Celebrity Obama--misses 100th Aniversary Boy Scouts to go onto the "View"!


Gold Member
Sep 15, 2008
President Obama will make history as the first sitting president on a daytime talk show when he visits with the ladies of "The View." But he'll be missing out on another historic occasion -- the Boy Scouts' Jamboree marking the group's 100th anniversary, right in the president's backyard.

The Jamboree kicked off this week at Fort A.P. Hill in Virginia, where organizers had invited the president to speak to the 45,000 scouts in attendance. All three of Obama's predecessors have made it to one Jamboree while in office.

FOXNews.com - Obama Missing Historic Boy Scout Jamboree for Fundraisers, 'View' Taping

If someone would have told me ten years ago that we would have a sitting President that would prefer to get on a liberal--histerical woman's talk show--versus going to the 100th anniversary jamboree of the Boy Scouts--I would have never believed it. But, in rhetrospect what else could we have expected from this "celebrity/rockstar" President?
President Obama will make history as the first sitting president on a daytime talk show when he visits with the ladies of "The View." But he'll be missing out on another historic occasion -- the Boy Scouts' Jamboree marking the group's 100th anniversary, right in the president's backyard.

The Jamboree kicked off this week at Fort A.P. Hill in Virginia, where organizers had invited the president to speak to the 45,000 scouts in attendance. All three of Obama's predecessors have made it to one Jamboree while in office.

FOXNews.com - Obama Missing Historic Boy Scout Jamboree for Fundraisers, 'View' Taping

If someone would have told me ten years ago that we would have a sitting President that would prefer to get on a liberal--histerical woman's talk show--versus going to the 100th anniversary jamboree of the Boy Scouts--I would have never believed it. But, in rhetrospect what else could we have expected from this "celebrity/rockstar" President?

Who cares? I'm sure that just like much of America, the BSA were just fine not seeing Obama.
When this technique failed to work the first 100 times you guys tried it, didn't it sink in that it doesn't work at all?

No one cares. No one but people who are looking for an excuse to hate Obama care whether he goes to on the View or to the Jamboree.

We get it already. You hate Obama. You'd hate Obama if he went to the Jamboree too, though.
I'm not surprised that the President is more comfortable with a bunch of chatty cathys. He's quite the metrosexual.
Scouts Visit with the President | The White House

He also taped a video for them to see at the Jamboree. But, you won't see Oreo complaining about Reagan not going and Reagan had eight years in office. ;)

Umm once again Bertrude doesn't bother to apply historical facts to anything. Fact , the event happens once every four years. Fact in 1981 Reagan was little more than 2 months removed from a bullet wound as a result of an assassination attempt. Little doubt to why he didn't attend that year. Fact , in 1985 Reagan was recovering from cancer surgery and Nancy Reagan attended in his place.

The truth of the matter is that Reagan was a huge advocate of the BSA and even set on their advisory board as well as lots of other BSA related activities.

Bert fail, nothing new here.
maybe he doesn't want to associate himself with a group that discriminates against 10% of the population.

just sayin'

and it would be nice if the rightwingnuts noted that st reagan didn't go for the eight years he was in office...

just like other presidents send surrogates for other ceremonial purposes.

but the obama derangement syndrome is strong on this board. :cuckoo:

you people are seriously screwed up.

every day i think y'all can't get more stupid...

and then i get online and find a thread like this.
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maybe he doesn't want to associate himself with a group that discriminates against 10% of the population.

just sayin'

and it would be nice if the rightwingnuts noted that st reagan didn't go for the eight years he was in office...

just like other presidents send surrogates for other ceremonial purposes.

but the obama derangement syndrome is strong on this board. :cuckoo:

you people are seriously screwed up.

every day i think y'all can't get more stupid...

and then i get online and find a thread like this.

Jillian, I already disproved the theory that Reagan skipped the TWO jamborees that were held while he was in office (Remember they are held only once every four years.) If you can't acknowledge those facts you are as screwed up as the ones you claim are screwed up.

Also, as you well know the BSA have EVERY right to exclude gays.
President Obama will make history as the first sitting president on a daytime talk show when he visits with the ladies of "The View." But he'll be missing out on another historic occasion -- the Boy Scouts' Jamboree marking the group's 100th anniversary, right in the president's backyard.

The Jamboree kicked off this week at Fort A.P. Hill in Virginia, where organizers had invited the president to speak to the 45,000 scouts in attendance. All three of Obama's predecessors have made it to one Jamboree while in office.

FOXNews.com - Obama Missing Historic Boy Scout Jamboree for Fundraisers, 'View' Taping

If someone would have told me ten years ago that we would have a sitting President that would prefer to get on a liberal--histerical woman's talk show--versus going to the 100th anniversary jamboree of the Boy Scouts--I would have never believed it. But, in rhetrospect what else could we have expected from this "celebrity/rockstar" President?

Oh my....I guess you won't be voting for him again cause Fox has told you it's a big thing.
maybe he doesn't want to associate himself with a group that discriminates against 10% of the population.

just sayin'

and it would be nice if the rightwingnuts noted that st reagan didn't go for the eight years he was in office...

just like other presidents send surrogates for other ceremonial purposes.

but the obama derangement syndrome is strong on this board. :cuckoo:

you people are seriously screwed up.

every day i think y'all can't get more stupid...

and then i get online and find a thread like this.

Jillian, I already disproved the theory that Reagan skipped the TWO jamborees that were held while he was in office (Remember they are held only once every four years.) If you can't acknowledge those facts you are as screwed up as the ones you claim are screwed up.

Also, as you well know the BSA have EVERY right to exclude gays.

They also exclude atheists...and the children of gays and atheists.

And Obama has EVERY right to not go. (yes, I know you agree...just pointing it out)
Dunno who would want an anti American non citizen at their very American group meeting anyways. I am glad he didn't show up.
Come on now, they're not old enough to vote and their parents are just a bunch of typical white people who cling to their guns and Bibles.:lol:
Boyscouts don't vote. But he forgot that their parents do.

Just curious - how many 100TH ANNIVERSARIES were there during Reagan's term?
Jillian, I already disproved the theory that Reagan skipped the TWO jamborees that were held while he was in office (Remember they are held only once every four years.) If you can't acknowledge those facts you are as screwed up as the ones you claim are screwed up.

Also, as you well know the BSA have EVERY right to exclude gays.

and some of us think that's disgusting.

so why honor them?

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