Carson Vs Rubio in the Refugee mess. Carson is just so much better

browsing deer

Silver Member
Jul 11, 2015
Carson went there, talked to people, passed out relief. His attitude is that people need to be succored in the areas closest to their homes, helped, and Syria needs to be fixed.

Rubio just says no more refugees in America. What happens to them is not his problem. Just as long as they aren't here.

I think Carson's attitude is a lot better. Resettling the Syrians in Syria as soon as possible will be the best solution, as opposed Rubio's no solution.

It is better than Obama's attitude of dumping them here as well. Home is always best
agreed , keep them in Syria . Give them some 'ak' or 'ar' or even some 'sks' rifles and a never ending supply of grenades and ammo , knives , clubs and tell them to fight for their country BDeer !!
Rubios amnesty bill would have given obama the ability to bring as many syrians here as he wants. rubio is a pig.
Carson went there, talked to people, passed out relief. His attitude is that people need to be succored in the areas closest to their homes, helped, and Syria needs to be fixed.

Rubio just says no more refugees in America. What happens to them is not his problem. Just as long as they aren't here.

I think Carson's attitude is a lot better. Resettling the Syrians in Syria as soon as possible will be the best solution, as opposed Rubio's no solution.

It is better than Obama's attitude of dumping them here as well. Home is always best
Syria has to be secured first

With fighting among multiple factions and the Assad government, it may take a while

ISIS is a bigger threat to these refugees than they are to us
i'm not worried about 'Islamic state' , its the Syrian refugee invaders that I don't like . The more you bring into the USA the bigger the 'fifth column' in the USA grows Rightwinger !!
I wonder if those Syrian refugees minded being used for a political prop?
They are past caring. They have been chased from their homes, they are hungry and cold. They can worry about american electoral politics when they are home again, have a full belly and a warm house again.

It is telling that Carson is the only one who has bothered to ask them what they want
I wonder if those Syrian refugees minded being used for a political prop?
They are past caring. They have been chased from their homes, they are hungry and cold. They can worry about american electoral politics when they are home again, have a full belly and a warm house again.

It is telling that Carson is the only one who has bothered to ask them what they want
as I have said many times , 'ben carson' is a squish and his questioning of foreign beggars about what they want is pretty squishy . I mean , its American taxpayers that will pay for what these Syrians get if 'ben' has his way !!
I can solve the whole Syria problem in less than two seconds.

Give Syria to the Zionists and watch the stampede of the refugees back home demanding that Israel give them back their land.

The only down side will be all the Dims who insist that the UN take drastic action against Israel.

If only they felt the same about Assad.
Carson went there, talked to people, passed out relief. His attitude is that people need to be succored in the areas closest to their homes, helped, and Syria needs to be fixed.

Rubio just says no more refugees in America. What happens to them is not his problem. Just as long as they aren't here.

I think Carson's attitude is a lot better. Resettling the Syrians in Syria as soon as possible will be the best solution, as opposed Rubio's no solution.

It is better than Obama's attitude of dumping them here as well. Home is always best

What rubio meant was no more refugees from anywhere but cuba.

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