CDC Only Counts Deaths After 14 Days of Final COVID Shot as “Vaccinated,” in Attempt to Show Vaccinated Have Lower COVID Death

I love that and may do the same. It is already a horrid quote. It will age terribly.
No doubt. She’s a cultist for big pharma big government and big media, yet condemns Trumpers as cultists.


She needs to hook up with Penelope. Those two could have a wonderful love affair.
This proves you’re dishonest. Twitter and other social media sites actively colluded with government to suppress all those opposing the government/pharma/MSM narrative, as sparky told you. The Twitter Files proves this. You asked for proof. I gave it to you.

You aren’t man enough to accept the truth.
What's your point...

Twitter as a private company didn't want to push bullshit from their platform... Much like a newspaper, it is their choice...

Reporters get information from the Government all the time...
It's none of those things CC

The same sfolks who dubbed everything 'COVID', to the point where the flu disappeared ?

Are now 180 the other way on their failed gene therapy

imagine that!


nope, we're a nation of 320 million who loose 1% annually, that did not tip up much at all.......again, stats don't lie, but liars use stats...


Its all of those things. Either that or the guy you voted for...twice (at least) developed a poison vaccine and you still support him.
Its all of those things. Either that or the guy you voted for...twice (at least) developed a poison vaccine and you still support him.
They are riddled with conspiracy theories at this stage...

The empirical proof is in... Vaccine worked and saved millions of lives...

They are proud of that.. Dead Americans... They will have a party about that...

They are brainwashed...
They are riddled with conspiracy theories at this stage...

The empirical proof is in... Vaccine worked and saved millions of lives...

They are proud of that.. Dead Americans... They will have a party about that...

They are brainwashed...
Well, there is that...and like most major hospitals, we have 400 +/- employees. Each one took the first two covid 19 shots. Exactly zero have died from this supposed poison.
Well, there is that...and like most major hospitals, we have 400 +/- employees. Each one took the first two covid 19 shots. Exactly zero have died from this supposed poison.
Ask any Doctor and Nurse...
How many have you seen dying from COVID?

How many have you seen dying from Vaccine?

I am sorry but I find when the Anti-Vaxxers try and belittle a million people dead, I think how would this look like rejecting the Holocaust in the late 40s... This is a lot of people dead. Trump got off relatively lightly considering his administration was a mess, if a European leader behaved the way he did they would have him out in days (look at Liz Truss and that was just a bad financial package)...
I am sorry but I find when the Anti-Vaxxers try and belittle a million people dead,
You are no different in trying to belittle people who don't share your views. How do you explain the fact that fatalities, world-wide, for all causes did not reflect all of these supposed covid deaths. Oh, yeah, flu miraculously disappeared from the face of the earth during that time.
Can you tell us the long term effects of COVID too? Especially without a Vaccine...

The vaccine was tested and was the product of decades of work...

Who tested COVID?

So you are happy getting a virus that derived from an animal but lets not trust a fully tested vaccine.
I don't give a shit when they started work on other RNA viruses COVID-19 didn't exist until 2019 and had a vaccine the next year. They seemed to have skipped a lot of the normal process that a new drug has to go through to get approved.

I've had the virus twice and have had worse colds so I'll wait to see if I acquire a natural immunity or like a sane person make sure the long term effects of the vaccine doesn't kill off most of you taking it before I even think of getting the shot.
I can tell you personal experience two years after having two different variants. And to this point, I have no ill effects. I don't think anyone who has vaxxed has any longer term info.
Well the attitude of I survived so lets not worry about a million dead Americans..
You are no different in trying to belittle people who don't share your views. How do you explain the fact that fatalities, world-wide, for all causes did not reflect all of these supposed covid deaths. Oh, yeah, flu miraculously disappeared from the face of the earth during that time.
Can you back you statement there with evidence...

The reason flu was way down was because of restricted movement and mask wearing... The flu was there but the most vulnerable were wearing masks, being careful and the uptake on flu vaccines was way up.
I don't give a shit when they started work on other RNA viruses COVID-19 didn't exist until 2019 and had a vaccine the next year. They seemed to have skipped a lot of the normal process that a new drug has to go through to get approved.

I've had the virus twice and have had worse colds so I'll wait to see if I acquire a natural immunity or like a sane person make sure the long term effects of the vaccine doesn't kill off most of you taking it before I even think of getting the shot.
The vaccine was tested as good as or better than the yearly flu vaccine. Pharma companies pulled out all the stops and had teams ready and available for all stages during the process...
Could you tell us the procedures that were skipped?

On top of that there is no correlation of high vaccine uptake and excess deaths...

But the biggest avocates of the vaccine are the frontline workers who have seen a lot of COVID but rarely seen a vaccine death... I am not saying vaccines don't have risks but those risks very small compared to COVID itself and the proof is in the hospitals...
Well the attitude of I survived so lets not worry about a million dead Americans..
Isn't that what you're preaching when you say, "I got the vax and I'm still here" disregarding the number of adverse effects that have been reported to the CDC. You also are discounting the fact that those million deaths were occurring (outside of the norm) there was virtually NO FLU and the world-wide fatality rate for all causes remained virtually unchanged. Don't you figure if we really experienced all of those NEW fatalities, it would have had an effect on the world-wide fatality rate? No need to answer--you refuse to think critically. You'd rather let someone else do your thinking for you.
Isn't that what you're preaching when you say, "I got the vax and I'm still here" disregarding the number of adverse effects that have been reported to the CDC. You also are discounting the fact that those million deaths were occurring (outside of the norm) there was virtually NO FLU and the world-wide fatality rate for all causes remained virtually unchanged. Don't you figure if we really experienced all of those NEW fatalities, it would have had an effect on the world-wide fatality rate? No need to answer--you refuse to think critically. You'd rather let someone else do your thinking for you.
I am not looking at myself...

I am looking at Excess deaths....


And by the way the latest excess deaths is no due to vaccine as there is no correlation between areas of high vaccine uptake and excess deaths.
The vaccine was tested as good as or better than the yearly flu vaccine. Pharma companies pulled out all the stops and had teams ready and available for all stages during the process...
Could you tell us the procedures that were skipped?

On top of that there is no correlation of high vaccine uptake and excess deaths...

But the biggest avocates of the vaccine are the frontline workers who have seen a lot of COVID but rarely seen a vaccine death... I am not saying vaccines don't have risks but those risks very small compared to COVID itself and the proof is in the hospitals...
The one where they look at the long term effects of the medication on a small subset of the population to determine whether it's safe for the general populous.
Would you buy a used car from the CDC?

CDC Only Counts Deaths After 14 Days of Final COVID Shot as “Vaccinated,” in Attempt to Show Vaccinated Have Lower COVID Death

A chart frequently posted to purportedly illustrate that the “unvaccinated” die at higher rates from COVID as the “vaccinated,” is based on an assumption which categorizes many deaths which occur post-COVID-vaccination as “unvaccinated.”

Even though “early warning” signals data from the CDC’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) show that 80% of sudden, unexpected deaths after COVID shots take place within 14 days, a person is not counted as “vaccinated” until 14 days or more have passed after the second shot in a two-shot “primary” series, or after the single shot in a one-shot drug.

The CDC website states:

“Persons were considered fully vaccinated ≥14 days after receipt of the second dose in a 2-dose series (Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna COVID-19 vaccines) or after 1 dose of the single-dose Janssen (Johnson & Johnson) COVID-19 vaccine.”

All other people are counted as “unvaccinated.”

Below: CDC chart purporting to show that “unvaccinated” dying of COVID at higher rates than “unvaccinated”


Below; Data showing 80% of deaths post-vaccination occur within 14 days (chart source)


CDC Chart Flies in the Face of Emerging Data​

According to a steady stream of studies and reports, serious COVID, up to and including death, is at least as prevalent among the vaccinated as the unvaccinated. In February of 2022, Professor Jacob Giris, director of Ichilov Hospital’s coronavirus ward in Israel, said:

“Right now, most of our severe cases are vaccinated…They had at least three injections. Between seventy and eighty percent of the serious cases are vaccinated. So, the vaccine has no significance regarding severe illness…”

In August of 2022 KUSI News San Diego reported that in San Diego County, the fifth most populous in the US, 41% of recent COVID-19 deaths are among fully vaccinated and boosted individuals, indicating that the vaccines do not protect against death.

This is in contrast to a nonstop campaign by public officials, including Joe Biden, to assure the American public that the still-experimental agents would prevent COVID infection and death (collection of news clips in video below.)

Public officials’ statements on COVID vaccines (view at Rumble)

Of course...they have fucked with every data set they could to get where they want to go...

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