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CBS' Catherine Herridge Exposes the Obama era DOJ and intel communities knowingly used Russian disinformation in an effort to topple a president

Another day, more evidence of the corruption, crime, and biggest political scandal in US history continues to come out...

On Friday she highlighted some of the report, including the claim that part of Christopher Steele’s reporting in his infamous dossier was assessed to be part of a Russian disinformation campaign to denigrate U.S. foreign relations.

The FBI was warned sections of the controversial Steele dossier could have been part of a “Russian disinformation campaign to denigrate U.S. foreign relations”

One report stated stated that it did not have high confidence in this subset of Steele’s reporting and ASSESSED that the referenced subset was part of a Russian disinformation campaign to denigrate US foreign relations

#FISA Three footnotes IG report declassified. Footnote 342 withheld citing “unique and significant concerns.” Comes from section about “..miscommunications between Steele and the (dossier’s) Primary Sub-source, exaggerations or misrepresentations by Steele about the information” pic.twitter.com/PjmcIyKm4I
— Catherine Herridge (@CBS_Herridge) April 11, 2020
“Exaggerations or misrepresentations by Steele about the information”? No way!

So basically–the Obama era DOJ and intel communities knowingly used Russian disinformation in an effort to topple a president. Has to be the political crime of the century.
— mallen2010 (@mallen2010) April 11, 2020

For a time Steele was being paid by 3 different sources

1) the Clinton campaign
2) the FBI
3) Russian oligarchs

to **circulate Russian disinformation** to influence the 2016 election.

And as that last OIG report revealed, when Horowitz and his investigators reviewed 29 randomly selected FISA warrants, not one single warrant had followed the proper verification procedures.

4 of them didn't even have the required Woods file. https://t.co/jAAzXJPNFk

Let's be clear about what happened here.

The people running the FBI when all this was happening, where a large part of their JOB is to be ensuring all the laws and procedures are followed, were actively subverting the system for political ends. They created a CULTURE. Comey & McCabe created a culture at the FBI where even legally required procedures – like verifying all the material facts in a warrant & placing that info in the Woods file – were not being followed.

This is WHY nobody took action to stop this travesty when it was discovered the Crossfire Hurricane team was literally using a paid political propagandist working for the Clinton campaign to get a spy warrant on the Trump campaign during the 2016 election.

'Systematic corruption': DOJ IG Michael Horowitz says there were 'fundamental and serious errors' in all four FISA applications against Carter Page https://t.co/zxIyurhBhf

Sigh, holding on to any hope. Let's face it. If not for Trump's personal cleaner (Barr) and a five seat Republican majority, he'd be kicking back at Trump Tower making plans for his new TV network and trying to figure out how to use his time in the White House to raw dog some porn stars. The Steele Dossier was originally paid for by opponents of Donald Trump's candidacy. Opposition research. And from what I've read, the dossier has largely been found to be accurate. And yes, I believe the salacious parts of it too...because...well, it's Trump. Keep digging. Right now, there is nothing that will save Donald Trump or the Republican Party from their fate.

Dossier Not What 'Started All of This'
In 'Crime In Progress,' Fusion GPS Chiefs Tell The Inside Story Of The Steele Dossier

Your post is total tripe. The dossier is a complete fake. The IG said as much.

If he did then he should be fired. Several parts of it was true.

What parts? List them.
Another day, more evidence of the corruption, crime, and biggest political scandal in US history continues to come out...

On Friday she highlighted some of the report, including the claim that part of Christopher Steele’s reporting in his infamous dossier was assessed to be part of a Russian disinformation campaign to denigrate U.S. foreign relations.

The FBI was warned sections of the controversial Steele dossier could have been part of a “Russian disinformation campaign to denigrate U.S. foreign relations”

One report stated stated that it did not have high confidence in this subset of Steele’s reporting and ASSESSED that the referenced subset was part of a Russian disinformation campaign to denigrate US foreign relations

#FISA Three footnotes IG report declassified. Footnote 342 withheld citing “unique and significant concerns.” Comes from section about “..miscommunications between Steele and the (dossier’s) Primary Sub-source, exaggerations or misrepresentations by Steele about the information” pic.twitter.com/PjmcIyKm4I
— Catherine Herridge (@CBS_Herridge) April 11, 2020
“Exaggerations or misrepresentations by Steele about the information”? No way!

So basically–the Obama era DOJ and intel communities knowingly used Russian disinformation in an effort to topple a president. Has to be the political crime of the century.
— mallen2010 (@mallen2010) April 11, 2020

For a time Steele was being paid by 3 different sources

1) the Clinton campaign
2) the FBI
3) Russian oligarchs

to **circulate Russian disinformation** to influence the 2016 election.

And as that last OIG report revealed, when Horowitz and his investigators reviewed 29 randomly selected FISA warrants, not one single warrant had followed the proper verification procedures.

4 of them didn't even have the required Woods file. https://t.co/jAAzXJPNFk

Let's be clear about what happened here.

The people running the FBI when all this was happening, where a large part of their JOB is to be ensuring all the laws and procedures are followed, were actively subverting the system for political ends. They created a CULTURE. Comey & McCabe created a culture at the FBI where even legally required procedures – like verifying all the material facts in a warrant & placing that info in the Woods file – were not being followed.

This is WHY nobody took action to stop this travesty when it was discovered the Crossfire Hurricane team was literally using a paid political propagandist working for the Clinton campaign to get a spy warrant on the Trump campaign during the 2016 election.

'Systematic corruption': DOJ IG Michael Horowitz says there were 'fundamental and serious errors' in all four FISA applications against Carter Page https://t.co/zxIyurhBhf

Catherine Herridge and Fox News are conducting a misinformation campaign. The fact is that the Russians wanted TRUMP to win. That is why they hacked the DNC servers and Podesta's e-mails were hacked. Also I have yet to see a plausible explanation as to why Trump's campaign manager would turn over campaign documents, internal polling data, and discuss strategy with a Russian business
associate with ties to Russian Intelligence.

Certain aspects of the dossier were true. It correctly stated the fact that the Russians were interfering in our elections when that was not generally noted. It correctly stated that a Russian embassy employee was actually a spy.

The fact is that the FISA warrants against Carter Page were obtained after he left the campaign. It is pretty hard to spy on a campaign when the individual is not a part of the campaign. Also the IG has never found any evidence of political bias.
If you had even a shred of credibility I would have at least read some of what you posted, but you did us the favor or preventing us from wasting our time by destroying any you had left. You are, after all, the one who said the Obama administration did not spy on Trump and his team.

:p bwuhahahahahahaha
Sigh, holding on to any hope.

'Hope' of what?

The Obama Administrations crimes - to include Conspiracy, Sedition, Perjury, Obstruction, Falsifying Govt Documents, altering witness testimony after the fact, treason (knowingly facilitating / spreading enemy Russian propaganda), withholding exculpatory evidence, knowingly lying to / defrauding the FISA Court, illegally spying on US citizens / the US President and his team, investigative and prosecutorial misconduct....and more..... That has all been exposed, proven, through internal documents, texts, testimony, IUG Reports, confessions / admissions, recommended indictments,...and more.

The Deep State and criminals in DC will no doubt do what they have done for decades - prove 'Equal Justice' in this country is a mirage / lie by ensuring the most powerful men and women behind the largest criminal political scandal in US history are spared indictment, prosecution, and prison.

The evidence of their deeds, however, can never be expunged, erased, hidden....

All along I thought Bill and Hillary Clinton were America's Political Godfather and Godmother, the most criminal power players in the game, and in many ways they are. Bill's collecting FBI files on his political enemies when he was in office, however, is amateurish at best when compared to Barry.

That SOB weaponized the entire US govt against the people of this country, from the IRS to the DOJ to the NSA to the FBI to every one of the 17 Intel Agencies. During the investigation of his coup attempt, Barry's own NSA Director declared, 'We were just doing what the President told us to do'. His CIA's Deputy Director stated Barry micro-managed every aspect of the CIA, from what furniture they were allowed to buy down to who was investigated...and how. Comey's Counter Intel Director texted how Barry demanded to be kept briefed on EVERYTHING that went on. His lover testified how she attended meetings in the Oval Office, attended by Obama, Biden, Rosenstein, Clapper, Brennan, and Comey.....

Despite Dems and snowflakes attempting to deny it, it has all ben documented. I guess that can take solace, perhaps, in the fact that none of these Deep State / High Profile traitors will go to prison (as some of them should have been there numerous times over by now).

Typing a screed of manufactured nonsense built on the desperation of the right wing to find something to pin on the Obama administration before the November elections send Trump packing and begin the process of destroying the Republican Party for at least a decade. Nothing has been documented. It's an alt-right wish list propagated by the legions of Internet and right wing media cancers that have popped up over the last 15 years. Seriously, you idiots need a hobby. Barack Obama was elected President and the right wing in this country collectively lost their shit. He ran a clean ship. Deal with it.

He ran a clean ship? He started 4 illegal wars. He had Fast and Furious. He had Benghazi. He spied on the Trump campaign. IRS scandal.Spying on the AP. Prism surveillance system.

Dude, wake up.

All the best non-scandals the right wing zealots can throw at the walls, hoping against hope something sticks. He wasn't perfect by any means but, 8 years. No grand juries convened, no charges filed, no convictions. Helped lead the country's economic recovery after the previous admin's disaster. He'll be remembered as a good President. Competent, thoughtful, well respected at home and around the world. Something that your god will NEVER be able to even come close to living up to. That's what keeps him awake at night and endlessly grinds his gears.
Sigh, holding on to any hope.

'Hope' of what?

The Obama Administrations crimes - to include Conspiracy, Sedition, Perjury, Obstruction, Falsifying Govt Documents, altering witness testimony after the fact, treason (knowingly facilitating / spreading enemy Russian propaganda), withholding exculpatory evidence, knowingly lying to / defrauding the FISA Court, illegally spying on US citizens / the US President and his team, investigative and prosecutorial misconduct....and more..... That has all been exposed, proven, through internal documents, texts, testimony, IUG Reports, confessions / admissions, recommended indictments,...and more.

The Deep State and criminals in DC will no doubt do what they have done for decades - prove 'Equal Justice' in this country is a mirage / lie by ensuring the most powerful men and women behind the largest criminal political scandal in US history are spared indictment, prosecution, and prison.

The evidence of their deeds, however, can never be expunged, erased, hidden....

All along I thought Bill and Hillary Clinton were America's Political Godfather and Godmother, the most criminal power players in the game, and in many ways they are. Bill's collecting FBI files on his political enemies when he was in office, however, is amateurish at best when compared to Barry.

That SOB weaponized the entire US govt against the people of this country, from the IRS to the DOJ to the NSA to the FBI to every one of the 17 Intel Agencies. During the investigation of his coup attempt, Barry's own NSA Director declared, 'We were just doing what the President told us to do'. His CIA's Deputy Director stated Barry micro-managed every aspect of the CIA, from what furniture they were allowed to buy down to who was investigated...and how. Comey's Counter Intel Director texted how Barry demanded to be kept briefed on EVERYTHING that went on. His lover testified how she attended meetings in the Oval Office, attended by Obama, Biden, Rosenstein, Clapper, Brennan, and Comey.....

Despite Dems and snowflakes attempting to deny it, it has all ben documented. I guess that can take solace, perhaps, in the fact that none of these Deep State / High Profile traitors will go to prison (as some of them should have been there numerous times over by now).

Typing a screed of manufactured nonsense built on the desperation of the right wing to find something to pin on the Obama administration before the November elections send Trump packing and begin the process of destroying the Republican Party for at least a decade. Nothing has been documented. It's an alt-right wish list propagated by the legions of Internet and right wing media cancers that have popped up over the last 15 years. Seriously, you idiots need a hobby. Barack Obama was elected President and the right wing in this country collectively lost their shit. He ran a clean ship. Deal with it.

He ran a clean ship? He started 4 illegal wars. He had Fast and Furious. He had Benghazi. He spied on the Trump campaign. IRS scandal.Spying on the AP. Prism surveillance system.

Dude, wake up.

All the best non-scandals the right wing zealots can throw at the walls, hoping against hope something sticks. He wasn't perfect by any means but, 8 years. No grand juries convened, no charges filed, no convictions. Helped lead the country's economic recovery after the previous admin's disaster. He'll be remembered as a good President. Competent, thoughtful, well respected at home and around the world. Something that your god will NEVER be able to even come close to living up to. That's what keeps him awake at night and endlessly grinds his gears.

You can feel free to discuss the scandals I posted. They are all real.
All the best non-scandals the right wing zealots can throw at the walls, hoping against hope something sticks. He wasn't perfect by any means but, 8 years. No grand juries convened, no charges filed, no convictions. Helped lead the country's economic recovery after the previous admin's disaster. He'll be remembered as a good President. Competent, thoughtful, well respected at home and around the world. Something that your god will NEVER be able to even come close to living up to. That's what keeps him awake at night and endlessly grinds his gears.

Another rambling diatribe in which a snowflake tries to convince himself that there is 'nothing to see here'....based on HIS OWN WORDS / OPINION.

SSDD. :p
Another day, more evidence of the corruption, crime, and biggest political scandal in US history continues to come out...

On Friday she highlighted some of the report, including the claim that part of Christopher Steele’s reporting in his infamous dossier was assessed to be part of a Russian disinformation campaign to denigrate U.S. foreign relations.

The FBI was warned sections of the controversial Steele dossier could have been part of a “Russian disinformation campaign to denigrate U.S. foreign relations”

One report stated stated that it did not have high confidence in this subset of Steele’s reporting and ASSESSED that the referenced subset was part of a Russian disinformation campaign to denigrate US foreign relations

#FISA Three footnotes IG report declassified. Footnote 342 withheld citing “unique and significant concerns.” Comes from section about “..miscommunications between Steele and the (dossier’s) Primary Sub-source, exaggerations or misrepresentations by Steele about the information” pic.twitter.com/PjmcIyKm4I
— Catherine Herridge (@CBS_Herridge) April 11, 2020
“Exaggerations or misrepresentations by Steele about the information”? No way!

So basically–the Obama era DOJ and intel communities knowingly used Russian disinformation in an effort to topple a president. Has to be the political crime of the century.
— mallen2010 (@mallen2010) April 11, 2020

For a time Steele was being paid by 3 different sources

1) the Clinton campaign
2) the FBI
3) Russian oligarchs

to **circulate Russian disinformation** to influence the 2016 election.

And as that last OIG report revealed, when Horowitz and his investigators reviewed 29 randomly selected FISA warrants, not one single warrant had followed the proper verification procedures.

4 of them didn't even have the required Woods file. https://t.co/jAAzXJPNFk

Let's be clear about what happened here.

The people running the FBI when all this was happening, where a large part of their JOB is to be ensuring all the laws and procedures are followed, were actively subverting the system for political ends. They created a CULTURE. Comey & McCabe created a culture at the FBI where even legally required procedures – like verifying all the material facts in a warrant & placing that info in the Woods file – were not being followed.

This is WHY nobody took action to stop this travesty when it was discovered the Crossfire Hurricane team was literally using a paid political propagandist working for the Clinton campaign to get a spy warrant on the Trump campaign during the 2016 election.

'Systematic corruption': DOJ IG Michael Horowitz says there were 'fundamental and serious errors' in all four FISA applications against Carter Page https://t.co/zxIyurhBhf

I sooooooo wanted to post this and i'm soooo glad you did it Hoooorah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The IRS prevented Conservative organizations from getting 501C3 designations. We had hearings on it. That was a total scandal. Weaponizing the IRS against political opponents?
All the best non-scandals the right wing zealots can throw at the walls, hoping against hope something sticks. He wasn't perfect by any means but, 8 years. No grand juries convened, no charges filed, no convictions. Helped lead the country's economic recovery after the previous admin's disaster. He'll be remembered as a good President. Competent, thoughtful, well respected at home and around the world. Something that your god will NEVER be able to even come close to living up to. That's what keeps him awake at night and endlessly grinds his gears.

Another rambling diatribe in which a snowflake tries to convince himself that there is 'nothing to see here'....based on HIS OWN WORDS / OPINION.

SSDD. :p

And still, nothing to see. No charges, no convictions. No nothing. Just a bunch of right wing media hand wringing in the hopes they can keep enough of their base together to stay relevant.
The IRS prevented Conservative organizations from getting 501C3 designations. We had hearings on it. That was a total scandal. Weaponizing the IRS against political opponents?
Koskinen got the 'Holder' Treatment.....he was protected from being indicted for perjury before Congress about it. :p
The IRS prevented Conservative organizations from getting 501C3 designations. We had hearings on it. That was a total scandal. Weaponizing the IRS against political opponents?

As well as progressive and liberal organizations. You right wingers always neglect to mention this. The beef was over tax exempt status. See, the IRS doesn't care about political leanings. They just want the money. Whether your right or left.
The IRS prevented Conservative organizations from getting 501C3 designations. We had hearings on it. That was a total scandal. Weaponizing the IRS against political opponents?

As well as progressive and liberal organizations. You right wingers always neglect to mention this. The beef was over tax exempt status. See, the IRS doesn't care about political leanings. They just want the money. Whether your right or left.

Wrong, the criteria were not applied equally. We went through all of this in hearings.

They used the favorite partisan liberal excuse “We are fucking retarded, not corrupt.”

Comey used that shit to explain lying to the FISA COURT. It’s one of my favorite Dimm tricks.
Another day, more evidence of the corruption, crime, and biggest political scandal in US history continues to come out...

On Friday she highlighted some of the report, including the claim that part of Christopher Steele’s reporting in his infamous dossier was assessed to be part of a Russian disinformation campaign to denigrate U.S. foreign relations.

The FBI was warned sections of the controversial Steele dossier could have been part of a “Russian disinformation campaign to denigrate U.S. foreign relations”

One report stated stated that it did not have high confidence in this subset of Steele’s reporting and ASSESSED that the referenced subset was part of a Russian disinformation campaign to denigrate US foreign relations

#FISA Three footnotes IG report declassified. Footnote 342 withheld citing “unique and significant concerns.” Comes from section about “..miscommunications between Steele and the (dossier’s) Primary Sub-source, exaggerations or misrepresentations by Steele about the information” pic.twitter.com/PjmcIyKm4I
— Catherine Herridge (@CBS_Herridge) April 11, 2020
“Exaggerations or misrepresentations by Steele about the information”? No way!

So basically–the Obama era DOJ and intel communities knowingly used Russian disinformation in an effort to topple a president. Has to be the political crime of the century.
— mallen2010 (@mallen2010) April 11, 2020

For a time Steele was being paid by 3 different sources

1) the Clinton campaign
2) the FBI
3) Russian oligarchs

to **circulate Russian disinformation** to influence the 2016 election.

And as that last OIG report revealed, when Horowitz and his investigators reviewed 29 randomly selected FISA warrants, not one single warrant had followed the proper verification procedures.

4 of them didn't even have the required Woods file. https://t.co/jAAzXJPNFk

Let's be clear about what happened here.

The people running the FBI when all this was happening, where a large part of their JOB is to be ensuring all the laws and procedures are followed, were actively subverting the system for political ends. They created a CULTURE. Comey & McCabe created a culture at the FBI where even legally required procedures – like verifying all the material facts in a warrant & placing that info in the Woods file – were not being followed.

This is WHY nobody took action to stop this travesty when it was discovered the Crossfire Hurricane team was literally using a paid political propagandist working for the Clinton campaign to get a spy warrant on the Trump campaign during the 2016 election.

'Systematic corruption': DOJ IG Michael Horowitz says there were 'fundamental and serious errors' in all four FISA applications against Carter Page https://t.co/zxIyurhBhf

Sigh, holding on to any hope. Let's face it. If not for Trump's personal cleaner (Barr) and a five seat Republican majority, he'd be kicking back at Trump Tower making plans for his new TV network and trying to figure out how to use his time in the White House to raw dog some porn stars. The Steele Dossier was originally paid for by opponents of Donald Trump's candidacy. Opposition research. And from what I've read, the dossier has largely been found to be accurate. And yes, I believe the salacious parts of it too...because...well, it's Trump. Keep digging. Right now, there is nothing that will save Donald Trump or the Republican Party from their fate.

Dossier Not What 'Started All of This'
In 'Crime In Progress,' Fusion GPS Chiefs Tell The Inside Story Of The Steele Dossier

Oh my god...another liberal trying to claim that what the DNC, Hillary Clinton and the Obama White House did was just a continuation of the "opponent research" that one of Trump's GOP rivals paid for?

The fact is...Hillary Clinton and the DNC paid large sums of money to Glenn Simpson and Fusion GPS to run a smear campaign against Donald Trump. High ranking figures in the FBI, the CIA, and the Obama White House knew that the Steele dossiers were a political hit job by the Clinton campaign yet used them anyways to obtain FISA warrants to spy on the campaign of Donald Trump.
And still, nothing to see. No charges, no convictions.

EVERYONE just noticed you left out 'EVIDENCE'.

From their own text messages, testimony, official documents, altered testimony, US IG reports, US IG indictment recommendations, etc.... the EVIDENCE that has been exposed of crimes committed by the previous administration, its DOJ, NSA, CIA, FBI...and others...is UNDENIABLE. No shit....the former President, his Cabinet Members / Agency Directors, and conspirators may get a pass to save them, the former President, even the US the world-wide humiliation of them being per-walked, but, again, the evidence is recorded, documented - officially, and is undeniable....except in the minds and opinions of warped, partisan Trump-haters.

That's the big difference between Obama's and the Trump administration. After 4+ years, Schiff did a masterful job of putting on display for the world the Democrats were able to come up with NO crime NO EVIDENCE. and NO witnesses.

Under Obama:
- US AG Holder became the 1st Presidential administration Cabinet member/ US AG to ever be Censured (by a bipartisan Congress) for his crimes

- The IRS Director, the NSA Director, and the CIA Director were all caught committing Felony Perjury
-- Koskinen 'retired' after a deal was cut for him to go away on his own
-- Clapper was protected from indictment twice, allowed to clarify' his lies before Congress once and delays helped the time run out on the 2nd one
-- Brennan was forced to appear before Congress to confess to illegally spying and promise he would not do it again to escape indictment / prosecution

Members of his FBI were recommended for Indictment for crimes of illegally spying, FISA Court Violations, etc...

Obama's administration was recognized as the most criminally NON-compliant administration ever in regards toi the FOIA and Federal Records Act.....

But thank you for reminding us all that you could not say there was / is no EVIDENCE off how corrupt / criminal the Obama administration was,
Oh my god...another liberal trying to claim that what the DNC, Hillary Clinton and the Obama White House did was just a continuation of the "opponent research" that one of Trump's GOP rivals paid for?

What Democrats / snowflakes call 'opposition research' - the dossier - the FBI officially assessed to be Russian Propaganda...that THEY used in an attempt to take down Trump.
I find it hilarious how official government documents, authored by Obama's own FBI, can be exposed, released showing the FBI admitted the whole coup attempt was based on known Russian propaganda ... and brainwashed TDS-suffering hate-driven idiots can slap each other on the back an parrot each other's 'nothing to see here' lies that have been debunked 50 times over with actual evidence.

Just goes to show 'Ignornce is bliss' & 'you can't fix stupid'.


When it comes to these leftist bed wetters and ignorance, I think a more appropriate phrase might be:

Ignorance is crack cocaine...

They are deliberately ignorant, and maintain a devotion to being misinformed, clinging to lies no matter how stupid they look. They demonstrate no state of bliss either, they're perpetually miserable, sniveling ill-mannered piss pots. Not only that but they're committed to making other people believe in their delusional bullshit and shutting down those who expose the truth.

It's literally as if they're addicted to some dopamine that gets produced in whatever sphincter functions as a brain, when they're able to suppress thinking independently. I suppose after doing it for so long they lose the capacity to think even if they wanted too.

Truly pathetic pieces of shit they are.

What can you really expect, though, from short-bus-riding snowflakes who can watch with their own eyes and hear with their own ears the former VP of the United States give the text book definition of the word 'extortion' in his video-taped confession of extorting the former Ukraine PM....with full knowledge and support of his boss, President Obama, and still be able to claim 'nothing to see here'.

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Let's not forget their meat puppet faggot messiah openly "colluding" (actually conspiring with and committing TREASON) with Medvedev to weaken our missile defense capacity...

How much more evidence do we need? Was there even a hearing in congress? Had it been Trump you can bet he would have been arrested, tried, convicted and hanged already.

Another day, more evidence of the corruption, crime, and biggest political scandal in US history continues to come out...

On Friday she highlighted some of the report, including the claim that part of Christopher Steele’s reporting in his infamous dossier was assessed to be part of a Russian disinformation campaign to denigrate U.S. foreign relations.

The FBI was warned sections of the controversial Steele dossier could have been part of a “Russian disinformation campaign to denigrate U.S. foreign relations”

One report stated stated that it did not have high confidence in this subset of Steele’s reporting and ASSESSED that the referenced subset was part of a Russian disinformation campaign to denigrate US foreign relations

#FISA Three footnotes IG report declassified. Footnote 342 withheld citing “unique and significant concerns.” Comes from section about “..miscommunications between Steele and the (dossier’s) Primary Sub-source, exaggerations or misrepresentations by Steele about the information” pic.twitter.com/PjmcIyKm4I
— Catherine Herridge (@CBS_Herridge) April 11, 2020
“Exaggerations or misrepresentations by Steele about the information”? No way!

So basically–the Obama era DOJ and intel communities knowingly used Russian disinformation in an effort to topple a president. Has to be the political crime of the century.
— mallen2010 (@mallen2010) April 11, 2020

For a time Steele was being paid by 3 different sources

1) the Clinton campaign
2) the FBI
3) Russian oligarchs

to **circulate Russian disinformation** to influence the 2016 election.

And as that last OIG report revealed, when Horowitz and his investigators reviewed 29 randomly selected FISA warrants, not one single warrant had followed the proper verification procedures.

4 of them didn't even have the required Woods file. https://t.co/jAAzXJPNFk

Let's be clear about what happened here.

The people running the FBI when all this was happening, where a large part of their JOB is to be ensuring all the laws and procedures are followed, were actively subverting the system for political ends. They created a CULTURE. Comey & McCabe created a culture at the FBI where even legally required procedures – like verifying all the material facts in a warrant & placing that info in the Woods file – were not being followed.

This is WHY nobody took action to stop this travesty when it was discovered the Crossfire Hurricane team was literally using a paid political propagandist working for the Clinton campaign to get a spy warrant on the Trump campaign during the 2016 election.

'Systematic corruption': DOJ IG Michael Horowitz says there were 'fundamental and serious errors' in all four FISA applications against Carter Page https://t.co/zxIyurhBhf

Sigh, holding on to any hope. Let's face it. If not for Trump's personal cleaner (Barr) and a five seat Republican majority, he'd be kicking back at Trump Tower making plans for his new TV network and trying to figure out how to use his time in the White House to raw dog some porn stars. The Steele Dossier was originally paid for by opponents of Donald Trump's candidacy. Opposition research. And from what I've read, the dossier has largely been found to be accurate. And yes, I believe the salacious parts of it too...because...well, it's Trump. Keep digging. Right now, there is nothing that will save Donald Trump or the Republican Party from their fate.

Dossier Not What 'Started All of This'
In 'Crime In Progress,' Fusion GPS Chiefs Tell The Inside Story Of The Steele Dossier
Most of US knew what the dirty Democrats were doing and the traitorous FBI officials. It's just that now, the evidence is slowly coming out possibly because this Covid epidemic has kept the MSM busy trying to yet again blame Trump. The Dossier was found to be accurate only as far as the statements of of the people therein that were called witnesses. The only problem is that they were never researched and verified. Yet, Comey and the FBI told the FISA court they WERE verified. You are regurgitating only part of the story the MSM wants you to hear.

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