CBO- Obamacare a failure at controlling costs

Quantum Windbag

Gold Member
May 9, 2010
Who'da thunk?

The disease management and care coordination demonstrations comprised 34 programs that used nurses as care managers to educate Medicare beneficiaries about their chronic illnesses, encourage them to follow self-care regimens, monitor their health, and track whether they received recommended tests and treatments. Programs could earn fees to cover the costs of the interventions. All of the programs sought to reduce hospital admissions by maintaining or improving beneficiaries’ health, and because hospitalizations are expensive, that reduction was expected to be the key mechanism for reducing Medicare spending. CBO finds that:

On average, the 34 programs had little or no effect on hospital admissions. There was considerable variation in the estimated effects among programs, however (see figure below).
In nearly every program, spending was either unchanged or increased relative to the spending that would have occurred in the absence of the program, when the fees paid to the participating organizations were considered.
Programs in which care managers had substantial direct interaction with physicians and significant in-person interaction with patients were more likely to reduce Medicare spending than other programs. But, on average, even those programs did not achieve enough savings to offset their fees.

Director's Blog » Blog Archive » Lessons from Medicare
How is the repub plan different?

Was status quo not expensive? Maybe only $18,310 for full coverage 24/7 no matter what.
One of the repub ideas was to properly enforce the interstate commerce clause -for a change- and make medical insurance a free field of national commerce.

Wouldn't have added one new program, bureaucracy, regulation, or anything.
One of the repub ideas was to properly enforce the interstate commerce clause -for a change- and make medical insurance a free field of national commerce.

Wouldn't have added one new program, bureaucracy, regulation, or anything.

you are in dire need of re-education. I am reporting you to attackwatch. :eusa_whistle:
How is the repub plan different?

Was status quo not expensive? Maybe only $18,310 for full coverage 24/7 no matter what.

Let me see if I understand you point. The way we were doing it was expensive, so the only possible solution os to involve the government and make it more expensive. Does that some it up?
How is the repub plan different?

Was status quo not expensive? Maybe only $18,310 for full coverage 24/7 no matter what.

Let me see if I understand you point. The way we were doing it was expensive, so the only possible solution os to involve the government and make it more expensive. Does that some it up?

More cost stimulates the economy, if we could convince everyone in the medical profession to be unemployed, our GDP would double
What is the problem?

The Medical Insurance Industry is STILL the problem. It's always been the problem.

The industry has been increasing their costs many times over any cost of living increases for 30 years or more.

So now you RINO thinkers want to revert back to the status quo thinking the industry will reduce the cost of insurance.

Some of you will believe anything you are told by the industry and THEIR elected officials.

Do you know that the industry has 6 lobbyists per elected official?

Do you know who pays those high dollar lobbyists that are likely former members of congress? YOU DO if you have insurance or even if you are under-insured.
I know many on here love the medical insurance industry BUT how many know that the medical insurance industry wrote up Obamacare?

Yes they saw a grand opportunity to increase their obscene profits...
What is the problem?

The Medical Insurance Industry is STILL the problem. It's always been the problem.

The industry has been increasing their costs many times over any cost of living increases for 30 years or more.

So now you RINO thinkers want to revert back to the status quo thinking the industry will reduce the cost of insurance.

Some of you will believe anything you are told by the industry and THEIR elected officials.

Do you know that the industry has 6 lobbyists per elected official?

Do you know who pays those high dollar lobbyists that are likely former members of congress? YOU DO if you have insurance or even if you are under-insured.

And this is the solution, right?

I know many on here love the medical insurance industry BUT how many know that the medical insurance industry wrote up Obamacare?

Yes they saw a grand opportunity to increase their obscene profits...

I told your side that way back when it was first happening, don't blame me because they didn't listen.

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