Celebrated Play About Inviting a Conservative to Dinner, then Killing and Eating Him


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Killing conservatives central theme of stage production - Spokane Conservative | Examiner.com

Imagine a play where conservatives invite a far-left wing activist to dinner, only to kill him or her afterward. Would such a play get rave reviews, or would it be shown as an instance of conservatives and Tea Partiers inciting violence? Most of us know the answer to that question.

But such a play is making the rounds in Madison, Wisconsin. Except the killers aren't crazed gun-toting Tea Party activists, they're liberal students, and the victims are conservatives.

The Last Supper, a production of the Mercury Players Theatre, is set to run through Feb 12 in Madison, and the performance has sparked considerable controversy.

According to a Jan 22 article at The Daily Page:

“Five lefty graduate students in Iowa City gather for weekly dinners to revel in their shared (and sometimes smug) world view. The first dinner we witness ignites a surprising shared mission when one of the students invites the truck driver who offered him roadside assistance to join them. This young man, a patriotic Desert Storm vet, first startles the group when he insists on saying grace before the vegan meal and then goes on to praise Hitler, alarming and repulsing the other dinners. Threats and violence ensue, and one of the hosts stabs him.
“As he lies bleeding on an area rug, the quintet, after some debate and initial hand-wringing, decide that they have done society a favor by eliminating him and silencing his dangerous words. They also decide that since participating in protests and sit-ins has been a futile way to fight the power, this new dinner party/murder method may be a more effective technique in coping with right-wing adversaries.”

This is an example of the evil that lies in the mind and hearts of so many libtards.

I have been around conservatives of one kind or another since I was in the third grade and was able to discuss the subject with my Union member grandfather.

In all those 47 years I have NEVER heard an American conservative say anything good about Hitler. NEVER. The only two kinds of people that have said such things were:

1. Socialists who have bought into the National Socialist fascism that is becoming so popular these days under the guise of Nationalist Democrats.

2. Liberals trying to pose as conservatives saying outrageous racist things to get conservatives to 'fess up' in private or to smear by association the conservatives that would tolerate their presence.

Folks, I have been saying this to my friends for the last two decades: get ready for a purge once the libtards gain complete control of this country. I think it 99% likely to happen in our lifetimes, and about 70% likely within the next ten to fifteen years.

Be prepared.
Folks, I have been saying this to my friends for the last two decades: get ready for a purge once the libtards gain complete control of this country. I think it 99% likely to happen in our lifetimes, and about 70% likely within the next ten to fifteen years.

if what you say comes true, let it be in my lifetime so that i can actually use my weapons to help bring this country back to a Constitutional Republic.

(my life time and yours may be many years apart, i do not have the luxury of a 10-15 year wait !! let it start NOW !!)
Folks, I have been saying this to my friends for the last two decades: get ready for a purge once the libtards gain complete control of this country. I think it 99% likely to happen in our lifetimes, and about 70% likely within the next ten to fifteen years.

if what you say comes true, let it be in my lifetime so that i can actually use my weapons to help bring this country back to a Constitutional Republic.

(my life time and yours may be many years apart, i do not have the luxury of a 10-15 year wait !! let it start NOW !!)

Don't think it will be that simple, Wildman.

We are actively suppressed by our own government from celebrating or promoting our own culture. Our media is owned by an international elite that has no sympathy for the USA, as we stupidly let these corporations own these media organs without enforcing any kind of citizenship rules on the corporations as they no longer see American interests as their own interests. Our politicians have been literally bought by enemies of our nation, at least enough to pass an immigration bill that will be the death of our nation cultural as we have known it.

We have a Wall Street banker class that runs this country purely to benefit itself, and the people that are appointed to keep them in line have sold out and are too busy watching porn to do their jobs. These banks are looting the national currency as much as $85 BILLION EACH MONTH! (or $1000 billion annually.) Our foreign aid budget (for comparison) is less than $50 billion annually. And we just sit on our asses while our children's future is looted by these thieves.

This amnesty bill is the end of us if it passes. The Democrats will grow by leaps and bounds every year as the GOP recedes and no third party will make much headway given the demographic disadvantages it will face.

IF this bill passes we seal our own doom and you might do yourself a favor and get a jump on things by either learning Spanish or going to another country to live, because this one wont be friendly to conservative gringos any more than California or any minority dominated city. It will be game over.

And so many of us are promoting this thing like it will actually be good for the country, when instead it will be the cultural death of it instead. Just one more stupid white man trick.
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It is also a PLAY being performed in theater.

You know, writers often do that thing, you know, where they adapt a play to a movie format and vice-versa.

That does not disprove it was ever in the former format, or not adapted to another format later.

So what the hell is your point?

That this movie came out about 20 years ago, and you are just getting upset about it now?


Guy, sounds like you are scraping the bottom of your outrage barrel.


It is also a PLAY being performed in theater.

You know, writers often do that thing, you know, where they adapt a play to a movie format and vice-versa.

That does not disprove it was ever in the former format, or not adapted to another format later.

So what the hell is your point?

That this movie came out about 20 years ago, and you are just getting upset about it now?


Guy, sounds like you are scraping the bottom of your outrage barrel.

The play was much more recent, but even that was 2 1/2 years ago and they all get their comeuppance in the end when the tables are turned by a Rush-like character. Seems you're right, outrage trumped a few minutes of basic research!

Don't think it will be that simple, Wildman.

We are actively suppressed by our own government from celebrating or promoting our own culture. Our media is owned by an international elite that has no sympathy for the USA, as we stupidly let these corporations own these media organs without enforcing any kind of citizenship rules on the corporations as they no longer see American interests as their own interests. Our politicians have been literally bought by enemies of our nation, at least enough to pass an immigration bill that will be the death of our nation cultural as we have known it.

We have a Wall Street banker class that runs this country purely to benefit itself, and the people that are appointed to keep them in line have sold out and are too busy watching porn to do their jobs. These banks are looting the national currency as much as $85 BILLION EACH MONTH! (or $1000 billion annually.) Our foreign aid budget (for comparison) is less than $50 billion annually. And we just sit on our asses while our children's future is looted by these thieves.

This amnesty bill is the end of us if it passes. The Democrats will grow by leaps and bounds every year as the GOP recedes and no third party will make much headway given the demographic disadvantages it will face.

IF this bill passes we seal our own doom and you might do yourself a favor and get a jump on things by either learning Spanish or going to another country to live, because this one wont be friendly to conservative gringos any more than California or any minority dominated city. It will be game over.

And so many of us are promoting this thing like it will actually be good for the country, when instead it will be the cultural death of it instead. Just one more stupid white man trick.

Yawn, guy.

The problem with this is, this kind of ranting goes on every time an immigrant group comes here. First it was the Irish and then the Germans and then the Italians and then the Poles. Why, these no-good people are going to destroy American culture.

Except a few generations later... guess what, their kids speak better English than you do. (Not that this is a high bar.)

The Illegals are here and they ain't going back. How we deal with it will say a lot about us as a country.
That's why this is a war. Right now a fairly cold war. There are only sporadic skirmishes. It can't stay that way forever.
Killing conservatives central theme of stage production - Spokane Conservative | Examiner.com

Imagine a play where conservatives invite a far-left wing activist to dinner, only to kill him or her afterward. Would such a play get rave reviews, or would it be shown as an instance of conservatives and Tea Partiers inciting violence? Most of us know the answer to that question.

But such a play is making the rounds in Madison, Wisconsin. Except the killers aren't crazed gun-toting Tea Party activists, they're liberal students, and the victims are conservatives.

The Last Supper, a production of the Mercury Players Theatre, is set to run through Feb 12 in Madison, and the performance has sparked considerable controversy.

According to a Jan 22 article at The Daily Page:

“Five lefty graduate students in Iowa City gather for weekly dinners to revel in their shared (and sometimes smug) world view. The first dinner we witness ignites a surprising shared mission when one of the students invites the truck driver who offered him roadside assistance to join them. This young man, a patriotic Desert Storm vet, first startles the group when he insists on saying grace before the vegan meal and then goes on to praise Hitler, alarming and repulsing the other dinners. Threats and violence ensue, and one of the hosts stabs him.
“As he lies bleeding on an area rug, the quintet, after some debate and initial hand-wringing, decide that they have done society a favor by eliminating him and silencing his dangerous words. They also decide that since participating in protests and sit-ins has been a futile way to fight the power, this new dinner party/murder method may be a more effective technique in coping with right-wing adversaries.”

This is an example of the evil that lies in the mind and hearts of so many libtards.

I have been around conservatives of one kind or another since I was in the third grade and was able to discuss the subject with my Union member grandfather.

In all those 47 years I have NEVER heard an American conservative say anything good about Hitler. NEVER. The only two kinds of people that have said such things were:

1. Socialists who have bought into the National Socialist fascism that is becoming so popular these days under the guise of Nationalist Democrats.

2. Liberals trying to pose as conservatives saying outrageous racist things to get conservatives to 'fess up' in private or to smear by association the conservatives that would tolerate their presence.

Folks, I have been saying this to my friends for the last two decades: get ready for a purge once the libtards gain complete control of this country. I think it 99% likely to happen in our lifetimes, and about 70% likely within the next ten to fifteen years.

Be prepared.

Oh...I thought it was "Rocky Horror Picture Show".
Killing conservatives central theme of stage production - Spokane Conservative | Examiner.com

Imagine a play where conservatives invite a far-left wing activist to dinner, only to kill him or her afterward. Would such a play get rave reviews, or would it be shown as an instance of conservatives and Tea Partiers inciting violence? Most of us know the answer to that question.

But such a play is making the rounds in Madison, Wisconsin. Except the killers aren't crazed gun-toting Tea Party activists, they're liberal students, and the victims are conservatives.

The Last Supper, a production of the Mercury Players Theatre, is set to run through Feb 12 in Madison, and the performance has sparked considerable controversy.

According to a Jan 22 article at The Daily Page:

“Five lefty graduate students in Iowa City gather for weekly dinners to revel in their shared (and sometimes smug) world view. The first dinner we witness ignites a surprising shared mission when one of the students invites the truck driver who offered him roadside assistance to join them. This young man, a patriotic Desert Storm vet, first startles the group when he insists on saying grace before the vegan meal and then goes on to praise Hitler, alarming and repulsing the other dinners. Threats and violence ensue, and one of the hosts stabs him.
“As he lies bleeding on an area rug, the quintet, after some debate and initial hand-wringing, decide that they have done society a favor by eliminating him and silencing his dangerous words. They also decide that since participating in protests and sit-ins has been a futile way to fight the power, this new dinner party/murder method may be a more effective technique in coping with right-wing adversaries.”

This is an example of the evil that lies in the mind and hearts of so many libtards.

I have been around conservatives of one kind or another since I was in the third grade and was able to discuss the subject with my Union member grandfather.

In all those 47 years I have NEVER heard an American conservative say anything good about Hitler. NEVER. The only two kinds of people that have said such things were:

1. Socialists who have bought into the National Socialist fascism that is becoming so popular these days under the guise of Nationalist Democrats.

2. Liberals trying to pose as conservatives saying outrageous racist things to get conservatives to 'fess up' in private or to smear by association the conservatives that would tolerate their presence.

Folks, I have been saying this to my friends for the last two decades: get ready for a purge once the libtards gain complete control of this country. I think it 99% likely to happen in our lifetimes, and about 70% likely within the next ten to fifteen years.

Be prepared.

Oh...I thought it was "Rocky Horror Picture Show".

OH NO, not Meatloaf, again! :lmao:
It is not a current event. Liberals have been fantasizing about killing conservatives for several decades. When will they get tired of the fantasy and start doing it?

Serial killers fantasize about killing for many years before they start actual actions. Liberals are just serial killers waiting for their chance.
Liberals are just serial killers waiting for their chance.

Hah hah it doesn't get any better than seeing into the warped mind of a no life 47 post per day partisan extemist retard.

You get 'em keyboard warrior! Tell us more about the coming war on the liberals, will you wield a might downvote button?
Killing conservatives central theme of stage production - Spokane Conservative | Examiner.com

Imagine a play where conservatives invite a far-left wing activist to dinner, only to kill him or her afterward. Would such a play get rave reviews, or would it be shown as an instance of conservatives and Tea Partiers inciting violence? Most of us know the answer to that question.

But such a play is making the rounds in Madison, Wisconsin. Except the killers aren't crazed gun-toting Tea Party activists, they're liberal students, and the victims are conservatives.

The Last Supper, a production of the Mercury Players Theatre, is set to run through Feb 12 in Madison, and the performance has sparked considerable controversy.

According to a Jan 22 article at The Daily Page:

“Five lefty graduate students in Iowa City gather for weekly dinners to revel in their shared (and sometimes smug) world view. The first dinner we witness ignites a surprising shared mission when one of the students invites the truck driver who offered him roadside assistance to join them. This young man, a patriotic Desert Storm vet, first startles the group when he insists on saying grace before the vegan meal and then goes on to praise Hitler, alarming and repulsing the other dinners. Threats and violence ensue, and one of the hosts stabs him.
“As he lies bleeding on an area rug, the quintet, after some debate and initial hand-wringing, decide that they have done society a favor by eliminating him and silencing his dangerous words. They also decide that since participating in protests and sit-ins has been a futile way to fight the power, this new dinner party/murder method may be a more effective technique in coping with right-wing adversaries.”

This is an example of the evil that lies in the mind and hearts of so many libtards.

I have been around conservatives of one kind or another since I was in the third grade and was able to discuss the subject with my Union member grandfather.

In all those 47 years I have NEVER heard an American conservative say anything good about Hitler. NEVER. The only two kinds of people that have said such things were:

1. Socialists who have bought into the National Socialist fascism that is becoming so popular these days under the guise of Nationalist Democrats.

2. Liberals trying to pose as conservatives saying outrageous racist things to get conservatives to 'fess up' in private or to smear by association the conservatives that would tolerate their presence.

Folks, I have been saying this to my friends for the last two decades: get ready for a purge once the libtards gain complete control of this country. I think it 99% likely to happen in our lifetimes, and about 70% likely within the next ten to fifteen years.

Be prepared.

Just curious, but are you certain the author was not the conservative version of #2 above - a conservative posing as a liberal saying outrageous things to smear liberals? Those kind of things go both ways shamefully.


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