CBS News; Islamic Militants in Egypt kills five Christian, Egyptian Citizens.


Irritated Indy Voter
Apr 8, 2013
Pacific Palisades, CA & Albuquerque, NM
See the CBS News on video here. Attacks on Christians by Islamic militants rise in Egypt - CBS News

(CBS News) CAIRO - A top leader of the Muslim Brotherhood was arrested Wednesday by the military government. It's part of the crackdown on the Brotherhood, which advocates a strict Islamic government. Essam El-Erian went into hiding when the military ousted President Mohammed Morsi. Since then, Islamic militants have stepped up attacks on Christians.


Mourners grieve for five Christians killed by masked gunmen.

In a packed church in a poor Cairo neighborhood, mourners grieved for their dead: Five Christians mowed down by masked gunmen as they arrived for a wedding.
Khalil Masiha lost two of his granddaughters in the attack. Maryam was just 8 years old.......
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See the CBS News on video here. Attacks on Christians by Islamic militants rise in Egypt - CBS News

(CBS News) CAIRO - A top leader of the Muslim Brotherhood was arrested Wednesday by the military government. It's part of the crackdown on the Brotherhood, which advocates a strict Islamic government. Essam El-Erian went into hiding when the military ousted President Mohammed Morsi. Since then, Islamic militants have stepped up attacks on Christians.


Mourners grieve for five Christians killed by masked gunmen.

In a packed church in a poor Cairo neighborhood, mourners grieved for their dead: Five Christians mowed down by masked gunmen as they arrived for a wedding.
Khalil Masiha lost two of his granddaughters in the attack. Maryam was just 8 years old.......

Wonder why US Christian churches don't bitch out Obama for giving aid tho the Muslim Brotherhood govt, when he could have directed it to the Copts, who really need it.

R' Ovadia Yosef never killled anyone not did he advocate killing people---
he did comment on the fact that in times of war ----killing in battle and
in self_defense is not a sin. Try to find that lecture------you could use
it in the same idiotic manner you use your USUAL STUFF

In the USA -----USA military personnel who REFUSE to act in the defense
of THEIR OWN LIVES and the LIVES OF THEIR MATES are considered to be
GUILTY OF A VERY SERIOUS CRIME-----even a capital crime

R' Ovadia Yosef never killled anyone not did he advocate killing people---
he did comment on the fact that in times of war ----killing in battle and
in self_defense is not a sin. Try to find that lecture------you could use
it in the same idiotic manner you use your USUAL STUFF

In the USA -----USA military personnel who REFUSE to act in the defense
of THEIR OWN LIVES and the LIVES OF THEIR MATES are considered to be
GUILTY OF A VERY SERIOUS CRIME-----even a capital crime

No, he advocated ALL non jews be treated like rented mules so they could work and toil on behalf of jews and making them wealthy.

Killing them would be financially unsound...
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As much as the haters would like to deflect from the thread topic, it is probably inevitable that Christianity will eventually be purged from the islamist middle east.

In an islamist dominated society, competing religions only survive as endangered species.

Judaism was long ago driven from the middle east and only returned in 1948 to reclaim its homeland.
See the CBS News on video here. Attacks on Christians by Islamic militants rise in Egypt - CBS News

(CBS News) CAIRO - A top leader of the Muslim Brotherhood was arrested Wednesday by the military government. It's part of the crackdown on the Brotherhood, which advocates a strict Islamic government. Essam El-Erian went into hiding when the military ousted President Mohammed Morsi. Since then, Islamic militants have stepped up attacks on Christians.


Mourners grieve for five Christians killed by masked gunmen.

In a packed church in a poor Cairo neighborhood, mourners grieved for their dead: Five Christians mowed down by masked gunmen as they arrived for a wedding.
Khalil Masiha lost two of his granddaughters in the attack. Maryam was just 8 years old.......

Wonder why US Christian churches don't bitch out Obama for giving aid tho the Muslim Brotherhood govt, when he could have directed it to the Copts, who really need it.

That is not how it works.

R' Ovadia Yosef never killled anyone not did he advocate killing people---
he did comment on the fact that in times of war ----killing in battle and
in self_defense is not a sin. Try to find that lecture------you could use
it in the same idiotic manner you use your USUAL STUFF

In the USA -----USA military personnel who REFUSE to act in the defense
of THEIR OWN LIVES and the LIVES OF THEIR MATES are considered to be
GUILTY OF A VERY SERIOUS CRIME-----even a capital crime

The Pro Palestinian Moron never hears the expression; " Actions speak louder then words" . Too busy with his hate :cuckoo:

R' Ovadia Yosef never killled anyone not did he advocate killing people---
he did comment on the fact that in times of war ----killing in battle and
in self_defense is not a sin. Try to find that lecture------you could use
it in the same idiotic manner you use your USUAL STUFF

In the USA -----USA military personnel who REFUSE to act in the defense
of THEIR OWN LIVES and the LIVES OF THEIR MATES are considered to be
GUILTY OF A VERY SERIOUS CRIME-----even a capital crime

Just because one person, no matter how great a religious figure they are, says killing is not sin if done in the right manner, doesn't make it true. Granted, religion itself is up to interpretation by all manner of people, but I think "thou shall not kill" is a pretty straightforward concept. Even if it is not, a religion like Christianity or Judaism that preaches love and understanding, logically, should not and cannot support killing in any manner.

It's up to an individual whether they want to participate in the killing of another human. There may be times when such killing is necessary, but it's never just, never moral. So far I've seen no religion that absolutely abstains from violence towards another human being.
Fear not, the Jews will come to their aid, LOL.

I saw how the jews and israel came to the aid of christian Tutsis in rwanda when a million of them were getting hacked to death with machetes.

By muslims

No. But for a zionist it's almost just as good...christians

Rwanda is almost 94% christian.


Roman Catholic 56.5%, Protestant 37.1%, Muslim 4.6%, indigenous beliefs 0.1%, none 1.7% (2001) (See Religion in Rwanda)

Demographics of Rwanda - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You see, a zionist will say or post anything that satisfies one of three conditions...

1. Makes israel look goo.
2. Makes jews look good.
3. Makes non jews (gentiles or goy) look bad.

It doesn't matter if it's the truth, truth doesn't matter. All that matters is the propaganda value.

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