Cdl. Muller: Luther started Revolution, Not Reformation


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
Cardinal Gerhard Müller affirms that the Protestant Reformation was actually a revolution which has tragically fractured Christianity.

Cardinal Müller, former Prefect of the Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF), penned a Tuesday article in Italian Catholic daily La Nuova Bussola Quotidiana. Although Cld. Müller was removed from his position as the Vatican's chief theological watchdog earlier this year, it seems that he nonetheless works to ensure sound theology in the Church.

The German prelate rejects the efforts of some Catholic leaders to portray Martin Luther in a more positive and favorable light. He writes:

It is not realistic to argue that his intention was to fight against some abuses of indulgences or the sins of the Renaissance Church. Abuses and bad actions have always existed in the Church, not just in the Renaissance; and even today they exist. We are the holy Church because of the grace of God and the sacraments; but all men of the Church are sinners, all need forgiveness, contrition and penance.

Cardinal Müller says that Luther's diversion from the true Christian tradition is most apparent in his 1520 work "De captivitate Babylonica ecclesiae" ("On the Babylonian captivity of the Church"). In this text especially, the cardinal argues, "He overturned the concept of homogeneous development of Christian doctrine as explained in the Middle Ages."
Cdl. Müller: Luther Started Revolution, Not Reformation

And yet, a different angle.

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