CBS Posts Cropped Video of Adam Toledo Shooting on Twitter, Leaving Gun Out of Frame


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
The horrible, awful, rotten to the core fake news strikes again.

A clip of the police shooting of Adam Toledo shared by CBS on Twitter on Thursday was cropped at the edges, eliminating footage which appears to show Toledo holding a handgun.

The clip is taken from body camera footage recorded by Chicago police officer Eric Stillman. The same footage is not cropped in video displayed CBS’s website, and includes frames in which Toledo is apparently holding a handgun before reaching behind a fence, dropping the gun, and putting his hands up.


Fake news media posted a lie?????????????????

They don't even try to hide it anymore. CNN is an opinion/propanganda outlet for the Democrats. They prove it every day.

I don't believe they ever hid their propaganda - even from the start when they knew their ratings were tanking. They don't seem to care to see how they are digging it deep into the ground.

CBS Doctored Police Video Of 13-Yr-Old Shot By Chicago Police Removing the Gun From Teenager’s Hand [VIDEO]
BUSTED! CBS Doctored Police Video Of 13-Yr-Old Shot By Chicago Police Removing the Gun From Teenager's Hand [VIDEO] | DJHJ Media
18 Apr 2021 ~~ Rich Welch

The whole reason why we have the “Freedom of the Press” clause in the First Amendment is to allow the news media to print the truth without repercussions from a tyrannical government trying to silence them. Something the Founding Fathers never dreamed of was the overwhelming majority of news media reporters siding with a political party over all else and fabricating news instead of just reporting news to help their party, but here we are in 2021.
CBS News, not for the first time, has outdone itself in dishonesty, manipulating the truth to fit the Democratic Party narrative that cops are needlessly killing people.
The news outlet intentionally edited out the part that shows the gun in the 13-year-old’s hand just before I shot him. How do we know? Because if you watched the real video – which we have below – you see the most crucial part that CBS yanked out. They edited Toledo leftward to keep his gun hand hidden before they panned the screen back to reveal him getting shot. They manufactured a story allegedly with the intent of causing civil unrest. They had to know that what they did could potentially cause riots to break out in Chicago and other cities across the country. Only evil people would do that, folks.

If you just had the CBS video to go by, no matter what your political side of the spectrum, you would be outraged after seeing a kid stop running, and raise his hands only to be shot by a police officer. And you should be just as outraged when you learned that CBS manipulated the video to remove the part where Toledo was stopped in the same spot as the video only the gun in his hand was removed by CBS.
This incident shows what police officers have to go through all the time when they have to make a split-second decision to save their own life or that of someone else’s. This time, the officer had 38 milliseconds to react.
I think it’s time for the American people to demand accountability from news networks that intentionally fake information to manufacture news instead of reporting it. And boycotts and not effective, because the Woke in news don’t really care about ratings. Just looks at CNN. I think when a news outlet is caught this red-handed, they should be suspended from publishing the news. They should be fined heavily and shamed. But in this crazy world in which we live in you wish in one hand, and spit in the other and see which one fills up first.

It's appalling that media especially CBS is incapable of reporting news truthfully. Then to add insult to injury the famous talking head Shephard Smith NBC, reports this as truth and further makes his career a joke.
This is not the first time that CBS has aired false reporting. They edited George Zimmerman's injuries and claimed he was a "White Hispanic" whatever that is.
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Um. No. He dropped the gun and raised his hands and was shot. Even your link says so. My question to you. We now encourage police to shoot people who are complying with the orders?

Read the following slowly and carefully:
This incident shows what police officers have to go through all the time when they have to make a split-second decision to save their own life or that of someone else’s. This time, the officer had 38 milliseconds to react.
Um. No. He dropped the gun and raised his hands and was shot. Even your link says so. My question to you. We now encourage police to shoot people who are complying with the orders?


You left out a few details,

Not after the boy had been shooting BEFORE the police arrives, thus it will be treated as a highly dangerous situation, then when the stupid boy see the police he runs off with the gun still in his hand, the police chase him until the boy suddenly stops running drops his gun and raise his hands up, gets shot a second later.

Stop letting the media lie to you!
Adam Toledo: Body camera video in the fatal shooting of a 13-year-old boy by Chicago police has been released

By Dakin Andone, CNN 1 day ago


Authorities in Chicago have released body camera video that shows a 13-year-old being shot by police officers on March 29.

CNN teams have viewed the footage, which appears to show less than one second pass between the time Adam Toledo draws a handgun and an officer fires a single, fatal shot that hits him in the chest.

The horrible, awful, rotten to the core fake news strikes again.

A clip of the police shooting of Adam Toledo shared by CBS on Twitter on Thursday was cropped at the edges, eliminating footage which appears to show Toledo holding a handgun.
The clip is taken from body camera footage recorded by Chicago police officer Eric Stillman. The same footage is not cropped in video displayed CBS’s website, and includes frames in which Toledo is apparently holding a handgun before reaching behind a fence, dropping the gun, and putting his hands up.


Activist journalism..... and the Left wonders why and how there is a market for Fox News and the Gateway Pundit.

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