Catholic synod: Gay rights groups say vote ‘disappointing’

Paragraph 55 of the final report, which has been rewritten many times during the past week, insists that although there can be no analogy between same-sex unions and marriage between a man and a woman, "men and women with homosexual tendencies must be welcomed with respect and delicacy".

Why are they complaining? Divorce effects much more people than being gay, yet the gay aspect is what I see reported much much more.
Catholic gay rights groups say the rejection by bishops of proposals for wider acceptance of gay people, backed by Pope Francis, is “very disappointing”.

A draft paper issued at a Catholic Church synod in the Vatican had included text calling for greater openness towards homosexuals, and divorced Catholics who remarried.
Source: Catholic synod Gay rights groups say vote disappointing - eReporter

I don't understand. What gay groups give a crap what Catholics think and do?
There is a great deal you don't understand.

Gay Catholics are looking for acceptance to a greater degree than they feel they have right now. What's so difficult about that?
The Catholics have a religious creed based on God's Word. Gays want to change that Word to suit themselves. Gays can still believe in God. They can go to any Church that will have them. They just can't be Catholics and practice homosexuality. What's so difficult about that?
That can practice homosexuality, but as with any sin there are rules. They want the rules changed. Same with divorce, which is considered adultery.

There might be cases when all of the factors are present by the manner in which a person approaches the altar. For example, several U.S. bishops have refused Communion to people wearing a rainbow sash. In this case the person is using a symbol that publicly defends a lifestyle that the Church holds to be gravely sinful.
Denying Communion to Someone ZENIT - The World Seen From Rome
There's plenty of World Religions Gays can join that accept anything and everything, why pick on Catholicism?

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