Casey Anthony Offered $1 Million For TV Appearance-Jerry Springer


conscientia mille testes
Jun 17, 2010
it appears Jerry has made an offer and so it goes. well, this is the world we have made for ourselves.

I have one prediction though; given enough appearances and talking off the cuff, I have a feeling she is going to slip and we will hear information that speaks to her culpability directly.

Casey Anthony Offered $1 Million For TV AppearanceCasey Anthony Offered $1 Million For TV Appearance

Casey Anthony has been offered $1 million to appear on The Jerry Springer Show, Star magazine is reporting exclusively via And yes, there is a hitch: her parents, Cindy and George, plus her brother Lee must appear with her.

It’s the first genuine mega offer to be made to Casey, who was found not guilty of murdering her daughter Caylee, sparking a backlash that gripped the country. It’s so intense that some people have labeled her the Most Hated Woman in America.

PHOTOS: Casey Anthony Laughs In Court

The offer was made to Casey’s legal team on Friday morning, Star learned exclusively and it will be passed on to Casey and her family for consideration.

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Casey Anthony Offered $1 Million For TV Appearance | Radar Online
I knew this was going to happen, I'm sure she will get other offers for talk shows. Also I expect her to be offered a Reality show later and a spread in Playboy magazine and numerous offers for porn later and spreads in other smut magazines, looks like she won't need to do the porn and smut if shes getting offers like this though.
Many more million dollar deals will keep coming. I guarantee a major news network will over cash for an exclusive story!
Granny says she hopes dey have nightmares o' dat lil' girl comin' back an' chewin' on their toes while dey sleep...
Casey Anthony verdict could haunt jurors
7 July`11 - Jurors who acquitted Casey Anthony of murdering her 2-year-old daughter are likely to be confronted with their unpopular decision by their families, co-workers and neighbors for years, according to a juror on the O.J. Simpson trial.
"For the first year I had to hear O.J.'s name every single day, from the general public, people I worked with, my family members," says Yolanda Crawford, who served as juror number 1492 in the 1995 trial of the former football great accused of slashing to death his ex-wife Nicole Brown Simpson and her acquaintance Ronald Goldman. People would ask "What were you thinking, what's wrong with you, why did you do it? I had to constantly explain myself," Crawford says.

Judge Belvin Perry, who presided over the 42-day Anthony trial, expressed concern for the safety of jurors Thursday and postponed a decision on whether to release their names, saying he wanted to allow for a "cooling-off period" of at least a couple of days. Outside the courthouse , protesters chanted "Justice for Caylee" as they waved signs that said "Arrest the Jury!!" and "Jurors 1-12 Guilty of Murder."

A USA TODAY/Gallup Poll conducted after the verdict found that 64% of Americans believe Anthony definitely or probably murdered her daughter Caylee. About half of Americans followed the trial closely. Anthony was sentenced to four years in prison for lying to police, and is scheduled to be released July 17. Insults against the Anthony jurors are already flying through the media and over the Internet — a Fox News headline online called them "a bunch of idiots" Wednesday. Crawford predicts that will continue in public and in person as well.

Crawford felt like her life was put on hold for a year — she and other jurors were sequestered for 265 days during the Simpson trial — but the ordeal lasted much longer. She regrets that she declined psychological counseling offered at the time by the Los Angeles court. Her advice for the jurors: "Try to stay grounded and keep your cool."


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