CDC Only Counts Deaths After 14 Days of Final COVID Shot as “Vaccinated,” in Attempt to Show Vaccinated Have Lower COVID Death

Those fully vaxxed have something like a 94.5% chance of surviving a covid infection from what I recall reading.

Only an blithering idiot would not get the safe, free, effective and available vaccine.

I'll put a bowl of kibble out for our resident poodle whom I'm sure will be along any time now to start humping my leg.
And she shows up...right on schedule.

Roll over girl...
Man...Trump really fucked up then right?

Ladies and Gentleman...join me in watching Thundewuss do a tap dance.

Hop to it boy.
Trump seemed to walk a tightrope. To watch the CDC and Fauci change their minds every few weeks on something they should know by their lifetime experience in the field was disheartening. He got the ball rolling on getting something done. Whether it was correct or not was out of his hands. Biden swore he had the answer and was going to solve it quickly. He lied. A congenital liar he is.
Trump seemed to walk a tightrope. To watch the CDC and Fauci change their minds every few weeks on something they should know by their lifetime experience in the field was disheartening. He got the ball rolling on getting something done. Whether it was correct or not was out of his hands. Biden swore he had the answer and was going to solve it quickly. He lied. A congenital liar he is.


He made the proclamation that the vaccines are safe after he left office.
What sucks is that a million Americans died from it and many of those did so needlessly because they believe people like you.
Well, I would say it didn’t help that during the roll out, Biden/Harris cast doubt on whether they would get it because it was developed under the Trump administration…
Look, some people are still bumbling the "safe and effective" propaganda!
Those fully vaxxed have something like a 94.5% chance of surviving a covid infection from what I recall reading.

Only an blithering idiot would not get the safe, free, effective and available vaccine.

I'll put a bowl of kibble out for our resident poodle whom I'm sure will be along any time now to start humping my leg.
"from what I recall reading" :laughing0301:
Nice to see you turning on the blob so easily after defending him so early and so often.
Now I know your full of shit. I'm no partisan hack like yourself. I agreed with some of Trumps policies but he spent like a Democrat and I have stated this from the beginning.

For the most part I call out the lefts hypocrisy. You loons will hammer Republicans and Conservatives all the while ignoring your side doing the same exact shit.
Well, I would say it didn’t help that during the roll out, Biden/Harris cast doubt on whether they would get it because it was developed under the Trump administration…
Unlikely that took place
Those fully vaxxed have something like a 94.5% chance of surviving a covid infection from what I recall reading.

Only an blithering idiot would not get the safe, free, effective and available vaccine.

I'll put a bowl of kibble out for our resident poodle whom I'm sure will be along any time now to start humping my leg.
That's special, the unvaccinated have over 99% chance to survive. It also came out that after several months after the jab, you have negative protection. Go get your booster.

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