CBS:Bain attacks aren’t damaging Romney-Class division not working,how about race?


Council to Supreme Soviet
Dec 12, 2009
CBS:Bain attacks aren’t damaging Romney or Class division not working, how about race?

President Obama is losing ground in the latest polls to Republican challenger Mitt Romney, who’s pushing back against Democrats criticizing his business experience.

As the president has stepped up his attacks on Romney and his record at the private equity firm Bain Capital, Romney has indicated, during this crucial period to define himself to the electorate, he is not going to take the attacks lying down.

“He just doesn’t have a clue what to do to get this economy going. I do,” Romney asserted in an interview with Mark Halperin, of Time magazine.

Romney responded aggressively Wednesday to the Obama campaign’s attack on his work as CEO of Bain Capital and questions about his qualifications to be president.

In the Time interview, Romney turned the tables, almost scoffing at Mr. Obama’s qualifications when he ran for president in 2008.

“Right now,” Romney told Halperin, “we have an economy in trouble, and someone who’s spent their career in the economy is more suited to help fix the economy than someone who’s spent his life in politics and as a community organizer.”
For some time now, commentators have been speculating that the Obama campaign has mostly decided to back off its strategy of attacking Mitt Romney’s tenure at Bain Capital. But Bain is back in force as a campaign issue, now that the Post’s Tom Hamburger has broken a story that documents in the most extensive terms yet the degree to which the company, under Romney’s tenure, invested in companies that sent American jobs abroad:

Mitt Romney’s financial company, Bain Capital, invested in a series of firms that specialized in relocating jobs done by American workers to new facilities in low-wage countries like China and India.
During the nearly 15 years that Romney was actively involved in running Bain, a private equity firm that he founded, it owned companies that were pioneers in the practice of shipping work from the United States to overseas call centers and factories making computer components, according to filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

The Morning Plum: Bain is back, in a big way - The Plum Line - The Washington Post
“vulture capitalism"
another shallow talking point

Free trade will benefit all
Prosperity is not a zero-sum game in free markets

However gov'ts that crowd out investment and stratify
society with regulations that benefit donors and friends
ie crony capitalism, statism etc
never works for the majority of the people

Really, if this is such a pressing issue
Papa Obama should call for more tariffs

That will really fix our economy
It's not working.

Not so sure about that, meself...

Another place where Obama is running ahead: the swing states.

Among swing-state respondents in the poll -- those living in Colorado, Florida, Iowa, Michigan, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Wisconsin -- Obama leads Romney, 50 to 42 percent.

Also in these swing states, Romney's favorability numbers have dropped, possibly reflecting the toll the negative Obama TV advertisements are having on the former Massachusetts governor in these battlegrounds.

A month ago, Romney's favorable/unfavorable score stood at 34-38 percent nationally and 36-36 percent in the 12 swing states.

But in this latest survey, his national fav/unfav score is 33-39 percent and 30-41 percent in the swing states.

In addition, the poll shows that attitudes about Romney's business background -- a frequent target in Obama ads -- also are more unfavorable in these battlegrounds.

Among swing-state respondents, 18 percent say what they’ve seen and heard about Romney’s business record gives them a more positive opinion about the Republican candidate, versus 33 percent who say it’s more negative.

That’s compared to the national 23-to-28 percent margin on this question.

“It’s been more of a problematic month from May to June for Romney,” says McInturff, the GOP pollster.

NBC/WSJ poll: Obama, Romney remain in dead heat - First Read
Dead heat, at this point in the game, does not speak well for
Papa Obama
I do know, that if nothing major changes

Papa Obama is the underdog right now

you know that,,,,,
CBS:Bain attacks aren’t damaging Romney or Class division not working, how about race?

President Obama is losing ground in the latest polls to Republican challenger Mitt Romney, who’s pushing back against Democrats criticizing his business experience.

As the president has stepped up his attacks on Romney and his record at the private equity firm Bain Capital, Romney has indicated, during this crucial period to define himself to the electorate, he is not going to take the attacks lying down.

“He just doesn’t have a clue what to do to get this economy going. I do,” Romney asserted in an interview with Mark Halperin, of Time magazine.

Romney responded aggressively Wednesday to the Obama campaign’s attack on his work as CEO of Bain Capital and questions about his qualifications to be president.

In the Time interview, Romney turned the tables, almost scoffing at Mr. Obama’s qualifications when he ran for president in 2008.

“Right now,” Romney told Halperin, “we have an economy in trouble, and someone who’s spent their career in the economy is more suited to help fix the economy than someone who’s spent his life in politics and as a community organizer.”

The Bush's were life long businessmen and they left us with a bad economy.
I do know, that if nothing major changes

Papa Obama is the underdog right now

you know that,,,,,

By who's standard is he the underdog?

By most accounts it's actually the other way around.

Well, that's true, too. How 'bout we see in a month or two how well Mitt's pumping up his business experience is going for him. Right at this moment the trend doesn't look too good.

Well in truth
the only poll that matters is election day
True by most standards

Papa Obama has not improved or is doing worse

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