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Cashless Tyranny Administer By Bankers


Sep 23, 2010
I always believed that this tyranny would never be toppled from the number one spot:

Of all the tyrannies that affect mankind, tyranny in religion is the worst; every other species of tyranny is limited to the world we live in; but this attempts to stride beyond the grave, and seeks to pursue us into eternity. Thomas Paine

Now I am shocked to learn that a new tyranny is much worse this side of the grave:

The end result will be the loss of all autonomy. This will be the darkest of all tyrannies. From cradle to grave one will not only be tracked in location, but on purchases. Liberty will be non-existent

February 8, 2016
Here Comes the ‘Cashless Society’
By Mike Konrad

Articles: Here Comes the ‘Cashless Society’

I am too old to be affected after the bankers get everything they want:

David Rockefeller's 1991 Bilderberg
Quote...Ten Years Later

"We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years."

He went on to explain:

"It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national autodetermination practiced in past centuries."

-- David Rockefeller, Speaking at the June, 1991 Bilderberger meeting in Baden, Germany (a meeting also attended by then-Governor Bill Clinton and by Dan Quayle

David Rockefeller's 1991 Bilderberg Quote...Ten Years Later

Youngsters planning on voting this year better analyze Mike Konrad’s warning —— then find out where the person they vote for stands on individual liberties. Not only listen to what they say, they better be certain they are not being fooled by another liar working for the bankers.

Knowing what is coming is really important for voters between 18 and 29 who say they will vote for Socialism. Anybody who is open to Socialism knows nothing about the liberties they are willing to give to politicians who can only give back a failed economic system:

But here’s what’s interesting: Of that group in the Gallup poll who said they’d vote for a socialist, 69 percent were under the age of 30. A May YouGov poll indicates that 36 percent of people ages 18 to 39 view socialism favorably, compared to just 15 percent of those over 65. And in a survey by Pew Research Center, almost half of people ages 18 to 29 viewed socialism favorably.

In short, younger generations are more open to socialist candidates than older—and a country that has long favored capitalism may be experiencing a subtle shift in ideology.

Reconsidering Socialism: Younger Voters No Longer See the Label as Toxic
By Krissy Eliot

Reconsidering Socialism: Younger Voters No Longer See the Label as Toxic

Bottom Line: A cashless society in a banker’s utopia will be so cannibalistic Soviet Communism will be remembered as paradise lost.
I always believed that this tyranny would never be toppled from the number one spot:

Of all the tyrannies that affect mankind, tyranny in religion is the worst; every other species of tyranny is limited to the world we live in; but this attempts to stride beyond the grave, and seeks to pursue us into eternity. Thomas Paine

Now I am shocked to learn that a new tyranny is much worse this side of the grave:

The end result will be the loss of all autonomy. This will be the darkest of all tyrannies. From cradle to grave one will not only be tracked in location, but on purchases. Liberty will be non-existent

February 8, 2016
Here Comes the ‘Cashless Society’
By Mike Konrad

Articles: Here Comes the ‘Cashless Society’

I am too old to be affected after the bankers get everything they want:

David Rockefeller's 1991 Bilderberg
Quote...Ten Years Later

"We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years."

He went on to explain:

"It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national autodetermination practiced in past centuries."

-- David Rockefeller, Speaking at the June, 1991 Bilderberger meeting in Baden, Germany (a meeting also attended by then-Governor Bill Clinton and by Dan Quayle

David Rockefeller's 1991 Bilderberg Quote...Ten Years Later

Youngsters planning on voting this year better analyze Mike Konrad’s warning —— then find out where the person they vote for stands on individual liberties. Not only listen to what they say, they better be certain they are not being fooled by another liar working for the bankers.

Knowing what is coming is really important for voters between 18 and 29 who say they will vote for Socialism. Anybody who is open to Socialism knows nothing about the liberties they are willing to give to politicians who can only give back a failed economic system:

But here’s what’s interesting: Of that group in the Gallup poll who said they’d vote for a socialist, 69 percent were under the age of 30. A May YouGov poll indicates that 36 percent of people ages 18 to 39 view socialism favorably, compared to just 15 percent of those over 65. And in a survey by Pew Research Center, almost half of people ages 18 to 29 viewed socialism favorably.

In short, younger generations are more open to socialist candidates than older—and a country that has long favored capitalism may be experiencing a subtle shift in ideology.

Reconsidering Socialism: Younger Voters No Longer See the Label as Toxic
By Krissy Eliot

Reconsidering Socialism: Younger Voters No Longer See the Label as Toxic

Bottom Line: A cashless society in a banker’s utopia will be so cannibalistic Soviet Communism will be remembered as paradise lost.

A couple of weeks ago I spent a weekend with a nephew and a couple of his friends, all college students. We had this discussion and they are indeed more receptive to socialism. I can sum up my response to them in 4 words. You will regret it.

I truly believe it is because they know very little about history, stunningly so. They have vaguely heard of the Soviet Union but have no knowledge of what central control leads to.
Every unambitious fool wants socialism. And since America is mostly unemployed or wage slaves (like Ed), the majority will always seek an easier path to a better deal.
I use my card for most things I buy.
To Matthew: So what! You have no idea of where bankers are taking you and the country. Do make an effort to stop looking like a fool.

A cashless world explained by Mike Konrad is just as doable as is a universal currency after you add in the authority that piece of scum in the White House gave to the United Nations over the Americans people. Let me explain for those who are nterested.

For most of my adult life I thought the United Nations crowd was angling toward a universal currency. When I saw the EU create the EURO I was certain it was a test run easily cashed in for a universal currency. Happily, the EURO goes down with the EU which is just around the corner thanks to a big push from United Nations refugees. That tells me that the bankers certainly figured out “Why fight a prolonged battle over a universal currency —— than have to fight another battle for a cashless world.”

The trek towards UN omnipotence has to include a cashless world. Everything is being led by American globalists of questionable loyalty.

Another real fear is that when UN peacekeepers are called in to kill Americans who turn into armed rebellion rather than give up any one of their liberties. I know damn well Hillary Clinton and Taqiyya the Liar would not hesitate one second when it comes to killing Americans in defense of the UN.

Obviously, an armed population is the only real obstacle standing in the way of cashless world. Facing well-armed Americans can get mighty hairy for UN peacekeepers; more so if a substantial number of military units fight alongside their fellow Americans.
I use my card for most things I buy.
To Matthew: So what! You have no idea of where bankers are taking you and the country. Do make an effort to stop looking like a fool.

A cashless world explained by Mike Konrad is just as doable as is a universal currency after you add in the authority that piece of scum in the White House gave to the United Nations over the Americans people. Let me explain for those who are nterested.

For most of my adult life I thought the United Nations crowd was angling toward a universal currency. When I saw the EU create the EURO I was certain it was a test run easily cashed in for a universal currency. Happily, the EURO goes down with the EU which is just around the corner thanks to a big push from United Nations refugees. That tells me that the bankers certainly figured out “Why fight a prolonged battle over a universal currency —— than have to fight another battle for a cashless world.”

The trek towards UN omnipotence has to include a cashless world. Everything is being led by American globalists of questionable loyalty.

Another real fear is that when UN peacekeepers are called in to kill Americans who turn into armed rebellion rather than give up any one of their liberties. I know damn well Hillary Clinton and Taqiyya the Liar would not hesitate one second when it comes to killing Americans in defense of the UN.

Obviously, an armed population is the only real obstacle standing in the way of cashless world. Facing well-armed Americans can get mighty hairy for UN peacekeepers; more so if a substantial number of military units fight alongside their fellow Americans.
Strangely, not that long ago I would have considered you a conspiracy nut. Not any more.
Those kids were absolute dolts....
Actually they're bright and sincere. They've just never been exposed to alternate views. 12 years of public education will do that.

Funny...I've always been able to see through bullshit.
Why can't they?
You know I think it's basically that they're young and still figuring things out. I know at that age I was probably more left leaning than I am now. Not much but a little. The good news is they seemed pretty open minded and still learning.
Those kids were absolute dolts....
Actually they're bright and sincere. They've just never been exposed to alternate views. 12 years of public education will do that.

Funny...I've always been able to see through bullshit.
Why can't they?
You know I think it's basically that they're young and still figuring things out. I know at that age I was probably more left leaning than I am now. Not much but a little. The good news is they seemed pretty open minded and still learning.

I guess being a life long conservative who saw things as right and wrong spared me those wishy washy days.
Thank God.
Those kids were absolute dolts....
Actually they're bright and sincere. They've just never been exposed to alternate views. 12 years of public education will do that.

Funny...I've always been able to see through bullshit.
Why can't they?
You know I think it's basically that they're young and still figuring things out. I know at that age I was probably more left leaning than I am now. Not much but a little. The good news is they seemed pretty open minded and still learning.

I guess being a life long conservative who saw things as right and wrong spared me those wishy washy days.
Thank God.
For me it was probably more of a rebellious stage. Questioning my fathers beliefs. Then I went to work for him in a small business, that cured me.
Those kids were absolute dolts....
Actually they're bright and sincere. They've just never been exposed to alternate views. 12 years of public education will do that.

Funny...I've always been able to see through bullshit.
Why can't they?
You know I think it's basically that they're young and still figuring things out. I know at that age I was probably more left leaning than I am now. Not much but a little. The good news is they seemed pretty open minded and still learning.

I guess being a life long conservative who saw things as right and wrong spared me those wishy washy days.
Thank God.
For me it was probably more of a rebellious stage. Questioning my fathers beliefs. Then I went to work for him in a small business, that cured me.

While my Parents were both conservatives,as I found out at an older age,they never talked politics around my brother and I.
But they did teach us right and wrong and to work hard or dont expect success.
I was poor as dirt for a short time in my younger years after leaving the nest and those lessons of hard work and discipline came back in a hurry and I thank my parents,mainly my father,for the lessons they taught me.
I feel like the lessons of personal responsibility are lacking in todays parents.
I know at that age I was probably more left leaning than I am now.
To baileyn45: Liberals never get to the brain part:

If a man is not a socialist by the time he is 20, he has no heart. If he is not a conservative by the time he is 40, he has no brain. Anonymous
I know at that age I was probably more left leaning than I am now.
To baileyn45: Liberals never get to the brain part:

If a man is not a socialist by the time he is 20, he has no heart. If he is not a conservative by the time he is 40, he has no brain. Anonymous
Oh I don't know, some of the young ones will change their tune once they get into the real world.
They are using the same lie they use to disarm law-abiding Americans. No guns. No crime.

Banning cash under the guise of controlling “money laundering” of criminals and drug lords

From the government’s perspective, banning cash under the guise of controlling “money laundering” of criminals and drug lords, and routing all of our income through the banking system helps them better control everything we do, freezing accounts at will, while taxation becomes much easier, including payment for Obamacare premiums and penalties for non-compliance. “It enables them to track everything you buy and sell, and effectively, everything you own,” added Casey.​

Cash or Digital Money, Personal Freedom or Globalism
By Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh
March 29, 2016

Cash or Digital Money, Personal Freedom or Globalism
To HereWeGoAgain: Thank you for the rating.

Here’s is a bit more on the way the government screws the public time after time:

As far as I know, the income tax was the first royal shafting. It, too, was sold as a crime-stopper, but the majority of Americans wanted no part of the XVI Amendment (1913). Aside from common sense it was never ratified.

Before stopping income tax enforcement could gain traction, the public was told that filing an income tax return would nail rich crooks. Al Capone (1899 - 1947) was the best poster child the IRS ever had because his conviction on tax fraud made the personal income tax appear plausible to the American public. The truth turned out much different than the promise.

Instead of locking up the crooks, the income tax ended up hammering everyone except crooks since Big Al died. Take a good look at what the crooks in this country did, and continue to do, to Americans. The welfare state, and 30 million illegal aliens, was made possible by the income tax that was supposed to rein-in the crooks.

Using a variation of the same pack of lies, EPA bureaucrats convinced idiots that it will “save the planet.” No small thing even for Socialists, but it is the average American homeowner with a home on a quarter of an acre of land in the burbs who is far worse off than ranchers, mine owners, and timber farmers before Democrats and the EPA are through betraying this country.

p.s. I’ve posted this song from 1936 in previous threads. It is always worth another play:

SO let me get this straight the loserterian wants to stop the banks and the private sector from dong what they want??? lol

Actually only the govt creates cash money so liberals would have to command the govt to stop printing cash before it could happen.
SO let me get this straight the loserterian wants to stop the banks and the private sector from dong what they want??? lol

I use my card for most things I buy.

The most hardcore Communist countries have always had thriving black markets. Because if they really wanted to have anything, their socialism just didnt deliver. take away the cash money and the black market, you take away the little freedom they have.

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