CBS News Starts the Process of Doxxing Chauvin Trial Jurors


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
The MSM is the enemy. They are un-American rats.

The trial of Derek Chauvin, the police officer accused of killing George Floyd, is entering its final moments. The jury will begin deliberating soon as the defense has finished its closing arguments. Whether they are able to return a verdict at all is a question we will eventually have an answer to.
In all of this, one thing is supposed to be clear. The jurors are supposed to be able to do their duty without pressure and threat. Yet, CBS News has already begun the process of doxxing them, and it’s hard to overstate how dangerous this is.

There is nothing more irrelevant in this trial in regards to public knowledge than the “makeup” of the 14 jurors. The process of vetting and weeding out jurors has already been completed with input from both the prosecution, defense, and the judge. At this point, where a juror lives is not information anyone needs to know. But CBS News knows exactly what they are doing here.
Further, this sure seems like a shot across the bow for the jurors to come up with the “right” verdict or face reprisal from the mob, aided and abetted by a news media ready to provide them with personal information. Why are news outlets even hinting at identifying these people when there’s no journalistic value in it whatsoever? I think we know why.
The best case here is that the jurors never see this and never feel intimidated, but the mob stands ready regardless. The worst case is that the jurors do catch wind of CBS News hinting that they have their personal information and their decision is influenced by it. Finding Chauvin guilty of manslaughter might even be the proper ruling, but now, with what CBS News has done and seems to be pushing for, any ruling will have doubt cast on it.
The judge should step in and deliver a reprimand immediately, including barring CBS News from reporting from or in the courthouse. I’m not sure he will, though.

Sooner or later reporters are going to start dying if this keeps up. Oh... That's going to suck... But... Damn.
The MSM is the enemy. They are un-American rats.

The trial of Derek Chauvin, the police officer accused of killing George Floyd, is entering its final moments. The jury will begin deliberating soon as the defense has finished its closing arguments. Whether they are able to return a verdict at all is a question we will eventually have an answer to.
In all of this, one thing is supposed to be clear. The jurors are supposed to be able to do their duty without pressure and threat. Yet, CBS News has already begun the process of doxxing them, and it’s hard to overstate how dangerous this is.

There is nothing more irrelevant in this trial in regards to public knowledge than the “makeup” of the 14 jurors. The process of vetting and weeding out jurors has already been completed with input from both the prosecution, defense, and the judge. At this point, where a juror lives is not information anyone needs to know. But CBS News knows exactly what they are doing here.
Further, this sure seems like a shot across the bow for the jurors to come up with the “right” verdict or face reprisal from the mob, aided and abetted by a news media ready to provide them with personal information. Why are news outlets even hinting at identifying these people when there’s no journalistic value in it whatsoever? I think we know why.
The best case here is that the jurors never see this and never feel intimidated, but the mob stands ready regardless. The worst case is that the jurors do catch wind of CBS News hinting that they have their personal information and their decision is influenced by it. Finding Chauvin guilty of manslaughter might even be the proper ruling, but now, with what CBS News has done and seems to be pushing for, any ruling will have doubt cast on it.
The judge should step in and deliver a reprimand immediately, including barring CBS News from reporting from or in the courthouse. I’m not sure he will, though.

But CBS won't put out the name of the black MURDERER who killed UNARMED veteran Ashli Babbitt.
Every big problem in this country is in a Shit Hole. When an area becomes infested with rats and feces, the best thing to do is burn the mother fucker to the ground, bury the ashes and start over.
The MSM is the enemy. They are un-American rats.

The trial of Derek Chauvin, the police officer accused of killing George Floyd, is entering its final moments. The jury will begin deliberating soon as the defense has finished its closing arguments. Whether they are able to return a verdict at all is a question we will eventually have an answer to.
In all of this, one thing is supposed to be clear. The jurors are supposed to be able to do their duty without pressure and threat. Yet, CBS News has already begun the process of doxxing them, and it’s hard to overstate how dangerous this is.

There is nothing more irrelevant in this trial in regards to public knowledge than the “makeup” of the 14 jurors. The process of vetting and weeding out jurors has already been completed with input from both the prosecution, defense, and the judge. At this point, where a juror lives is not information anyone needs to know. But CBS News knows exactly what they are doing here.
Further, this sure seems like a shot across the bow for the jurors to come up with the “right” verdict or face reprisal from the mob, aided and abetted by a news media ready to provide them with personal information. Why are news outlets even hinting at identifying these people when there’s no journalistic value in it whatsoever? I think we know why.
The best case here is that the jurors never see this and never feel intimidated, but the mob stands ready regardless. The worst case is that the jurors do catch wind of CBS News hinting that they have their personal information and their decision is influenced by it. Finding Chauvin guilty of manslaughter might even be the proper ruling, but now, with what CBS News has done and seems to be pushing for, any ruling will have doubt cast on it.
The judge should step in and deliver a reprimand immediately, including barring CBS News from reporting from or in the courthouse. I’m not sure he will, though.

But CBS won't put out the name of the black MURDERER who killed UNARMED veteran Ashli Babbitt.

CBS is full of thugs, I hate them!

The hypocrisy, the duplicity....that's journalism today in America! :mad-61:
The MSM is the enemy. They are un-American rats.

The trial of Derek Chauvin, the police officer accused of killing George Floyd, is entering its final moments. The jury will begin deliberating soon as the defense has finished its closing arguments. Whether they are able to return a verdict at all is a question we will eventually have an answer to.
In all of this, one thing is supposed to be clear. The jurors are supposed to be able to do their duty without pressure and threat. Yet, CBS News has already begun the process of doxxing them, and it’s hard to overstate how dangerous this is.

There is nothing more irrelevant in this trial in regards to public knowledge than the “makeup” of the 14 jurors. The process of vetting and weeding out jurors has already been completed with input from both the prosecution, defense, and the judge. At this point, where a juror lives is not information anyone needs to know. But CBS News knows exactly what they are doing here.
Further, this sure seems like a shot across the bow for the jurors to come up with the “right” verdict or face reprisal from the mob, aided and abetted by a news media ready to provide them with personal information. Why are news outlets even hinting at identifying these people when there’s no journalistic value in it whatsoever? I think we know why.
The best case here is that the jurors never see this and never feel intimidated, but the mob stands ready regardless. The worst case is that the jurors do catch wind of CBS News hinting that they have their personal information and their decision is influenced by it. Finding Chauvin guilty of manslaughter might even be the proper ruling, but now, with what CBS News has done and seems to be pushing for, any ruling will have doubt cast on it.
The judge should step in and deliver a reprimand immediately, including barring CBS News from reporting from or in the courthouse. I’m not sure he will, though.

But CBS won't put out the name of the black MURDERER who killed UNARMED veteran Ashli Babbitt.

CBS is full of thugs, I hate them!

The hypocrisy, the duplicity....that's journalism today in America! :mad-61:

NBC just screwed up and lost one more Jeopardy viewer at least until that lying commie CBS commentator, Anderson Cooper is off the show.
You know....I believe in the tit-for-tat philosophy, or in other words, retaliation in kind.

If MSM is doxxing Chavin trial's only fair that all the names of those in MSM who are doing that, be doxxed as well.

See how they like it.:muahaha:
Couldn’t that fall under juror intimidation? Just like Maxine Waters and her inflammatory comments. If you didn’t know better, you’d think they’re trying to get the trial thrown out.
Couldn’t that fall under juror intimidation? Just like Maxine Waters and her inflammatory comments. If you didn’t know better, you’d think they’re trying to get the trial thrown out.
Are you still under the false assumption that the rule of law means something in this Country?

The rule of Law means NOTHING under this stolen Biden Administration.

Too sad.
A couple of lib groups just passed a vote of no confidence in the MN Gov for how harshly he is handling the situation, if you call bringing up the Guard so criminals can take pot shots at em harsh

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