CBS reporter's computers turning on & off by themselves?


VIP Member
Dec 8, 2012
Surf City USA
Good God!

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) — Just days after CBS News confirmed that reporter Sharyl
Attkisson's computer had indeed been hacked, Attkisson spoke to Dom Giordano
about the investigation.

"This suspicious activity has been going on for quite some time – both on my CBS
computer and my personal computer," Attkisson said. "CBS then hired its own
independent cyber security firm, which has been conducting a thorough forensic
exam … they were able to rule out malware, phishing programs, that sort of

Attkisson described some of the bizarre things that were happening with her

"There were just signs of unusual happenings for many months, odd behavior like
the computers just turning themselves on at night and then turning themselves
back off again. I was basically able to verify and obtain information from my
sources on the suspicious activity and I reported it to CBS News in January
because of course it included CBS equipment and systems."

Attkisson could not speak about whether the hacking was related to her questions
about Benghazi because of "legal counsel," but she did say her work at that time
was primarily on the occurrence.

"Whoever was in my work computer, the only thing I was working on were
work-related things with CBS were big stories I guess during the time period in
questions were I guess Benghazi and `Fast and Furious.' The intruders did have
access to personal information including passwords to my financial accounts and
so on, but didn't tamper with those, so they weren't interested in stealing my
identity or doing things to my finances. So people can decide on their own what
they might have been trying to do in there."
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This is just creepy.

Whoever (and I venture the guess that it is someone in government or someone hired by someone in government -- meaning by the Administration) it is that is doing this to a REPORTER for the "sin" of trying to report the truth (and not doing so by publishing state secrets at that) should be prosecuted.

Raise your hand if you imagine that our illustrious AG would EVER deign to prosecute the culpable party over this harassment of Reporter Attkisson.
This is just creepy.

Whoever (and I venture the guess that it is someone in government or someone hired by someone in government -- meaning by the Administration) it is that is doing this to a REPORTER for the "sin" of trying to report the truth (and not doing so by publishing state secrets at that) should be prosecuted.

Raise your hand if you imagine that our illustrious AG would EVER deign to prosecute the culpable party over this harassment of Reporter Attkisson.

No, Holder won't prosecute himself...

Nixon only DREAMED of doing the things this administration is doing! Uisng the IRS to harass the opposition during an election cycle, and snooping in a reporter's computer/sources during two administration cover-ups???
How do you make a computer turn itself on? Don't you have to push a power button?

I could see if it was in sleep mode or something, but a completely powered down computer?
How do you make a computer turn itself on? Don't you have to push a power button?

I could see if it was in sleep mode or something, but a completely powered down computer?

If you can control the mouse, then it wouldnt be tough to power down the computer at all. Just go to start and then shut down.
If you can control the mouse, then it wouldnt be tough to power down the computer at all. Just go to start and then shut down.
I understand how shutting down can happen, heck you don't even need to control the mouse just run the command "shutdown /s" no problems.

It is the part saying that computers were turning on by themselves that puzzles me. How can a powered down computer accept a command to turn on? It isn't listening.
If you can control the mouse, then it wouldnt be tough to power down the computer at all. Just go to start and then shut down.
I understand how shutting down can happen, heck you don't even need to control the mouse just run the command "shutdown /s" no problems.

It is the part saying that computers were turning on by themselves that puzzles me. How can a powered down computer accept a command to turn on? It isn't listening.

I'm sure code could be written to do just that. IF they can have access to turn it off then they have access where they can download code as well.
A competent hacker can make your hard-drive run so fast it will fry itself....these boys are just showing off for the reporter, giving her a heads-up to fall in line and knock off the snooping. Could they make her monitor explode in her face? maybe.
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CBS reporter Sharyl Attkisson is on O'Reilly right now, say her personal Apple desktop and CBS laptop computers -- both at home -- would come on one right after the other in the middle of the night.

It's like someone sat down at a remote location and fired one up, then the other, and began their "dirty tricks", looking at her files.

She says she's pretty sure she knows who did it, by has been advised by counsel not to comment at this time.

I think we ALL know who did this. It was during of the green energy scandals, Fast and Furious, and Benghazi cover-ups. She didn't connect the odd occurrences, which began in 2011, until fairly recently, when she called in experts to check out her computers.
I simply cannot imagine, seriously, that the gov. would do this, her office and work computer? I don't give a crap who signed off- a fisa judge , whatever, they already admitted they basically used false pretenses to get at Rosen, this? this is beyond beyond.
CBS reporter Sharyl Attkisson is on O'Reilly right now, say her personal Apple desktop and CBS laptop computers -- both at home -- would come on one right after the other in the middle of the night.

It's like someone sat down at a remote location and fired one up, then the other, and began their "dirty tricks", looking at her files.

She says she's pretty sure she knows who did it, by has been advised by counsel not to comment at this time.

I think we ALL know who did this. It was during of the green energy scandals, Fast and Furious, and Benghazi cover-ups. She didn't connect the odd occurrences, which began in 2011, until fairly recently, when she called in experts to check out her computers.
I know who did it too. She did it herself. She set her Mac to automatically start up and then forgot about it. It is obviously Obama's fault she is a dingbat.
If you can control the mouse, then it wouldnt be tough to power down the computer at all. Just go to start and then shut down.
I understand how shutting down can happen, heck you don't even need to control the mouse just run the command "shutdown /s" no problems.

It is the part saying that computers were turning on by themselves that puzzles me. How can a powered down computer accept a command to turn on? It isn't listening.

Mac supports wake on lan. Additionally the report may be confused, she might have meant the computer was in screen save sleep, and woke vs was shut off and woke.
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If you can control the mouse, then it wouldnt be tough to power down the computer at all. Just go to start and then shut down.
I understand how shutting down can happen, heck you don't even need to control the mouse just run the command "shutdown /s" no problems.

It is the part saying that computers were turning on by themselves that puzzles me. How can a powered down computer accept a command to turn on? It isn't listening.

Mac supports wake on lan. Additionally the report may be confused, she might have meant the computer was in screen save sleep, and woke vs was shut off and woke.
Macs can start up from shut down, in fact you can set your Mac to start and shut down at whatever time you want. It is controlled from the "energy saver" panel in system preferences. Click on the "schedule" button in the lower right hand corner, then select the start up or wake box and choose a day/weekday/weekend/every day and time. You can also choose sleep/restart/shut down and a time.
If you can control the mouse, then it wouldnt be tough to power down the computer at all. Just go to start and then shut down.
I understand how shutting down can happen, heck you don't even need to control the mouse just run the command "shutdown /s" no problems.

It is the part saying that computers were turning on by themselves that puzzles me. How can a powered down computer accept a command to turn on? It isn't listening.

Mac supports wake on lan. Additionally the report may be confused, she might have meant the computer was in screen save sleep, and woke vs was shut off and woke.

Whatever the case, she said they would start up and shut down, sometimes at the same time, sometimes one after another, and is a well-respected journalist. One of the few well-respected journalists left in America btw, which makes her a HUGE target for this Regime to attack and try to intimidate
Macs can start up from shut down, in fact you can set your Mac to start and shut down at whatever time you want. It is controlled from the "energy saver" panel in system preferences. Click on the "schedule" button in the lower right hand corner, then select the start up or wake box and choose a day/weekday/weekend/every day and time. You can also choose sleep/restart/shut down and a time.
Ahhh this explains it, I was thinking of a Windows desktop where off is off until an on button is physically pressed.

Do Macs do that in just laptops or in desktops too?
I understand how shutting down can happen, heck you don't even need to control the mouse just run the command "shutdown /s" no problems.

It is the part saying that computers were turning on by themselves that puzzles me. How can a powered down computer accept a command to turn on? It isn't listening.

Mac supports wake on lan. Additionally the report may be confused, she might have meant the computer was in screen save sleep, and woke vs was shut off and woke.

Whatever the case, she said they would start up and shut down, sometimes at the same time, sometimes one after another, and is a well-respected journalist. One of the few well-respected journalists left in America btw, which makes her a HUGE target for this Regime to attack and try to intimidate
She's a flake. If the energy saver is set, the computers will follow the same schedule all the time. She is obviously not telling the truth.

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