Cat lovers input required.....

Oct 8, 2009
OK. As some here may remember, I got landed with a cat. She and I get on pretty well and so far all is pretty well..... However... She started sneezing a day or so ago... it's Spring... do cats get allergies or should I take her to the vet? She's still eating me out of house and home (I swear she is the reincarnation of a certain someone.... I should not digress....) She seems fine... happy etc.... but... should I be worried?
My cat goes on sneezing binges too. The dogs sneezes daily. I think it's an animal thing. . . .or maybe our places are dusty. :D

Glad to know you kept the cat. What's her name?
My cat goes on sneezing binges too. The dogs sneezes daily. I think it's an animal thing. . . .or maybe our places are dusty. :D

Glad to know you kept the cat. What's her name?

Minni. I call her a variety of things.... 'stripey cat', 'hey you, damned animal', 'minni one-eye lopez'.... She seems to be fine with any of these. :lol:
Tis the season for infectious diseases. Either take her to the vet to get her shots, or pick them up yourself and zap her.
My cat goes on sneezing binges too. The dogs sneezes daily. I think it's an animal thing. . . .or maybe our places are dusty. :D

Glad to know you kept the cat. What's her name?

Minni. I call her a variety of things.... 'stripey cat', 'hey you, damned animal', 'minni one-eye lopez'.... She seems to be fine with any of these. :lol:

My cat, Shadow . . . .yes, he's all black, kid named him . . . does NOT like my 13 year old. At all. I think it's mostly her voice but he just doesn't like her and hisses at her and meows at her a lot. I yell at him like he's a kid. lol Sometimes we call him Rick (SNL skit). He also gets very persnickety when it comes to eating sometimes. I'll feed him but he won't eat it and will go a day just grazing on the dry stuff but he's hungry for some wet food. After a day I'll replace the wet food and tell him that this it is, if you're hungry eat because there isn't anything else your getting. I swear to God he ponders this for a bit then goes over and eats the food but only after I tell him to and make it clear that I'm not giving him anything else.
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cats sneeze....unless she is not eating....or taking water...i wouldnt long as its going in and coming out....what kinda food...etc
Tsk, tsk, bones. It's spring. Yes, cats sneeze...but a cat that is sneezing a lot has a virus. Unless it has always sneezed (I had a Persian once called "Snuffy" because her sinuses gave her no end of trouble). And if you wait too long to innoculate, it's too late.
OK. As some here may remember, I got landed with a cat. She and I get on pretty well and so far all is pretty well..... However... She started sneezing a day or so ago... it's Spring... do cats get allergies or should I take her to the vet? She's still eating me out of house and home (I swear she is the reincarnation of a certain someone.... I should not digress....) She seems fine... happy etc.... but... should I be worried?

Cats will begin to sneeze, often and sometimes violently, if they do not get enough trash dumpster time. If you want your cat to be completely healthy, they need to spend at least two hours a week inside of a trash dumpster as it is one of their natural habitats. Take a close look at city cats. You never see them sneezing and it's because they have complete access to trash dumpsters. Another thing too. You never see cats hanging around the back alleys beside of Chinese eating establishments. It's another observation I have made.
as I described in a previous thread little old mamama kitty was vomitting, and had to go to the doctor, I asked the vet then if it could be related to spring allergies and she said "not to this degree" she thought it may have been pancreatitis.. she also has sneezing, and runny watery eyes,, she has however resumed eating and drinking on her own and I no longer have to jab her with needles. thank god..
My cat goes on sneezing binges too. The dogs sneezes daily. I think it's an animal thing. . . .or maybe our places are dusty. :D

Glad to know you kept the cat. What's her name?

Minni. I call her a variety of things.... 'stripey cat', 'hey you, damned animal', 'minni one-eye lopez'.... She seems to be fine with any of these. :lol:

If she has one eye, you should call her "One Eyed Willy!

[ame=]YouTube - The Story of One Eyed Willy[/ame]
And the biggest thing you can do with a cat is not get a continuous water feeder or if you do change the water every day. ;)
Do you dust very often? For me the big mystery of cats is how they manage to sound like a large animal running up and down the upstairs hallway. Usually followed by an unearthly meow howl.
Do you dust very often? For me the big mystery of cats is how they manage to sound like a large animal running up and down the upstairs hallway. Usually followed by an unearthly meow howl.

I NEVER dust!!!

My housekeeper does though! :lol::lol:

I took her to the vet. She has a cold.... ahhhh, that's cute! Anyway, thanks guys. Helpful advice as always from the cat owners - from both sides of the 'house'. :lol:
Do you dust very often? For me the big mystery of cats is how they manage to sound like a large animal running up and down the upstairs hallway. Usually followed by an unearthly meow howl.

I NEVER dust!!!

My housekeeper does though! :lol::lol:

I took her to the vet. She has a cold.... ahhhh, that's cute! Anyway, thanks guys. Helpful advice as always from the cat owners - from both sides of the 'house'. :lol:

you took your housekeeper to the vet?

about the cat, sounds like an allergy, most probably to cat hair. shave that cat.
Update: apparently this volcanic ash from Iceland is a potential cause for cats sneezing and coughing more than normal. Damned Icelanders and their stupid volcanic ash.
I would watch the cat. The cat may have a cold. If it gets severe you should take the cat to the vet.

I have two cats. A big, black, furry one, called George, and a smaller, gray & white one, named Fred.

It's amazing how they have two distinct personalities with their own quirks.
I would watch the cat. The cat may have a cold. If it gets severe you should take the cat to the vet.

I have two cats. A big, black, furry one, called George, and a smaller, gray & white one, named Fred.

It's amazing how they have two distinct personalities with their own quirks.

This is something I am finding out! She most definitely has mood swings. I can tell when she's mad at me! :lol::lol: I didn't know cats got cross! They're actually more fun than I thought. She's an old cat and I maybe worry about her more than I should. I feel very responsible for her welfare.
If there is ropey or dark colored discharge, then take it to the vet. It may be allergies too. I know you can use certain allergy medicines on cats in very very very small doses, but don't recall which ones or how much. So maybe somewhere online has that info.

But essentially, as long as it's kibble and water in one end and out the other... yer good.

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