If Hillary's Email is so Important is Blabbing About Top Secrets on TV OK?

It seems to me that if Marco Rubio hadn't actually said it was a secret none of us in the public sector would have ever known it was classified information being deseminated on national TV. So who is guilty or guiltier? Ted Cruz or Marco Rubio?

I guess the real question is which one of these three nitwits would reveal top secrets from the Oval Office?

"During the Republican presidential debate Tuesday night, Ted Cruz and Carly Fiorina may have revealed classified information to millions of people watching CNN on live TV.

During a heated exchange in which Ted Cruz was defending a vote he made in favor of the USA Freedom Act, the Texas Tea Party Senator blew up at fellow Senator Marco Rubio, who accused him of voting for a bill that shut down the NSA's metadata program, "a valuable tool that we no longer have at our disposal," the Florida Senator accused.

Cruz then went off.

After accusing Rubio of making "knowingly false" and "Alinsky-like attacks like Barack Obama," Cruz retorted, defending the reason for his vote as "simple."

"What [Rubio] knows is that the old program covered 20 percent to 30 percent of phone numbers to search for terrorists," Cruz countered. "The new program covers nearly 100 percent. That gives us greater ability to stop acts of terrorism, and he knows that that’s the case."

Rubio, who sits on the U.S. Senate's Intelligence Committee, interjected nervously.

"Let me be very careful when answering this, because I don’t think national television in front of 15 million people is the place to discuss classified information. So let me just be very clear. There is nothing that we are allowed to do under this bill that we could not do before."

Roll Call just after the debate finished, posted an article asking, "Did Sen. Ted Cruz disclose classified information on national television?," and notes that "As the exchange happened, Becca Glover Watkins, the communications director for Senate Intelligence Chairman Richard M. Burr, R-N.C., tweeted simply: 'Cruz shouldn’t have said that.'"

Meanwhile, Carly Fiorina also may have revealed classified information during the same debate.

“Soon after 9/11,” Fiorina said during the debate, “I got a phone call from the NSA. They needed help. I gave them help. I stopped a truck load of equipment and I had it turned around. It was escorted by the NSA into headquarters.”

Gawker notes that Fiorina told the same "tale in an September interview with Yahoo! Politics."

In that interview, Fiorina discussed that, when CEO of Hewlett-Packard, then-NSA director Michael Hayden, just after 9/11, called and asked her for 50 servers "so the NSA could implement 'Stellar Wind' — the controversial warrantless wiretapping program, including the bulk collection of American citizens’ phone records and emails, that had been secretly ordered by the Bush White House."

“Carly, I need stuff and I need it now,” Hayden recalled telling Fiorina.

Fiorina acknowledged she complied with Hayden’s request, redirecting trucks of HP computer servers.

Gawker's report says "Last month, Motherboard reported on leaked NSA documents that seemed to indicate this exchange was still under classification."

That Motherboard report, from October, is titled, "Carly Fiorina May Have Revealed State Secrets by Bragging About Helping the NSA."

Bottom line: Cruz and Fiorina both have wrongly attacked Hillary Clinton over her emails, and lied in their attacks to boot, but are more than willing to (maybe) reveal classified information to millions of people on national TV.
Carly Fiorina And Ted Cruz May Have Revealed Classified Information During GOP Debate
I never thought they would beat their last round of candidates in 2012 but they did, Never overestimate Repubs.
So you boys got nothing to say about Tokyo Ted spilling our national secrets in prime time.

Yeah. I do.

It's a bullshit allegation.

Suddenly seeing a freakin' lib worried about the disclosure (allegedly) of a small snippet of information like that while you fucking imbeciles applaud shitheels that deliberately release hacked classified reams of actual state secrets is to witness

kinda off the charts hypocrisy.

So, have a huge steaming mug of stfu.
Talking about the fact that she BROKE THE LAW is pertinent news. As long as they do not reveal or are careless with classified, as Hillary was/is it's ok. (Sounds like someone wants all this to go away really soon and for no one to keep talking about it....BESIDES Hillary, I mean!)
That law wasn't in place until two years after she left office. Or Colin Powell could have also been charged. And the president, who had a private server his entire 8 years.

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