CDC: Outbreak in 12 states due to rats carrying virus transmittable to humans


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
NASHVILLE, Tenn.--The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is investigating an outbreak of a virus transmitted by rats which could affect at least 12 states.
CDC: Outbreak in 12 states due to rats carrying virus transmittable to humans

Oh we're sure you can all go back to sleep nothing to worry about here, they say this shit all the time, problem is the live world health map should scare the shit out of you. LOL
Meh this is all over the world and has been for ages. Just need to figure out how it got into these pet rats.

On the plus side, the effects are basically a bad cold. There's a low chance for it to have more serious manifestation.
Meh this is all over the world and has been for ages. Just need to figure out how it got into these pet rats.

On the plus side, the effects are basically a bad cold. There's a low chance for it to have more serious manifestation.
Mid-stream(pissssss) media trying to scare libtards some more.
Afraid it's not a maybe, look it up Seoul Virus - Seoul virus - Wikipedia

See also: An outbreak of Seoul virus infected eight people in the U.S. states of Illinois and Wisconsin in December 2016. Individuals who operated a home-based rat-breeding facility in Wisconsin became ill and one was hospitalized. The ill individuals had purchased rats from animal suppliers in Wisconsin and Illinois. Investigators traced the infection to two Illinois ratteries and identified six additional people who tested positive for Seoul virus. All these individuals recovered

Oh and I should note that it doesn't transmit between humans.
LOL Well, of course, the human race has never experienced a plague from rats, right? LOL

But, when the orange clown gets rid of all those useless scientists at the CDC, we won't have to worry about such things any more, right?
LOL Well, of course, the human race has never experienced a plague from rats, right? LOL

But, when the orange clown gets rid of all those useless scientists at the CDC, we won't have to worry about such things any more, right?
We have but this isn't a plague, bud. Keep letting them scare you. Youre a good pleb.
This one is not scary, but a CDC crippled by the orange clown's distaste of science is. Of course, the clown can just do an EO and declare the problem solved. LOL
This one is not scary, but a CDC crippled by the orange clown's distaste of science is. Of course, the clown can just do an EO and declare the problem solved. LOL
Leftists dont get to claim they are the party of science and say men can actually be women and v/v...or that there is 51 genders.

Just doesn't work anymore.
LOL Why sure, the best 'Conservative' scientists are an obese junkie on the AM radio, and a fake British Lord. LOL
Afraid it's not a maybe, look it up Seoul Virus - Seoul virus - Wikipedia

See also: An outbreak of Seoul virus infected eight people in the U.S. states of Illinois and Wisconsin in December 2016. Individuals who operated a home-based rat-breeding facility in Wisconsin became ill and one was hospitalized. The ill individuals had purchased rats from animal suppliers in Wisconsin and Illinois. Investigators traced the infection to two Illinois ratteries and identified six additional people who tested positive for Seoul virus. All these individuals recovered

Oh and I should note that it doesn't transmit between humans.

We're in a different era, we have more people coming into the country than there should be, we have disease here we haven't seen for decades our threat levels are very different today than even ten years ago. But they do like to put this shit out there to freak the public out after all what better reason to us the " VACCINES" excuse.
LOL Why sure, the best 'Conservative' scientists are an obese junkie on the AM radio, and a fake British Lord. LOL
Not an argument. You fucktards believe men can be women trapped in a male're dumb and you are not the party of science. Maybe there isn't a party of science at all....but you dumbasses sure as hell aren't a party of science. Lol
LOL Well, of course, the human race has never experienced a plague from rats, right? LOL

But, when the orange clown gets rid of all those useless scientists at the CDC, we won't have to worry about such things any more, right?

Oh nobody even pays a damn bit of attention to the bull shit that comes out of your mouth lmao
Yeah, modern tech is exactly why there's not a hell of a lot we can do about the spread of disease - not with global travel. Certainly not the CDC who's apparently wasting tax money playing around with non-issues like Seoul. Maybe I'm biased cause that shit doesn't make it through our winters, but I've not seen jack but 'fear mongering' out of the CDC since idk the 80s when they were working on Aids maybe - seemed like every couple weeks they were saying it was cured in the 90s, then suddenly nothing to be said and next thing I know they're messing with bullshit in America (like flus) and spending all their funding fiddling around with diseases in foreign countries. I say those other countries can pay for their own CDCs yea? If American pharma wants to find cures to shit let them pay for it, not like they're not going to rape us on costs regardless of if the CDC helped them figure it out or not right? Meh, CDC just doesn't impress me.

Did you folks all freak out when Obama cut their funding in 2009 or is this a new concern for ya?
Can't be. Republicans say vaccines cause autism. So rats can't carry virus. Their hands are too small. Like Trump's.

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