CBS News; Islamic Militants in Egypt kills five Christian, Egyptian Citizens.

Wonder why US Christian churches don't bitch out Obama for giving aid tho the Muslim Brotherhood govt, when he could have directed it to the Copts, who really need it.

Religion in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia"The majority of Americans (73–80%) identify themselves as Christians and about 15–20% have no religious affiliation."

As tragic as the Christian deaths in Egypt are, and at a wedding no less, this should motivate Americans. Up until now Americans have viewed the Middle East as a problem for Jews, Muslims, American Oil Interests, and the military. Now it has become as close as their neighborhood church. Knowing Americans this thing will simmer for a while, and then IMPLODE feces all over Muslims.

The Muslim Brotherhood has just given the religious right, Roman Catholics, Protestants and Jews an extremely strong reason to work together.


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Wonder why US Christian churches don't bitch out Obama for giving aid tho the Muslim Brotherhood govt, when he could have directed it to the Copts, who really need it.

Religion in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The USA wastes effort and resouces getting involved in the filth going on in Syria---
the only action in which we should be involved is AIR LIFTS----christians out of
egypt and syria and to the USA---------we could always ask muslims in the USA to
volunteer to trade their USA homes for new residence in syria and egypt----with
their "bretheren"------they could JOIN THE JIHADS over there
I saw how the jews and israel came to the aid of christian Tutsis in rwanda when a million of them were getting hacked to death with machetes.

By muslims

No. But for a zionist it's almost just as good...christians

Rwanda is almost 94% christian.


Roman Catholic 56.5%, Protestant 37.1%, Muslim 4.6%, indigenous beliefs 0.1%, none 1.7% (2001) (See Religion in Rwanda)

Demographics of Rwanda - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You see, a zionist will say or post anything that satisfies one of three conditions...

1. Makes israel look goo.
2. Makes jews look good.
3. Makes non jews (gentiles or goy) look bad.

It doesn't matter if it's the truth, truth doesn't matter. All that matters is the propaganda value.

Has nothing to do with Jews regardless..muslims are still killing Christians and other muslims
The common denominator is ISA-WORSHIP-------

NIGERIA and IN KENYA and ------among the hutus and the---tutsis (spelling?)
Adolf abu ali and al husseini were both ISA-WORSHIPPERS
Constantine and Genghis khan were both ISA-WORSHIPPERS
Sherri knows all about Isa. She claims Isa---was once an avatar who
lived in a mythical country called "palestine" ----two thousand years ago
(ie not the one that the romans began to call "palestina" some
1700 years ago) Isa spoke and even wrote in ARABIC----centuries
before arabic was a written language Clearly one does not have to be a
muslim to be an isa-worshipper--------it helps but it is not necessary
Wonder why US Christian churches don't bitch out Obama for giving aid tho the Muslim Brotherhood govt, when he could have directed it to the Copts, who really need it.

Religion in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The USA wastes effort and resouces getting involved in the filth going on in Syria---
the only action in which we should be involved is AIR LIFTS----christians out of
egypt and syria and to the USA---------we could always ask muslims in the USA to
volunteer to trade their USA homes for new residence in syria and egypt----with
their "bretheren"------they could JOIN THE JIHADS over there

Not only is that a reasonable idea, but with 80% of America's population being Christian, those Christian deaths in Egypt, (including a child), will resonate around the world. It is payback time for the Muslim Brotherhood, and everyone is getting on board.

How damn stupid can these Muslims be to kill Christians as we enter the holiday season. Thanks for uniting us, Rag-Headed fools!

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R' Ovadia Yosef never killled anyone not did he advocate killing people---
he did comment on the fact that in times of war ----killing in battle and
in self_defense is not a sin. Try to find that lecture------you could use
it in the same idiotic manner you use your USUAL STUFF

In the USA -----USA military personnel who REFUSE to act in the defense
of THEIR OWN LIVES and the LIVES OF THEIR MATES are considered to be
GUILTY OF A VERY SERIOUS CRIME-----even a capital crime

Just because one person, no matter how great a religious figure they are, says killing is not sin if done in the right manner, doesn't make it true. Granted, religion itself is up to interpretation by all manner of people, but I think "thou shall not kill" is a pretty straightforward concept. Even if it is not, a religion like Christianity or Judaism that preaches love and understanding, logically, should not and cannot support killing in any manner.

It's up to an individual whether they want to participate in the killing of another human. There may be times when such killing is necessary, but it's never just, never moral. So far I've seen no religion that absolutely abstains from violence towards another human being.

I am sure your heart is in the right place----but you said nothing. In the course of my
life----I did a short time as an officer in the US navy. ------I had nothing to do with
"battle" in the sense that my job would ----even in war not be as a FIGHTER---but
----as an officer-----if I ended up----somehow----in the thick of things----that "rank"
might ---put me "in charge" It is a position that led me to CONSIDER "what would
I do" -------here is the answer. If I were in that position------and a person with a
bomb on her ass and a baby on her head came at the people under my command----

in real life there were a few occassions when I faced "what to do" ----nothing big---
but ------I had to consider the people -----theoretically under my "protection"
(short little me) If you have never been there-----then you do not know.
(not that I have had very DRAMATIC experiences---just little ones)
The OP

See the CBS News on video here. Attacks on Christians by Islamic militants rise in Egypt - CBS News

(CBS News) CAIRO - A top leader of the Muslim Brotherhood was arrested Wednesday by the military government. It's part of the crackdown on the Brotherhood, which advocates a strict Islamic government. Essam El-Erian went into hiding when the military ousted President Mohammed Morsi. Since then, Islamic militants have stepped up attacks on Christians.


Mourners grieve for five Christians killed by masked gunmen.

In a packed church in a poor Cairo neighborhood, mourners grieved for their dead: Five Christians mowed down by masked gunmen as they arrived for a wedding.
Khalil Masiha lost two of his granddaughters in the attack. Maryam was just 8 years old.......
Coyote: "CBS news? It's coming from a hate site! They just want to make Muslims look bad!"
Sunni: "The Jews did it!"
The OP

See the CBS News on video here. Attacks on Christians by Islamic militants rise in Egypt - CBS News

(CBS News) CAIRO - A top leader of the Muslim Brotherhood was arrested Wednesday by the military government. It's part of the crackdown on the Brotherhood, which advocates a strict Islamic government. Essam El-Erian went into hiding when the military ousted President Mohammed Morsi. Since then, Islamic militants have stepped up attacks on Christians.


Mourners grieve for five Christians killed by masked gunmen.

In a packed church in a poor Cairo neighborhood, mourners grieved for their dead: Five Christians mowed down by masked gunmen as they arrived for a wedding.
Khalil Masiha lost two of his granddaughters in the attack. Maryam was just 8 years old.......
Coyote: "CBS news? It's coming from a hate site! They just want to make Muslims look bad!"
Sunni: "The Jews did it!"

In my work it is necessary for me to monitor the television network news. With my DVR, I watch every CBS Evening News because CBS is owned by CBS, and does not answer to a corporate owner. NBC is owned by General Electric our nations biggest defense contractor. ABC is owned by very Republican Walt Disney. And, Fox is owned by right wing Austrialian-American Rupert Murdoch.

What do they all have in common? Muslims hate them because they tell America about Muslim terrorists every night. As pundit Bill Maher said, "Most issues have two sides, but not Muslims. There is only one side, terrorism is approved by their so-called holy book."

If Muslims in USMB are concerned, they should be, but not about what is posted in USMB. They should turn on their damn television sets.


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