone
I go where I want here. Did you forget I already told you that?


Child, you're an unimpressive little twat waffle, nothing more and nothing less...that and you lie a lot.
Chris Stevens, Sean Smith, Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty, Wonder if they had families. Doesn't matter.
Off topic, even if you were being very vague about your point. Nobody is going to take Benghazi into the voting booth with them.

It's very on topic. It speaks to taking responsibility. I thought that this was what we were talking about. Why should some candidates have things held over their heads while others should not? Oh. I know why.

Responsibility? You mean she had the power to bring back the dead? Perhaps she should try it with the 3,000 in Dubya's war of choice? Or do you mean when the GOP gutted the budget for States defense?
Off topic, even if you were being very vague about your point. Nobody is going to take Benghazi into the voting booth with them.

Complete unadulterated BS, just because you give Hitlary a pass on it doesn't mean everyone will
Oh Issa and his never ending investigation took care of that. Your incompetent Teaparty made sure Hillary won't have to deal with it anytime soon. The TP just needs to understand when to shut up.

She goes in front of Gowdy again very soon. Perhaps you should pay attention to what's happening in the real world?
Do you believe if she felt the least bit threatened by any of your candidates, she would have announced her candidacy? Gosh you guys sure are clueless about politics. I'm more and more confident she is going to win the more I read from you fools.

She was going to win in '08 too... how'd that work out?

You should ask Prez Romney who "won" in a landslide, lol
Off topic, even if you were being very vague about your point. Nobody is going to take Benghazi into the voting booth with them.

Complete unadulterated BS, just because you give Hitlary a pass on it doesn't mean everyone will
Oh Issa and his never ending investigation took care of that. Your incompetent Teaparty made sure Hillary won't have to deal with it anytime soon. The TP just needs to understand when to shut up.

She goes in front of Gowdy again very soon. Perhaps you should pay attention to what's happening in the real world?
Do you believe if she felt the least bit threatened by any of your candidates, she would have announced her candidacy? Gosh you guys sure are clueless about politics. I'm more and more confident she is going to win the more I read from you fools.

You should run Sarah. You're at least as smart as Hillary. And your avatar is way better'd get at least 50% of the vote just for the gash between your legs!

And the right wingers question the GOP's war on woman? lol
Do you believe if she felt the least bit threatened by any of your candidates, she would have announced her candidacy? Gosh you guys sure are clueless about politics. I'm more and more confident she is going to win the more I read from you fools.

Yeah she was going to win in 08 also, then some no account community organizer kicked her to the curb
Hey FatsoLassie, both she and Obama had 18,000,000 primary votes. Either of them could have won but it went to the delegates. NONE of your candidates will ever see that many primary votes. Know why? They're too stupid to vote for, you all are always voting for the least hated candidate.

You keep telling yourself that you have anyone who can beat Hillary. To get back on topic, maybe Carly can beat her.


Grow up. You're such a child and then wonder why you're never taken serious. Go back to your realm, the Flame Zone
I go where I want here. Did you forget I already told you that?


Child, you're an unimpressive little twat waffle, nothing more and nothing less...that and you lie a lot.
Look it up for yourself, fatsolassie.
Yeah she was going to win in 08 also, then some no account community organizer kicked her to the curb
Hey FatsoLassie, both she and Obama had 18,000,000 primary votes. Either of them could have won but it went to the delegates. NONE of your candidates will ever see that many primary votes. Know why? They're too stupid to vote for, you all are always voting for the least hated candidate.

You keep telling yourself that you have anyone who can beat Hillary. To get back on topic, maybe Carly can beat her.


Grow up. You're such a child and then wonder why you're never taken serious. Go back to your realm, the Flame Zone
I go where I want here. Did you forget I already told you that?


Child, you're an unimpressive little twat waffle, nothing more and nothing less...that and you lie a lot.
Look it up for yourself, fatsolassie.

Inevitably the one calling someone fat is usually a plumper. If you can't converse in a grown up manner then I suggest you stop conversing. People tire of child like antics
Chris Stevens, Sean Smith, Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty, Wonder if they had families. Doesn't matter.

Conservatives using American deaths for political purposes. I'm shocked

Here are a few more names for you to remember Bubba

Operation Iraqi Freedom
iCasualties OIF Iraq Fatalities Details

In Context: Hillary Clinton's 'What difference does it make' comment

"Was it because of a protest or was it because of guys out for a walk one night and decided they’d go kill some Americans," Clinton said. "What difference – at this point, what difference does it make?"

In Context Hillary Clinton s What difference does it make comment PolitiFact

UIhm, you do know t hat that war was duly authorized, twice, by a Democrat Congress, right?
And yet somehow Hillary Clinton despite all her baggage would be great as President sheesh. The funny thing is if the left had any viable alternative to Hillary they would throw her under the bus in a heartbeat.
She forgot to register her name .org so someone else did. They put the following on their site:

Site Using Candidate Carly Fiorina's Name Attacks Her Record At HP

Just hours after the Republican Carly Fiorina announced her presidential run, she was criticized on a website bearing her name, for causing the loss of 30,000 jobs while serving as the CEO of Hewlett-Packard.

As Wired first reported, Fiorina appears not to have registered her dot-org domain name. However, she does have registered. The dot-org page,, has this message: "Carly Fiorina failed to register this domain. So I'm using it to tell you how many people she laid off at Hewlett-Packard." The site then displays several arrays of frowny faces. It continues:

"That's 30,000 people she laid off. People with families."

Site Using Candidate Carly Fiorina s Name Attacks Her Record At HP The Two-Way NPR

30,000 frownie faces. :(

That's awesome! This woman has even fewer accomplishments than Hillary, and that's hard to do!
She forgot to register her name .org so someone else did. They put the following on their site:

Site Using Candidate Carly Fiorina's Name Attacks Her Record At HP

Just hours after the Republican Carly Fiorina announced her presidential run, she was criticized on a website bearing her name, for causing the loss of 30,000 jobs while serving as the CEO of Hewlett-Packard.

As Wired first reported, Fiorina appears not to have registered her dot-org domain name. However, she does have registered. The dot-org page,, has this message: "Carly Fiorina failed to register this domain. So I'm using it to tell you how many people she laid off at Hewlett-Packard." The site then displays several arrays of frowny faces. It continues:

"That's 30,000 people she laid off. People with families."

Site Using Candidate Carly Fiorina s Name Attacks Her Record At HP The Two-Way NPR

30,000 frownie faces. :(

That's awesome! This woman has even fewer accomplishments than Hillary, and that's hard to do!
Say what? She's been in politics all of her adult life, first lady, partner to her husband as governor and president, well here's a better list.

Accomplishments? Thought you'd never ask.

First ever student commencement speaker at Wellesley College. Distinguished graduate of Yale Law School. Former Director of the Arkansas Legal Aid Clinic. Former civil litigation attorney. Former Law Professor at the University of Arkansas School of Law. Former First Lady of Arkansas. Former First Lady of the United States, and the first FLOTUS in US History to hold a postgraduate degree. First ex-FLOTUS in US History to be elected to the United States Senate. Elected by the… State of New York to serve two terms in the United States Senate. Former US Secretary of State. GRAMMY Award Winner. Author. Self proclaimed Pantsuit Aficionado. Married to a man named Bill, who plays the saxophone.”

You don’t have to like Hillary Clinton or her ideas. I get it. She’s a Democrat, a progressive (in most eyes), and conservatives don’t like that. However, you cannot say she does not have any accomplishments. Here are just a few:

Even though her major initiative, the Clinton healthcare plan, failed (due to Republican obstruction), you cannot deny that it laid ground for what we have today, the Affordable Healthcare Act, something Clinton supports and would continue.

She played a leading role in the development of State Children’s Health Insurance Program, which provides the much-needed state support for children whose parents cannot afford nor provide them with adequate healthcare coverage.

She was also instrumental in the creation of the Adoption and Safe Families Act and the Foster Care Independence Act.
Successfully fought to increase research funding for prostate cancer and asthma at the National Institute of Health (NIH).

She spearheaded investigations into mental illness plaguing veterans of the Gulf War; we now have a term for it – Gulf War Syndrome.

At the Department of Justice, she helped create the office on Violence Against Women.

She was instrumental in securing over $21 billion in funding for the World Trade Center redevelopment.

Took a leading role in the investigation of health consequences of first responders and drafted the first bill to compensate and offer the health services our first responders deserve (Clinton’s successor in the Senate, Kirsten Gillibrand, passed the bill).

Was instrumental in working out a bi-partisan compromise to address civil liberty abuses for the renewal of the U.S. Patriot Act.

Proposed a revival of the New Deal-era Home Owners’ Loan Corporation to help homeowners refinance their mortgages in the wake of the 2008 financial disaster.

Was a major proponent of sensible diplomacy which brought about a ceasefire between Hamas and Israel, and brokered human rights with Burma.

Oversaw free trade agreements with our allies such as Panama, Colombia, and South Korea.

Was the most traveled Secretary of State to date.

The Clinton Foundation, founded by her and her husband, has improved the living conditions for nearly 400 million people in over 180 countries through its Initiative program.

Addicting Info Here s A List Of Hillary Clinton s Accomplishments So Quit Saying She Doesn t Have Any

Any Republican candidate have more?
Chris Stevens, Sean Smith, Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty, Wonder if they had families. Doesn't matter.
Off topic, even if you were being very vague about your point. Nobody is going to take Benghazi into the voting booth with them.

Complete unadulterated BS, just because you give Hitlary a pass on it doesn't mean everyone will
Oh Issa and his never ending investigation took care of that. Your incompetent Teaparty made sure Hillary won't have to deal with it anytime soon. The TP just needs to understand when to shut up.

Why on Earth do ordinary Americans just "need to shut up"..... we had to endure the Street Shitters and their wretched nonsense.. all under the guise of "freedom of speech".

Nobody is telling you that you have to shut up. Just that the more you rant about Benghazi, the dumber you sound. It would help your credibility to shut up, but I encourage you to continue ranting as you have been.
Hey FatsoLassie, both she and Obama had 18,000,000 primary votes. Either of them could have won but it went to the delegates. NONE of your candidates will ever see that many primary votes. Know why? They're too stupid to vote for, you all are always voting for the least hated candidate.

You keep telling yourself that you have anyone who can beat Hillary. To get back on topic, maybe Carly can beat her.


Grow up. You're such a child and then wonder why you're never taken serious. Go back to your realm, the Flame Zone
I go where I want here. Did you forget I already told you that?


Child, you're an unimpressive little twat waffle, nothing more and nothing less...that and you lie a lot.
Look it up for yourself, fatsolassie.

Inevitably the one calling someone fat is usually a plumper. If you can't converse in a grown up manner then I suggest you stop conversing. People tire of child like antics
Nope, I'm slim, always have been. Don't hate me because I have good metabolism.

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