CDC Confesses To Lying About Covid 19 Death Counts

Well, surprise surprise surprise!
The CDC lied to inflate the figures for Covid deaths.

And why in the world would they do that?
To make the pandemic seem even bigger and more dangerous than it really is.

And what good would that do?
It would allow dishonest and deceitful political and health figures to keep America
locked up longer than need be in order to depress the economy and hurt the political
chances of Donald Trump in the fall.

What about the collateral damages to our school children and businesses?
Well they really couldn't give a crap about that.

Nothing is as important as seizing political control of the government and implementing a
neo Marxist agenda like AOC and BLM wants.
Well, surprise surprise surprise!
The CDC lied to inflate the figures for Covid deaths.

And why in the world would they do that?
To make the pandemic seem even bigger and more dangerous than it really is.

And what good would that do?
It would allow dishonest and deceitful political and health figures to keep America
locked up longer than need be in order to depress the economy and hurt the political
chances of Donald Trump in the fall.

What about the collateral damages to our school children and businesses?
Well they really couldn't give a crap about that.

Nothing is as important as seizing political control of the government and implementing a
neo Marxist agenda like AOC and BLM wants.
I live in San Diego. Last May, I did some calculations based on TV reports. As of May 10, 2020,
3.4% of corona virus cases have died here. In the 1918 flu epidemic, the number was slightly less than 2% for the entire world.
I live in San Diego. Last May, I did some calculations based on TV reports. As of May 10, 2020,
3.4% of corona virus cases have died here. In the 1918 flu epidemic, the number was slightly less than 2% for the entire world.
Are you saying the corona virus has been more virulent than the Spanish flu?
You'd be very wrong.
I live in San Diego. Last May, I did some calculations based on TV reports. As of May 10, 2020,
3.4% of corona virus cases have died here. In the 1918 flu epidemic, the number was slightly less than 2% for the entire world.
Are you saying the corona virus has been more virulent than the Spanish flu?
You'd be very wrong.

That's not what your article says.
If you want to defund something, defund the crooked CDC and FDA. They're just political arms of the Democrat party. While you're at it, defund the corrupt FBI and CIA. These agencies are beyond fixing. They need to be demolished and totally rebuilt, stronger and smaller.
Thanks for posting that link,great site to alternative news.
I am a very skeptical person. Yet, I was shocked by it.
It’s clear we are being lied to about this virus by a number of perpetrators, including the MSM, politicians, doctors, scientists, etc.

In 2019, a new and unique coronavirus was discovered through the application of proper scientific procedures. LIE.

The diagnostic test (PCR) is dependable and highly accurate. LIE.

The case numbers and deaths numbers are accurate and meaningful. LIE.

The containment measures are effective. LIE.

The destruction of national economies, through lockdowns, is necessary. LIE.

In over 150 articles, I’ve provided evidence to support the assertion that these are all egregious lies.

Don’t Believe Anything the Government Says About Vaccines and Viruses - LewRockwell

NOPE!!! Quackery!

Overall, we rate Technocracy.News a far-right tin foil hat Conspiracy site that promotes quackery level pseudoscience. We also rate them Very Low in factual reporting due to the routine publication of false information as evidenced by numerous failed fact checks.

You tried to put words in my mouth, jackass. I don't stand for that.
You don't stand for much but craziness and lies. You can't answer the question about Covid vs. Spanish flu in terms of deaths. Or you won't answer it because it shows what an out of touch liar you are.
Drop dead, loser.
If you want to defund something, defund the crooked CDC and FDA. They're just political arms of the Democrat party. While you're at it, defund the corrupt FBI and CIA. These agencies are beyond fixing. They need to be demolished and totally rebuilt, stronger and smaller.
Best damn post on this thread,I been saying that for two decades now.
Thanks for posting that link,great site to alternative news.
I am a very skeptical person. Yet, I was shocked by it.
It’s clear we are being lied to about this virus by a number of perpetrators, including the MSM, politicians, doctors, scientists, etc.

In 2019, a new and unique coronavirus was discovered through the application of proper scientific procedures. LIE.

The diagnostic test (PCR) is dependable and highly accurate. LIE.

The case numbers and deaths numbers are accurate and meaningful. LIE.

The containment measures are effective. LIE.

The destruction of national economies, through lockdowns, is necessary. LIE.

In over 150 articles, I’ve provided evidence to support the assertion that these are all egregious lies.

Don’t Believe Anything the Government Says About Vaccines and Viruses - LewRockwell
Yeah it’s sickening that we even got doctors who have sold their souls to hell because of greed and money after taking an oath to save lives.they rule all these deaths from other causes for because they make more money by doing so.all because of greed.
If you want to defund something, defund the crooked CDC and FDA. They're just political arms of the Democrat party. While you're at it, defund the corrupt FBI and CIA. These agencies are beyond fixing. They need to be demolished and totally rebuilt, stronger and smaller.
Agree 100%. The problem is the likelihood of Congress defunding a government agency, is about absolute zero.

As relates to the CDC, it’s main mission was preparation and prevention of a pandemic. It failed miserably with COVID-19, yet no one in government or the MSM is demanding it be reformed.

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