Carly Fiorina Quips To Dog: 'President Obama Ate One Of Your Cousins' Uh, what?

Hey, Carly......I can take any body and I mean anybody on the planetbut hating on the brother Obama...anybody, but you, a white woman. No race on the planet, salivates more, chases after them more and slaves more.... for delicious dark chocolate, ie black males.....than you, Miss white america!! So please, you wanna make about the one with you running for president after destroying a major Fortune 100 company and taking the largest buy out in US history as a severance that's some funny shit!!:afro::afro:


I absolutely love this...more more more.....Happy Holiday, honky!!

Well, did Obungles own up to eating a pooch? Why yes, yes he did. :)

Go away, you're a bore and bring nothing to the convo

And of course your white ass do, eh? Child, surly you got some black chillin's running around the hood, go fetch em, fo some cop shoot em

GFY ya racist old bish. Sit there talking about how people want to look like you? Please

Yaw so fuckin jealous of us, its sickening and hard to believe, but its true.....Com'on, a 90 year old black woman ages without wrinkles, you bitches wrinkle after 23...:banana:

LMAO Jealous of some huge thing with an ass as wide as Arizona? Half of you can't walk, you waddle....with a gazzilion little dependents in tow
He shouldn't have owned up to it...but he can't help himself. It's always about MEEEEEEEEEE! Narcissists do that

Have you ever visited the south? These hillbilly fucks eat beaver, coons, snakes, snails, rabbits, raccoon and give me a fuckin the nigga sampled a dog, he was a child, you ignorant white shit for brains rotary mop. There's a video in the public domain for eternity and beyond of a white women having sex with a want go there??? I mean you chics reeeeeeekkkkkk of disgust!!

LOL but Obungles ate a poor puppy...

And yaw raped a Who to this day is still in fuckin therapy:dance:.

Go away, you're a bore and bring nothing to the convo

And of course your white ass do, eh? Child, surly you got some black chillin's running around the hood, go fetch em, fo some cop shoot em

GFY ya racist old bish. Sit there talking about how people want to look like you? Please

Yaw so fuckin jealous of us, its sickening and hard to believe, but its true.....Com'on, a 90 year old black woman ages without wrinkles, you bitches wrinkle after 23...:banana:

LMAO Jealous of some huge thing with an ass as wide as Arizona? Half of you can't walk, you waddle....with a gazzilion little dependents in tow
upload_2015-12-16_9-29-23.jpeg this?:dig:
He shouldn't have owned up to it...but he can't help himself. It's always about MEEEEEEEEEE! Narcissists do that

Have you ever visited the south? These hillbilly fucks eat beaver, coons, snakes, snails, rabbits, raccoon and give me a fuckin the nigga sampled a dog, he was a child, you ignorant white shit for brains rotary mop. There's a video in the public domain for eternity and beyond of a white women having sex with a want go there??? I mean you chics reeeeeeekkkkkk of disgust!!

LOL but Obungles ate a poor puppy...

And yaw raped a Who to this day is still in fuckin therapy:dance:.

That's a forum violation, lucky for you I tolerate you:rolleyes:
Go away, you're a bore and bring nothing to the convo

And of course your white ass do, eh? Child, surly you got some black chillin's running around the hood, go fetch em, fo some cop shoot em

GFY ya racist old bish. Sit there talking about how people want to look like you? Please

Yaw so fuckin jealous of us, its sickening and hard to believe, but its true.....Com'on, a 90 year old black woman ages without wrinkles, you bitches wrinkle after 23...:banana:

LMAO Jealous of some huge thing with an ass as wide as Arizona? Half of you can't walk, you waddle....with a gazzilion little dependents in tow
View attachment this?:dig:

Yeah, the ones that can't get a decent white guy go black...we joke about them
Go away, you're a bore and bring nothing to the convo

And of course your white ass do, eh? Child, surly you got some black chillin's running around the hood, go fetch em, fo some cop shoot em

GFY ya racist old bish. Sit there talking about how people want to look like you? Please

Yaw so fuckin jealous of us, its sickening and hard to believe, but its true.....Com'on, a 90 year old black woman ages without wrinkles, you bitches wrinkle after 23...:banana:

LMAO Jealous of some huge thing with an ass as wide as Arizona? Half of you can't walk, you waddle....with a gazzilion little dependents in tow
View attachment this?:dig:

LOLOL...violation? You diggin yourself into a hole? LOLOLOLOLOL
And of course your white ass do, eh? Child, surly you got some black chillin's running around the hood, go fetch em, fo some cop shoot em

GFY ya racist old bish. Sit there talking about how people want to look like you? Please

Yaw so fuckin jealous of us, its sickening and hard to believe, but its true.....Com'on, a 90 year old black woman ages without wrinkles, you bitches wrinkle after 23...:banana:

LMAO Jealous of some huge thing with an ass as wide as Arizona? Half of you can't walk, you waddle....with a gazzilion little dependents in tow
View attachment this?:dig:

LOLOL...violation? You diggin yourself into a hole? LOLOLOLOLOL

I'm toying with you....careful I might drop the hammer :)
Well, did Obungles own up to eating a pooch? Why yes, yes he did. :)

Again, I can stomach anybody poking fun of a child, who's family...introduced them to some wierd shit to eat because they were poor...anybody that is, but a white woman.....cause when I see bitch like this one, ie Carly dropping her panties cause some nigga smiled at her white kinda makes me want to chomp on some dog, too. Cause we all know, if Obama was a single black man, this ugly pooch face white mop, would be all on his zippers and yo white ass know it too!!
Are you suggesting that obama's family was so poor they were starving and had to eat a dog?
He shouldn't have owned up to it...but he can't help himself. It's always about MEEEEEEEEEE! Narcissists do that

Have you ever visited the south? These hillbilly fucks eat beaver, coons, snakes, snails, rabbits, raccoon and give me a fuckin the nigga sampled a dog, he was a child, you ignorant white shit for brains rotary mop. There's a video in the public domain for eternity and beyond of a white women having sex with a want go there??? I mean you chics reeeeeeekkkkkk of disgust!!

Why did you turn this into a racial issue.
Obama has said he tried dog. End of story.

Go away, you're a bore and bring nothing to the convo

And of course your white ass do, eh? Child, surly you got some black chillin's running around the hood, go fetch em, fo some cop shoot em

GFY ya racist old bish. Sit there talking about how people want to look like you? Please

Yaw so fuckin jealous of us, its sickening and hard to believe, but its true.....Com'on, a 90 year old black woman ages without wrinkles, you bitches wrinkle after 23...:banana:

LMAO Jealous of some huge thing with an ass as wide as Arizona? Half of you can't walk, you waddle....with a gazzilion little dependents in tow
Well, I could say something about you, your ass, and Alaska....but why diminish you, Bi-Catfish. :D
I'd be worried too, I heard white women will be there....we already know what they do with poor defenselessly horses!!

Ewwww stop posting that stuff

Stop hating on my president!!
Letter to Mrs Obama from a Marine.
It sickens me that I have to take time to write you this letter. I am a Marine who doesn’t recognize color because every color has lived and died for you. You live in a free country to blame your life on the color of another man’s skin. All colors have given their lives for an educated woman to have the freedom to be so ignorant. I don’t blame black people for the ignorance that comes from your mouth.

I love all colors because I love all that God creates. I don’t have to like you to love you because we can’t always like the ones we love. Just because I don’t like you today doesn’t mean I can’t like you tomorrow. I don’t like you or your husband today because of what you’re doing to this country. Isn’t it funny how the truth always reveals itself in time. You and your husband never showed this side of yourselves in 2008 before he was elected.

You both live better than 99% of the people in this world because of this country. You said that you are for the first time proud to be an American. Well, I will tell you that most of us are ashamed of you. You and your husband have become millionaires off the people of this country, but demonstrate very little appreciation for all that we give. White, black, brown or indifferent millions have fought and died for you to have the freedom to say the ignorant things you say.

You are educated, but clearly have very little common sense. You blame past generations of Americans for the troubles of a few. Stop blaming white people for your misery and take a look at yourself in the mirror. We are responsible for our own happiness and misery. The KKK is ignorance wrapped in a sheet while the Black panthers are raised on ignorance and hate. No different from the teaching of Islam thinking their race is better than all other men.

God is love and creates every color to include everyone’s skin. To truly love God is to love all that He loves. For that I love each of you and pray that we all start taking responsibility for our own damned sins.
Martin Luther King had a dream that we would all live in the promise land. He is not remembered for being black. He is remembered for the love, and character he had within his heart. If you don’t like this country get on that plane and never come back. I will stay here and love all Americans, regardless of skin. I will love the beauty of what God created and stand tall with my American friends. Not because of their color but for the character and love they carry within. This country doesn’t owe you anymore than it owes me.

So many have thanked me for my service and I will always be grateful. I pray that one day you and your husband might cause me to be grateful for yours. You will never be remembered as the First Lady of Color but soon forgotten after you leave the White House. You nor your husband shall ever divide us. I wish you no harm, but pray you will take your troubles to a land you no longer hate. Hate shall come and go but His love shall last forever.
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