Celebrate Osama's Death?

I can't celebrate violent death even when Osama truly deserved it. It is sad that this is always the solution of final resort.
My opinion on this is as follows.

He was an evil man and I'm glad he is no longer alive. That being said I do not feel right celebrating his, or any death.

Heraldo Rivera turned my stomach when he was making the announcement with his glee at the death. Watching Americans chant usa and go out in the streets just like people in muslim countries did after 9/11 dissapointed me.

Glad he is gone, don't think it should be celebrated.

"That being said I do not feel right celebrating his, or any death."

Very close to the way I felt...but Prager hit a chord with me. He said that some deaths make the world better.

He went on to state that pacificism is actually immoral, as it tends to increase evil in the world.
Still thinking about that.

That was my "glad he is dead" part because I know the world is better off without a murderer like him around.

I think its fine to be happy with him not being around I just dont think celebrating it is right.

So, if President Jimmy Carter were to pass on, would it be inappropriate for Jewish folk to dance in the streets and hand out candy?
Should Americans have taken to the streets to celebrate the end of World War II?
This is a war that is not against a country so there will never be a surrender or a clear end.
Should Americans have taken to the streets to celebrate the end of World War II?
This is a war that is not against a country so there will never be a surrender or a clear end.

Yesterday Grav posted pics of young Muslim-Americans waving American flags and celebrating OBL's assuming room temperature....

...I think there will be an end to this.

Some day.
"That being said I do not feel right celebrating his, or any death."

Very close to the way I felt...but Prager hit a chord with me. He said that some deaths make the world better.

He went on to state that pacificism is actually immoral, as it tends to increase evil in the world.
Still thinking about that.

That was my "glad he is dead" part because I know the world is better off without a murderer like him around.

I think its fine to be happy with him not being around I just dont think celebrating it is right.

So, if President Jimmy Carter were to pass on, would it be inappropriate for Jewish folk to dance in the streets and hand out candy?

Yeah no dancing in the streets for that. But it would be ok for them to feel glad that someone who does as much damage to their cause with the weight of a United States President's public statements is gone.
Should Americans have taken to the streets to celebrate the end of World War II?
This is a war that is not against a country so there will never be a surrender or a clear end.

Do you need me to describe the difference between the situation you picked as a "comparision" and the events at hand?
Should Americans have taken to the streets to celebrate the end of World War II?
This is a war that is not against a country so there will never be a surrender or a clear end.

Yesterday Grav posted pics of young Muslim-Americans waving American flags and celebrating OBL's assuming room temperature....

...I think there will be an end to this.

Some day.

Sad to say...that scene will quickly be forgotten by many here.
I'm not too happy about the fact that they disposed of the body so soon...just because it's some Islamic law??? So what! Did they care about how 3000 people were buried on 9/11? I understand why they buried him at sea...we don't need his followers building a shrine to him.

But, i was also a little disgusted with the cheering and celebrations going on when they announced he was killed. It was wonderful news to finally get rid of this person, families can now maybe have some peace. But watching people celebrate like they did reminded me of the news reports just after 9/11 where the people in the middle east celebrated...they were so excited about all the deaths! Ok...feel good that the man is gone, thank the Military for all their effort...thank the president for giving the order...(then watch out for the retaliation coming!!), but it's nothing to have a party about!

If people want to celebrate that this clown is dead, thats their right, just like the morons who danced in the streets when 9/11 happened.

I never said they didn't have a right to do it, but it's also my right to disagree with it.

Thank you for expressing what I was feeling - you are not the only one disturbed by the celebrations.

Now if they had done that when they allegedly first knew where he was, they knew the exact cave where he was in 2002, I may have felt different. But President Bush lost interest in finding him by then.

And now, it's 2011. That is the way I feel now.

Knocking on Osama's Cave Door (Washington Post)
I don't celebrate the death of anyone. I have to agree with Rick Warren here.

I am concerned with the fact that we are celebrating violence and boasting in our own strength. Pride never leads to good things.
I have had mixed emotions on this. There have been few things that have happened in this country that have made me as angry as 9/11. And I do believe that those who do evil must be held responsible and accountable including whatever punishment is appropriate. What Osama bin Laden has done is certainly worthy of the death penalty. Knowing that his evil was removed from the earth felt very right.

But then I think of the disgust and anger I feel at people who rejoice at death of Americans and how revolting their celebrations in the street appear to me.

And I look at celebrations in the street in the USA at the death of Osama bin Laden, and wonder how that is any different.
I have had mixed emotions on this. There have been few things that have happened in this country that have made me as angry as 9/11. And I do believe that those who do evil must be held responsible and accountable including whatever punishment is appropriate. What Osama bin Laden has done is certainly worthy of the death penalty. Knowing that his evil was removed from the earth felt very right.

But then I think of the disgust and anger I feel at people who rejoice at death of Americans and how revolting their celebrations in the street appear to me.

And I look at celebrations in the street in the USA at the death of Osama bin Laden, and wonder how that is any different.

I completely understand how you feel. I'm not sure it's any different. I just see all the celebrations and the hubris/bragging going on. I'm more concerned on that than any threat Bin laden imposed. People can attack us from the outside, and I am confident we can repell them, it's when we are weakened on the inside that I am concerned and i think we are seriously weakened inwardly right now. Our character, our souls, are very corrupt and we need to change that or we will succeed where Bin Laden failed.
If people want to celebrate that this clown is dead, thats their right, just like the morons who danced in the streets when 9/11 happened.

I never said they didn't have a right to do it, but it's also my right to disagree with it.

Thank you for expressing what I was feeling - you are not the only one disturbed by the celebrations.

Now if they had done that when they allegedly first knew where he was, they knew the exact cave where he was in 2002, I may have felt different. But President Bush lost interest in finding him by then.

And now, it's 2011. That is the way I feel now.

Knocking on Osama's Cave Door (Washington Post)

I don't believe Bush ever "really" lost interest in him...i think he wanted OBL to "think" he lost interest in him. This plan they used to get him was put together over 4 years ago (when Bush was still president). I'm not an obama fan (AT ALL!)...but i will thank him for carrying on this mission that was started and following through with it.
I have to say, I'm sort of appalled by how unhinged the left is by Osama's death.

I don't see his death as a cause for jubilation. For one thing, I'm not one of the retards who thinks that Osama was our primary threat. He's one of MANY, and taking him out at this point isn't going to make much of a difference. I think radical Islam knew he was on borrowed time a long time ago, and subsequently many others stepped up to the plate to take his place so that when the inevitable happened, it would make no difference to them.

We didn't take him out because he is a threat

We took him out because he is a mass murderer

How many from this link do you see marked as deceased?
FBI — Most Wanted Terrorists
I am celebrating and I could give a rats ass what anyone else thinks.

I find it rather stupid that people are criticizing American college students for whooping it up. The very same kids whose earliest memories include 9/11 and the fright of their parents.
I have to say, I'm sort of appalled by how unhinged the left is by Osama's death.

I don't see his death as a cause for jubilation. For one thing, I'm not one of the retards who thinks that Osama was our primary threat. He's one of MANY, and taking him out at this point isn't going to make much of a difference. I think radical Islam knew he was on borrowed time a long time ago, and subsequently many others stepped up to the plate to take his place so that when the inevitable happened, it would make no difference to them.

We could tell it upset you.

Me? I am DELIGHTED by his death. People don't like that? Too bad. You guys can mourn all you like....just keep the wailing and knashing of teeth down to a dull roar.

I find this saying dumb. wailing and gnashing of teeth.
And I don't think people are "mourning" his death dear, they just don't see the reason for the dancing in the streets like you so called, peaceful, anti-war lefties do.
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