President Biden's Complete And Historic COVID disaster

what a silly comparison…fuel is needed to get an engine started and running…a vaccine is not, in particular a vaccine that doesn’t stop people from getting sick from one of the numerous xiden variants that have poured into the nation. The trump vaccine was a great advancement in dealing with the first chinese variant, the more deadly strain, that along with the measures the president took to combat the spread worked, but we got a new admin, who undid most of those security measures, allowed new variants that the trump vaccine djdnt kill into this country…that’s what we are dealing with, and that’s what xiden has no plan to deal with.
Holy crap, retard.

'fuel is needed to get an engine started and running…a vaccine is not'.
You may have outdone yourself this time.

The problem is the people who refuse to get vaccinated.

Trumptards whine they can't drive to Walmart, but never bother to put fuel in their car.

So, it must be the car's fault.

So, you blame Biden for your STUPIDITY for not taking the vaccine?
So, you blame Biden for your STUPIDITY for not taking the vaccine?
They refuse to get vaccinated, they attack vaccinations every single day, they mock people who get vaccinated, they cheer bad news, they push every anti-vax or anti-mask theory, they proudly refuse to take precautions...

And then when they spread it (as we predicted), when it mutates because it's lingering (as we predicted), they blame someone else.

Classic Trumpism.
They refuse to get vaccinated, they attack vaccinations every single day, they mock people who get vaccinated, they cheer bad news, they push every anti-vax or anti-mask theory, they proudly refuse to take precautions...

And then when they spread it (as we predicted), when it mutates because it's lingering (as we predicted), they blame someone else.

Classic Trumpism.

Just get your fourth booster and shut your whiny mouth Mac, for pity's sake.

Whine day and night.
we have not seen such epic failure by a president and political party since the dems elected Jefferson Davis
Democrats didn't elect Jefferson Davis. Davis waa not an American president. Biden is not failing. Be real glad trump is not president.
They refuse to get vaccinated, they attack vaccinations every single day, they mock people who get vaccinated, they cheer bad news, they push every anti-vax or anti-mask theory, they proudly refuse to take precautions...

And then when they spread it (as we predicted), when it mutates because it's lingering (as we predicted), they blame someone else.

Classic Trumpism.
xiden simply doesn’t care.

I can tell you that people here, in my area, WILL DIE because the monoclonal antibodies are not available.

Moreover, when you go to the hospital, they kill you with their treatments. Remsdeathisvir and then the ventilator. That's the approved "treatment", which causes death in 50% of cases.

A certain poster here wants to cry about Trump into perpetuity. It Trump did anything close to this he'd be hung up in the Hague by now. The truth is that the Biden admin is doing this. On purpose, no less. And people are dying. Real people, vaxxed and unvaxxed.

God help us.

Lloyd Austin is positive for Covid; three vaccines. I still would not want to be him--obese and Black. I still would want him to have monoclonal antibodies and all the early treatments I availed myself of 9 days ago, when I tested positive for Covid.

He is not in a very good risk profile for Covid and Joe Biden has not helped to make early treatments available for people like him. Or for anyone. It's disgusting. It's criminal.
I can tell you that people here, in my area, WILL DIE because the monoclonal antibodies are not available.

Moreover, when you go to the hospital, they kill you with their treatments. Remsdeathisvir and then the ventilator. That's the approved "treatment", which causes death in 50% of cases.

A certain poster here wants to cry about Trump into perpetuity. It Trump did anything close to this he'd be hung up in the Hague by now. The truth is that the Biden admin is doing this. On purpose, no less. And people are dying. Real people, vaxxed and unvaxxed.

God help us.
Trump did. He knew the virus was coming 3 months before it got here and did nothing. Once it got here he knew how severe it was and lied about it. He had the authority to invoke the defense production act to make enough equipment and masks to protect every American and didn't. You right wingers cling to one piece of disinformatipn and run your fucking mouths. Take the vaccine and you probably don't need the monoclonal antibodies. But you idiots can't do that the sit on your asses whining about "if ttump did"....
Trump did. He knew the virus was coming 3 months before it got here and did nothing. Once it got here he knew how severe it was and lied about it. He had the authority to invoke the defense production act to make enough equipment and masks to protect every American and didn't. You right wingers cling to one piece of disinformatipn and run your fucking mouths. Take the vaccine and you probably don't need the monoclonal antibodies. But you idiots can't do that the sit on your asses whining about "if ttump did"....

Trump hasn't been president for almost a year now. Biden is, do you need reminding? In my area test % rate is over 30% now, and people vaccinated and unvaccinated are desperately seeking monoclonal antibodies and cannot get them.

That's on Biden. Trump is gone.
Lloyd Austin is positive for Covid; three vaccines. I still would not want to be him--obese and Black. I still would want him to have monoclonal antibodies and all the early treatments I availed myself of 9 days ago, when I tested positive for Covid.

He is not in a very good risk profile for Covid and Joe Biden has not helped to make early treatments available for people like him. Or for anyone. It's disgusting. It's criminal.
I don't give a fuck. The vaccine is not 100 percent that was said from the beginning. But if you are vacinnated you are protected from death. Biden has one what he can do, you need to shut the fuck up with that right wing crap. You're repeating disinformation and lies. It's all yoi got. Best get your mind right woman because you're following satan when you support trump.
Democrats didn't elect Jefferson Davis. Davis waa not an American president. Biden is not failing. Be real glad trump is not president.
oh he was elected by dems, a life long one…agreed he wasn’t an American president, you all elected him to lead your insurrection when you couldn’t handle the election results

xiden is failing horribly
Holy crap, retard.

'fuel is needed to get an engine started and running…a vaccine is not'.
You may have outdone yourself this time.

Trumptards whine they can't drive to Walmart, but never bother to put fuel in their car.

So, it must be the car's fault.

So, you blame Biden for your STUPIDITY for not taking the vaccine?
haha you’re comparison continues to fail
I don't give a fuck. The vaccine is not 100 percent that was said from the beginning. But if you are vacinnated you are protected from death. Biden has one what he can do, you need to shut the fuck up with that right wing crap. You're repeating disinformation and lies. It's all yoi got. Best get your mind right woman because you're following satan when you support trump.

You're losing it.

For those still sane, this from the U of M. Dec. 20th. Like the state of Michigan, they stopped reporting this on Dec 20th, probably because the percentages kept looking worse for them. At any rate, this chart alone proves that vaccinated are absolutely taking up hospital beds, ICU beds, and ventilators.


  • U of M Dec 20.jpg
    U of M Dec 20.jpg
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Trump hasn't been president for almost a year now. Biden is, do you need reminding? In my area test % rate is over 30% now, and people vaccinated and unvaccinated are desperately seeking monoclonal antibodies and cannot get them.

That's on Biden. Trump is gone.

Fuck that. You raggedy bitches blamed Obama for 4 years. Millions of people were infected when Biden took office. Millions now won't do what it takes to stop the spread and thats because of the lies trump told that your stupid right wing ass is still repeating. You guys are trifling with this bullshit and it's making me cuss. End the obtuseness.

Biden has made enough vaccine available for everyone to get vaccinated yet millions won't and your silly ass is talking about monoclodal antibodies. Just stupid.
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Fuck that. You raggedy bitches blamed Obama for 4 years. Millions of people were infected when Biden took office. Millions now won't do what it takes to stop the spread and thats because of the lies trump told that your stupid right wing ass is still repeating. You guys are trifling withthis bullshit and it's making me cuss. End the obtuseness.

Biden has made enough vaccine available for everyone to get vaccinated yet millions won't and your silly ass is talking about monoclodal antibodies. Just stupid.

You realize the vaccines do not stop or slow transmission?

You're losing it.

For those still sane, this from the U of M. Dec. 20th. Like the state of Michigan, they stopped reporting this on Dec 20th, probably because the percentages kept looking worse for them. At any rate, this chart alone proves that vaccinated are absolutely taking up hospital beds, ICU beds, and ventilators.
I'm getting pissed off at dumbfucks like you who are so dishonest that you blame Biden for not stopping the spread of COVID when yur side are the ones refusing to do what it takes to stop the spread.
You realize the vaccines do not stop or slow transmission?

What I realize is that none of the vaccines are 100 percent, but they provide protection better than if you are not vaccinated.
What I realize is that none of the vaccines are 100 percent, but they provide protection better than if you are not vaccinated.

Sure. They provide personal protection--that's it. They don't do a darn thing to stop or slow the spread. In fact, with Omicron there is negative vaccine efficacy when it comes to contracting the virus. Being vaccinated makes you MORE prone to getting it.

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