CDC Only Counts Deaths After 14 Days of Final COVID Shot as “Vaccinated,” in Attempt to Show Vaccinated Have Lower COVID Death

Look it up, she was anti vaccine. Before she was for it. Sounds like a true democrat.
The usual deplorable twisting. She said words to the effect she wouldn't take Trump's word on a vaccine. That's hardly anti vaccine. I mean, what sort of an idiot would one have to be to take Trump's word on anything?
You must get your shot so they feel good about their choice to get theirs
I'm fully vaccinated....yes. And and the 18,000 employees of my company haven't dropped dead from the supposed poison shots.

Care to explain?
So you think this means the vax is safe, ignoring all the reports that it isn’t.
I doubt that’s true, but now you’ll call me a conspiracy theorist. Yet anyone with a functioning brain knows the CDC and the entire establishment has lied repeatedly about the vaccines, but you believe them on this. Hahahahahahahaha.

PS. Where’s the line on your graph for “died from the vax?”
So you think this means the vax is safe, ignoring all the reports that it isn’t.
Your right wing kook sites Vs. gargantuan mountain of the credentialed, peer reviewed studies that says it is. My side wins every time.
Your right wing kook sites Vs. gargantuan mountain of the credentialed, peer reviewed studies that says it is. My side wins every time.

Even after all the lies, you still believe.

What right wing kook sites, you kooky bitch?

Why would you take Trump’s vaccine, when you hate the fat fucker?

Even after all the lies, you still believe.

What right wing kook sites, you kooky bitch?

Why would you take Trump’s vaccine, when you hate the fat fucker?

Your child like posts and mentality should be a concern to anyone who loves you. I doubt you have anyone though.
I doubt that’s true, but now you’ll call me a conspiracy theorist. Yet anyone with a functioning brain knows the CDC and the entire establishment has lied repeatedly about the vaccines, but you believe them on this. Hahahahahahahaha.

PS. Where’s the line on your graph for “died from the vax?”

Thousands of doctors and scientists sign declaration: “International medical crisis due to the diseases and deaths co-related to the administration of products known as “COVID-19 vaccines.” Over 22,000 signatures total:

Prior calls by doctors and scientist calls for halt to mass “vaccinations,” partial list: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. 6.

CDC Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) data, compiled by MedAlerts, as of October 2022. VAERS reports are described by CDC as “early warning” signals to problems with vaccine safety. They are not intended to prove causation, but they are intended to show cause for alarm. COVID vaccine death reports are now 75 times higher per year for COVID vaccines than for all other vaccines combined, per year. Source:

(Click for larger image)

Below: Cumulative deaths reported to CDC Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS,) comparing deaths reported after COVID vaccines (blue line,) to all other vaccines combined. (VAERS Official Data)

(click for larger image)

Below: Excerpt from Sen. Ron Johnson vaccine injury hearings, July 2021, Maddie DeGaray, child who can no longer walk and must use a feeding tube. (Hearings press release) (view at Bitchute)

The more 'shots' you have the more susceptible you are to getting covid. These die hard covid VAXXERS....even though they are extolling their virtue in taking one for the team...or two....They are NOT getting their kids vaxxed against covid
Sure it has. Keep on taking it if you want. I'll wait to see what the long term effects are first.
Can you tell us the long term effects of COVID too? Especially without a Vaccine...

The vaccine was tested and was the product of decades of work...

Who tested COVID?

So you are happy getting a virus that derived from an animal but lets not trust a fully tested vaccine.

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