Carly Fiorina (R-CA) announcing her presidential run on May 4, 2015

Former Hewlett-Packard CEO Fiorina to launch presidential bid May 4 WSJ Reuters

And in doing so, she is somewhat pre-empting Ben Carson and Mike Huckabee, both of whom are planning to announce on May 5th.

From the link:

Fiorina will announce her candidacy online and hold a conference call for the media,


Discuss. Can Fiorina win?

What elected office did she hold?

She has never held an elected office.

I see... So what military rank did she attain?

Yes, I'm being facetious, since no American has become president without either being a military general or served at least a term in congress.

she was born in Texas and lived long enough to become an adult. She must have had some sort of military training ...
Carly Fiorina. Hewlett-Packard CEO who ran HP almost into bankruptcy, resigning just in time for the next CEO to get most of the blame.

That Carly Forina?

Now you know where George W. copied his exit strategy from.

Regards from Rosie
She is going to wear Bill Clinton's wife's ample ass out, and possibly get the V. P. nomination.

Where do you people come from? Have you ever watched her speak?

Where do you people come from, I've heard Obama speak, have you heard the absurd shit he says?

You guys all style over substance.

Obama.....a great statesman.....a great orator.....a two them POTUS.....a source of extreme nutter butthurt.

Fiorina......a nobody.
Another one....she MIGHT have a shot at VP slot only because she is a woman but from the past things I have heard her say I can't stand her.
She is going to wear Bill Clinton's wife's ample ass out, and possibly get the V. P. nomination.

Where do you people come from? Have you ever watched her speak?

Where do you people come from, I've heard Obama speak, have you heard the absurd shit he says?

You guys all style over substance.

Obama.....a great statesman.....a great orator.....a two them POTUS.....a source of extreme nutter butthurt.

Fiorina......a nobody.

Obama is none of the above.... he's given us 7 years of massive unemployment, stagnant/no growth, a middle east that is on fire, a burgeoning nuclear deal with the worlds largest state sponsor of terrorism and $17,000,000,000,000 in debt among other things. He's no great orator... he may be well spoken, but he's full-of-shit and just regurgitates Fabian Socialist talking points.

You're nuts.
She has executive experience at HP, so she knows how to get shit done.

She almost bankrupted HP and was forced out by the board. Why would you want a proven failed executive to do that to America?
Former Hewlett-Packard CEO Fiorina to launch presidential bid May 4 WSJ Reuters

And in doing so, she is somewhat pre-empting Ben Carson and Mike Huckabee, both of whom are planning to announce on May 5th.

From the link:

Fiorina will announce her candidacy online and hold a conference call for the media,


Discuss. Can Fiorina win?

What elected office did she hold?

She ran HP.... and pretty well at that. I'll take that over a career politician any day.

Assumes facts not in evidence!

Carly Fiorina - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

In early January 2005, the Hewlett-Packard board of directors discussed with Fiorina a list of issues that the board had regarding the company's performance.[44] The board proposed a plan to shift her authority to HP division heads, which Fiorina resisted.[45] A week after the meeting, the confidential plan was leaked to the Wall Street Journal.[46] Less than a month later, the board brought back Tom Perkins and forced Fiorina to resign as chair and chief executive officer of the company.[47] The company's stock jumped on news of Fiorina's departure.[48] Under the company's agreement with Fiorina, which was characterized as a golden parachute by Meredith Vieira[49] and TIME magazine[50] and Yahoo![51] she was paid slightly more than $20 million in severance.[52]

Fiorina's tenure at HP has been both criticised and defended. In 2008, InfoWorld grouped her with a list of products and ideas as flops, declaring her tenure as CEO of HP to be to be the the 6th worst tech flop of all-time and characterizing her as the "anti-Steve Jobs" for reversing the goodwill of American engineers and for alienating existing customers.[53] In 2008, Loren Steffy of The New York Times suggested that the EDS acquisition well after Fiorina's tenure was evidence that her actions as CEO were justified.[54] Fiorina has often been ranked as one of the worst tech CEOs of all time.[55][56][57][58]
Democrats biggest fear is a successful Republican woman that challenges hiLIARy. The leftwing hate machine will now attack Carly like she was one of Bubba's "nuts and sluts" from the 1990's. Carly will rip them a new orfice......
Here in WA we have a tech executive as one of our Senators. She should run too.
Former Hewlett-Packard CEO Fiorina to launch presidential bid May 4 WSJ Reuters

And in doing so, she is somewhat pre-empting Ben Carson and Mike Huckabee, both of whom are planning to announce on May 5th.

From the link:

Fiorina will announce her candidacy online and hold a conference call for the media,


Discuss. Can Fiorina win?

What elected office did she hold?

She has never held an elected office.
Probably here best qualification......
Former Hewlett-Packard CEO Fiorina to launch presidential bid May 4 WSJ Reuters

And in doing so, she is somewhat pre-empting Ben Carson and Mike Huckabee, both of whom are planning to announce on May 5th.

From the link:

Fiorina will announce her candidacy online and hold a conference call for the media,


Discuss. Can Fiorina win?

Hmmm since she couldn't get elected in California........she thinks that makes her qualified to be President?
Former Hewlett-Packard CEO Fiorina to launch presidential bid May 4 WSJ Reuters

And in doing so, she is somewhat pre-empting Ben Carson and Mike Huckabee, both of whom are planning to announce on May 5th.

From the link:

Fiorina will announce her candidacy online and hold a conference call for the media,


Discuss. Can Fiorina win?

Hmmm since she couldn't get elected in California........she thinks that makes her qualified to be President?

Probably the same delusion that made her believe she was qualified to run HP.

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