Does Anyone Have the Balls to Indict Obama?

For goodness' sake.

A few months ago, a cop was accused of illegally killing a man. The result? Weeks of protest marches and looting.

If there were any move to indict President Obama, the consequences would make the current anarchy look like child's play.

Even the Trump administration would NOT dare indict President Obama for even a parking ticket. And, of course, the in-coming Biden administration will have President Obama as a special guest on the Capitol steps when the 46th President is inaugurated.

President Obama is untouchable. It's time to move on.

So what you're saying is that no man is above the law except presidents, especially those named Barack Hussein Obama II.
Does Anyone Have the Balls to Indict Obama?
Doesn't he need to have committed a crime first?

So what you are saying is that when a president orders Operations such as "Fast and Furious", "Crossfire Hurricane", and the IRS to target conservative and Christian groups that these are not crimes? Then there's the little problem of that treasonous failed coup d' etat hatched within the Oval room of the W.H. in the presence of Brennan, Comey, Yates, Rice, and of course Jarrett and Obama himself...None of the above could have gone into action without the expessed permission of the then 44th president.


What I am saying is that some people are too big to indict.

Any attempt to indict President Obama or even Ms. Hillary would generate a backlash that would tear this country literally apart.

We have no choice but to be realistic, not idealistic.

That is just how the cookie crumbles and always will.

Have a nice day!

When you say "too big to indict." It's only Democrats that qualify. Democrats would totally indict Trump when he leaves office
Indict, try, convict, and imprison.

The difference?

tRump has actually committed crimes.

Just the left and the criminalization of politics, creep
Well that's a lie.
With all the insurmountable, undeniably evidence of Barry's many crimes and treason, we can only hope someone has the balls to indict the criminal anti-American prick.

If Barr is not that man, & I do not think he is, Barry will never be indicted.

Even Barr, I fear, will allow the biggest most criminal in US history get away with such heinous crimes because the racial division in this country is so dangerously high that indicting the 1st black President would cause a real more violent bloody civil war.

IMO Barr will sacrifice the Rule of Law / US law to prevent that kind of violent destruction in America.

And that race baiting has been used to protect him, make him teflon. Notice everytime they announce proof of his crimes they turn up the race baiting schemes. Charlie Manson would be proud of todays media trying to start his Helter Skelter fantasy.

If he had actually committed crimes as you delude yourself into b'lieving, he woukd have been indicted.
By who, his appointed judges? *L*

Judges don't indict.

Next bizarro excuse...?
It was a general description of appointing his people into all areas like investigative and Rosenstein who became AG when Dems blackmailed Sessions into recusal.
It takes a lot of depts to lock a person up, one link in that chain can destroy a case.
But you traped yourself, the Dem mantra was nobody is above the law not even the president(s).
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That's now two bizarre excuses as Impeached Trump's people have been installed for 3½ years now.

Next bizarro excuse...?
Nobody has been impeached, as your standard must be convictrd because as we see by your post, they are gunning for people as a means of intimidation fascist style.
Thanks for proving their intent and need to defeat through mob bullying tactics rather then policy.
Wayne Root: Does Anyone Have the Balls to Indict Obama?

3 Aug 2020 ~~ By Wayne Allen Root
I recently watched a documentary about how the US government finally took down the mob (aka the mafia). For decades the US government failed miserably. Why? Because they could only catch low level “soldiers” in the act of a crime, but never the mob boss, (aka The Don).
But something changed in the late 1980’s. The government applied the RICO Act to the mafia. They proved the mob acted as a “family.” And when the head of the family gave an order, he was as guilty as the “soldier” who carried it out. This allowed the government to destroy the mafia.
Suddenly a lightbulb went off. I realized this is exactly how to indict, convict and send former President Barack Obama to prison. RICO. Against the head of a crime family.
I believe Obama is the biggest criminal in the history of the United States. RICO is how we get Don Obama. He was the head of a family, just like the mafia. Call it the Obama Crime Family.
Attorney General Barr and Prosecutor Durham are playing in the minor leagues. They are going after the “soldiers” of the Obama criminal family. But they should be targeting the head of the snake: Obama. He gave all the orders. He oversaw and coordinated all the crime, extortion, theft, fraud, lies. And of course, the biggest crime of all- spying. Some might call that treason.
It was all Obama. Just like in New York in the 1980’s, it was all Paul Castellano and John Gotti. The only difference is, the crimes and audacity of Obama make the Gambinos look like boy scouts. Trust me, the mafia has nothing on Obama.

Let’s compare the crimes of Obama vs the Gambinos.
Don Obama targeted, hunted, demonized, intimidated, and punished his best customers (business owners and high-income taxpayers). Obama’s weapons of choice were the highest taxes and the most regulations in US history. Even the mafia treats their best customers better than this!
Unfortunately, we can’t indict Obama over that.
But Obama’s IRS crimes are a different story. Obama had his own personal government-sanctioned hit squad. Obama’s IRS thugs went after Tea Partiers, conservatives, and groups that believed in the U.S. Constitution. Even the mafia had more respect for the Constitution than Obama’s government gang.
Obama’s IRS thugs went after Christian charities, Catholic professors, and Pro-Life groups. They even went after Reverend Billy Graham. The mafia had more respect for the church than the Obama Crime Family.
In one case, the IRS offered to “end the pain” if the Pro-Life group agreed to stop picketing Planned Parenthood clinics. This was a level of extortion even the mafia would be impressed with.
Obama’s IRS was sent to intimidate a St Louis anchorman who dared to ask tough questions of Obama. They also spied on journalists. Even the mafia knows never to touch the media.
Obama’s IRS targeted Pro-Israel groups. Even the greatest gangsters of all-time- Meyer Lansky and Bugsy Siegal- were always friends of Israel.
Don’t forget the many other Obama crimes- Fast and Furious; the fraud of Benghazi; Hillary’s erased emails; the fix to make sure the FBI exonerated Hillary; the fraud concocted on the airport runway between Bill Clinton and Obama’s Attorney General; the murder of Seth Rich; the fix to make sure Hillary won the Democrat primary; and Hillary and Joe Biden’s extortion of foreign allies. I guarantee you nothing happened without the approval of Don Obama.
I need to make special mention of the Obamacare Ponzi scheme. Obama committed pure fraud when he said, “If you like your health insurance, you can keep your health insurance.” That’s like a mafia loan shark telling a business owner, “Don’t worry. Here’s your loan at 300% interest. You can keep your business.”
It’s time to indict Obama. He’s not above the law. He’s no better than the Gambinos. Actually, he’s worse. The Gambinos were thugs and murderers, but at least they loved America and capitalism.
My apologies for insulting the Gambinos by comparison.

All factual evidence points to Barack Hussein Obama (aka Barry Soetoro) as the most corrupt President in the history of the United States bar none. But even worse, the man is absolutely evil to the core. Can he be indicted? I hope so, I really do. But if not there's one certainty: God will sort this out and apply justice.
No doubt BHOObama is corrupt but most of the bureaucrats in government were part of it. It's just like corruption in the police department. They aren't going to arrest themselves. More than half of the government is in on the crime of selling the government for personal gain. They will all protect each other. What judge will find them guilty? We can't even get Flynn's charges dropped. We can't get one person arrested in a 4 year long coup attempt against the former elected president.
The idea that he is black is part of it, tapping into unbridled white guilt, and it worked!! But the other reason is the Progressive Marxist Socialist Democrat Leftist's and media would freak out on whoever did it, which is a shame, because we all know he ran the failed operation to take down Trump; knowing that his administration had committed numerous other crimes they needed to cover up for.
Does Anyone Have the Balls to Indict Obama?
No, by and large Conservatives are nutless pussies whom have been programmed to smile while getting fucked over. They take great pride in being suckered.
Just the left and the criminalization of politics, creep
Well that's a lie.

Bull shit. Russia and one fake investigation of Trump after another. That while abusing the legal system for guys like Mike Flynn. Sentences far longer than any normal person. That while using the FBI to spy on Republican candidates and using the IRS to go after conservative groups. That while Democrats committing crimes like Joe you aint black and Hunter biden selling influence in the Ukraine and other Democrats just get off free.

Democrats are massively criminalizing politics, for any one against them, creep
Just the left and the criminalization of politics, creep
Well that's a lie.

Bull shit. Russia and one fake investigation of Trump after another. That while abusing the legal system for guys like Mike Flynn. Sentences far longer than any normal person. That while using the FBI to spy on Republican candidates and using the IRS to go after conservative groups. That while Democrats committing crimes like Joe you aint black and Hunter biden selling influence in the Ukraine and other Democrats just get off free.

Democrats are massively criminalizing politics, for any one against them, creep
More lies.

You're on a roll!
Barry the Magnificent should have to at least explain his evolvement in the Coup.
His crimes are being suppressed by the MSM.
He will be throwing everyone under the bus.
They made Reagan testify in court about Iran Contra.


Feb 17, 1990 · REAGAN TESTIFIES ABOUT IRAN-CONTRA By Deseret News Feb 17, 1990, 12:00am MST Former President Ronald Reagan was questioned under oath about the Iran-Contra scandal for the first time Friday, but the federal courtroom where he faced John Poindexter's lawyers was …
Just the left and the criminalization of politics, creep
Well that's a lie.

Bull shit. Russia and one fake investigation of Trump after another. That while abusing the legal system for guys like Mike Flynn. Sentences far longer than any normal person. That while using the FBI to spy on Republican candidates and using the IRS to go after conservative groups. That while Democrats committing crimes like Joe you aint black and Hunter biden selling influence in the Ukraine and other Democrats just get off free.

Democrats are massively criminalizing politics, for any one against them, creep
More lies.

You're on a roll!
What do you know about balls?
"You're a tucker, your father was a tucker, your father's father was a tucker."
Just the left and the criminalization of politics, creep
Well that's a lie.

Bull shit. Russia and one fake investigation of Trump after another. That while abusing the legal system for guys like Mike Flynn. Sentences far longer than any normal person. That while using the FBI to spy on Republican candidates and using the IRS to go after conservative groups. That while Democrats committing crimes like Joe you aint black and Hunter biden selling influence in the Ukraine and other Democrats just get off free.

Democrats are massively criminalizing politics, for any one against them, creep
More lies.

You're on a roll!
What do you know about balls?
"You're a tucker, your father was a tucker, your father's father was a tucker."
View attachment 371075
Ah, a deflection.

Your surrender is accepted.
Don't examine those "accomplishments" too carefully!
  • Lied to the country in order to federalize 1/6th the US economy and put the state in charge of your body.
  • Doubled the national debt after contributing to the SNL banking scandal that put us in recession.
  • Pulled out of Iraq just in time to allow ISIS to flourish, laying waste to half the Middle East and the death and ruin of millions.
  • Federalized the banks allowing gov to spy on and track everything you do.
  • Crippled the military by standardizing gays.
  • Hand-tied our military to where we couldn't even return fire in a combat situation without getting "permission" first.
  • Kowtowed to every foreign country buying their favor with money.
  • Tried to create a civilian police force out of his college students in exchange for student loans.
  • Was sanctioned and reprimanded 13 times for exceeding his presidential authority.
  • Lost hundreds of billions in stimulus to crony friends.
  • Almost devalued the dollar to where it fell from the world standard.
  • Tried to close the coal industry despite our reliance on it putting thousands out of work.
  • Hand-tied the nation with crippling climate treaties.
  • Pulled out of eastern missile defense shield giving Russia opening to invade Crimea.
  • Gave Russia 20% of our uranium.
  • Killed the space program.
  • Rolled out welcome mat for Islamist interests.
  • Consistently used divisiveness to create polarity between races, gays, even the police.
  • Institutionalized city-wide rioting.
  • Crippled the military weakening our position in the world and giving China egress into South China Sea.
  • Weaponized the IRS to steal reelection from Romney.
  • Completely mishandled the Gulf Oil Spill.
  • Gross lapses of security within his administration.
  • Spied on and harassed press journalists investigating him.
  • Spied on and conspired against next administration replacing him.
  • Continues to work against interests of acting administration though long out of office.

Oh look. Lies, half truths, and conspiracy theories.
I hear the talk, Jack, now waiting for you to prove any of them wrong, much less show where I copied that from anywhere.
Unlike you, Jack, I have a brain.

Did just that with your space program assertion. Want another one? Gave Russian 20% of our uranium? That old conspiracy theory that never happened. Crippled the military by standardizing gays?....where do you get this bullshit from?
C'mon Freaky, what site did you get the list from? :)
Try being honest for once.
Hey Jerk, try to get a jack of yourself. Can't prove a single one of those wrong, can you? Tired of asking. I went easy. That was the SHORT list of Obumma's fuck ups.

The entire list is lies, half-truths, and conspiracy theories. And that at the end of the day, that is all you right wingers have against Barack Obama.
Weak sauce.
You keep repeating that yet without a shred of proof to back your claims. Every single thing there is undeniable and written in stone.

None of it is. Just alt-right self pleasuring. :)
Just the left and the criminalization of politics, creep
Well that's a lie.

Bull shit. Russia and one fake investigation of Trump after another. That while abusing the legal system for guys like Mike Flynn. Sentences far longer than any normal person. That while using the FBI to spy on Republican candidates and using the IRS to go after conservative groups. That while Democrats committing crimes like Joe you aint black and Hunter biden selling influence in the Ukraine and other Democrats just get off free.

Democrats are massively criminalizing politics, for any one against them, creep
More lies.

You're on a roll!
What do you know about balls?
"You're a tucker, your father was a tucker, your father's father was a tucker."
View attachment 371075
Ah, a deflection.

Your surrender is accepted.
Or just a joke, sometimes a joke is just a joke and you need to lighten up and actually enjoy life instead of fighting against life and being miserable.
Proof: look at Leo Terrell, it wasn't until he left the fallaciously labelled "tolerant ones" that he suddenly got his smile and laughter back.
Do a side by side comparison of when he was a Dem and now as he has awoken to how miserable his party created that pessimist nature in him.

Regarding your comment a surrender requires an argument where I wasn't even discussing with you and through my previous commentary on this subject I was the one who said because of optics Presidents are never charged, however blotting him out like Ancient Egypt did to bad traitor pharoahs and removing all his former president privileges and clearances would be a good minimum punishment.
If he is the architect of the coup then if you don't do anything about it you allow history to repeat until they see there is a price paid for treason.
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one would think that Donald Trump had never been elected, and hadn't killed 155,000 Americans, cratered the economy, destroyed the leadership standing of the USA, made your country both the laughingstock of the world, but horrified the world as the disease and death is destroying your nation.
That's exactly right, PsychoCatBitch, Trump hasn't killed ONE American (if only Obumma could say that), had nothing to do with cratering the economy, democrats did that, and if America is not the leader, then why do all these countries cry and pout when we take away their welfare?

The WORLD is the laughing stock of America, not the other way around, buttcake.

It's everybody's fault but Dumb Donald. The Cult will lie and deflect and blame everyone but Trump. You were warned he was unqualified, incompetent, and a complete failure at everything he's ever tried in his entire life, but this is catstrophic failure at every level. Then there's the exposee airing on HBO right now which shows the naked lying, racism and cruelty of Trump's racist immigration policies.

Trump is going to jail as soon as he leaves office The SDNY is finally getting their hands on his taxes. Officials from Deutches Banke have already admitted that Trump lied to them about his assets (a felony), and they knew it. Now the SDNY are getting the proof of his bank and insurance fraud, and will prosecute.
BLAH BLAH BLAH SHUT UP. I never said anything CatFreak about nothing never being Trump's fault you psychobitch, but you make it out that EVERYTHING is his fault!


Presidents oversee things, they don't DO things. As we quickly found out, he has no control over what states do. He administers federal agencies, but agencies like the CDC have experts in their fields who advise the president and he can only act on their advise.

It wouldn't surprise me one bit that leftwing operatives in some of these agencies weren't giving bad data or advise just so as to hope to make Trump look bad.

It has become the standard MO of the Left now for four years.
None of it is. Just alt-right self pleasuring.
You would be the EXPERT in that JacksMeOff! Still waiting for you name just ONE THING on my list, since you failed to prove I "copied" it from somewhere, that is not true and only a "conspiracy theory."

You said it ALL is.

I just love snapping scrawny necks like yours with the facts like a chicken bone in a bear trap. Do go on, Jack, tell us ONE thing on my list that isn't true.
None of it is. Just alt-right self pleasuring.
You would be the EXPERT in that JacksMeOff! Still waiting for you name just ONE THING on my list, since you failed to prove I "copied" it from somewhere, that is not true and only a "conspiracy theory."

You said it ALL is.

I just love snapping scrawny necks like yours with the facts like a chicken bone in a bear trap. Do go on, Jack, tell us ONE thing on my list that isn't true.

You couldn't snap a twig off tree much less any neck. You're toothless. bullshit. But go ahead Freaky, you get er dun!

I gave you three things on your list that were crap. The rest is just alt-right wish listing, circle-jerking, and straight up whining. Sad. bullshit.
FUCK YOU JERKOFF. Like the CLOWN you are, you can't even give me ONE specific thing to debate nor a shred of evidence to support your claim. I won't waste any more time with you.
Born in Kenya...

muslim father, whore mother, mother remarries a muslim, he's raised in Indonesia as a muslim and his name is changed to Barry Soetoro, there's no record his name was ever legally changed back, he went to school in America on a foreign student visa from Kenya...

he was radicalized by the scum he hung out with, smoked dope, snorted cocaine, was buddies with Bill Ayers, a known terrorist, went to the church of GODDAMN AMERICA and sat in the front row, and decided he'd become an activist so he became a community agitator, and when that wasn't enough ran for the senate...

He got elected in the commie state of ILL and got a taste of power. He soon decided that his next mission would be to try and destroy America so he ran for president and was illegally elected because he wasn't constitutionally eligible, but his "fundamental transformation" of America almost did destroy our nation. We were lucky to survive the muslim rat turd.

He belongs in prison for a multitude of things. Being involved in the spying and coup of a president of the United States is just one thing in a long list of things he should very well be locked away for, for the rest of his stinking filthy America hating life.

Fucking retard. That birth certificate has the seal of Australia on it. :eusa_doh:

You birthers still crack me up.

I'm still laughing my ass off at 007, DukeU, toobfreak and Death Angel for 007 idiotically posting a phoney birth certificate with the seal of South Australia as though it was Obama's actual birth certificate from Kenya.

View attachment 370924


I know that was tough for you to admit his BC is phony. :happy-1: bullshit.
FUCK YOU JERKOFF. Like the CLOWN you are, you can't even give me ONE specific thing to debate nor a shred of evidence to support your claim. I won't waste any more time with you.

I did. The space program destruction. The 20% of uranium being sold. The standardization of gays destroying the military. Let's add the institutionalizing of violence in the cities.
Do you seriously believe this horseshit? And do you have anything to back this bullshit list up other than your hatred (or pasting the list off of a website?)
Or are you just another whiny little alt-right worm with ODS?
I did. The space program destruction.

The 20% of uranium being sold.

The standardization of gays destroying the military.

Of course now it is hard to get straight, honest news here now as the matter was made so PC that the reports by generals all against this has all been deleted and most of those generals fired by Obumma.

Let's add the institutionalizing of violence in the cities.

That should keep you busy for a while. Now tell me that THE HILL, Capital Research, the Washington Examiner, Newsweek, Forbes Magazine, US News, Investors, Liberty Headlines, the Huffington Post, and Political Insider and the rest are all conspiracy theories, Crack The Jack? Tell us in 5 minutes after you don't even read any of the above it is all horseshit and ALL THESE PEOPLE ARE WRONG OR LYING. Tell us it is all bullshit and never happened-- -- that Obama never vilified the police, that Holder didn't pull out of Ferguson and Baltimore and let those cities burn, tell us that you whacked off for 8 years while the rest of us all lived these events on an hourly, daily and weekly basis living through it all, Jack The Whack!
Just the left and the criminalization of politics, creep
Well that's a lie.

Bull shit. Russia and one fake investigation of Trump after another. That while abusing the legal system for guys like Mike Flynn. Sentences far longer than any normal person. That while using the FBI to spy on Republican candidates and using the IRS to go after conservative groups. That while Democrats committing crimes like Joe you aint black and Hunter biden selling influence in the Ukraine and other Democrats just get off free.

Democrats are massively criminalizing politics, for any one against them, creep
More lies.

You're on a roll!
What do you know about balls?
"You're a tucker, your father was a tucker, your father's father was a tucker."
View attachment 371075
Ah, a deflection.

Your surrender is accepted.
Or just a joke, sometimes a joke is just a joke and you need to lighten up and actually enjoy life instead of fighting against life and being miserable.
Proof: look at Leo Terrell, it wasn't until he left the fallaciously labelled "tolerant ones" that he suddenly got his smile and laughter back.
Do a side by side comparison of when he was a Dem and now as he has awoken to how miserable his party created that pessimist nature in him.

Regarding your comment a surrender requires an argument where I wasn't even discussing with you and through my previous commentary on this subject I was the one who said because of optics Presidents are never charged, however blotting him out like Ancient Egypt did to bad traitor pharoahs and removing all his former president privileges and clearances would be a good minimum punishment.
If he is the architect of the coup then if you don't do anything about it you allow history to repeat until they see there is a price paid for treason.
Lol, you're attempting to deflect from your deflection.
I did. The space program destruction.

The 20% of uranium being sold.

The standardization of gays destroying the military.

Of course now it is hard to get straight, honest news here now as the matter was made so PC that the reports by generals all against this has all been deleted and most of those generals fired by Obumma.

Let's add the institutionalizing of violence in the cities.

That should keep you busy for a while. Now tell me that THE HILL, Capital Research, the Washington Examiner, Newsweek, Forbes Magazine, US News, Investors, Liberty Headlines, the Huffington Post, and Political Insider and the rest are all conspiracy theories, Crack The Jack? Tell us in 5 minutes after you don't even read any of the above it is all horseshit and ALL THESE PEOPLE ARE WRONG OR LYING. Tell us it is all bullshit and never happened-- -- that Obama never vilified the police, that Holder didn't pull out of Ferguson and Baltimore and let those cities burn, tell us that you whacked off for 8 years while the rest of us all lived these events on an hourly, daily and weekly basis living through it all, Jack The Whack!

Oh Freaky, didn't whatever school you went to teach you the meaning of the word "opinion"? :)
As far as the space program goes, I'll give you hint. You're in one of my hobby wheelhouses. So let's address The Hill article. The other two are right wing hit pieces. The dismantling of the shuttle program (which was the only manned program NASA had at the time) started under Bush Jr in the wake of the Columbia tragedy. There was a move to privatize space travel over the course of both the Bush Jr and Obama administration. You're seeing some of the fruits of that now in the SpaceX/NASA collaboration. But here lies some truth in the form of fact checking your lord and savior (oddly enough). No Obama did not kill the space program. Bush Jr didn't even kill it. It was in the process of evolving.

On Uranium One (20%), linking these two articles was a joke right? Cause this is straight from the Forbes article. As far as Jessica Kwong goes, you know she got canned from Newsweek, right?

From Forbes
"The State Department and several government agencies on the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States first unanimously approved the 2010 partial sale of Canadian mining company Uranium One to the Russian nuclear giant Rosatom, supposedly giving Moscow control of more than 20% of America’s uranium supply.
And by 20%, we really mean almost zero.
Those U.S. facilities obtained by Russia produced almost nothing for years before this sale. Uranium One couldn’t give these facilities away. But they do have good milling capacity to process ore, if anyone gives it to them, which hadn’t happened in years. Theoretically, they could process 20% of our ore, but that has never happened.

Besides, Russia can’t export any uranium they produce in the U.S. anyway. They do not possess a Nuclear Regulatory Commission export license. And never should. Any export would have to be approved on a case-by-case basis by the U.S. Government, as sometimes occurs".

Gay and trans people making the military weaker? Not according to the generals that Trump thinks he's smarter than.

Now the last batch of articles you linked were interesting. I went through each one of them. Some of them I'm going to throw out but some of the rest contain the actual roots of the protests you saw kick off when George Floyd was killed. Bravo!, instead of focusing on rioting in one city, focus on the reasons behind the current protests. And you can see them in some of these articles. Police chiefs and police union heads complaining about Obama causing them harm...but, closer inspection reveals it to be...hmmm, the overreaction of the police. The killings of Michael Brown, Tamir Rice and others ramped up the long simmering mistrust between people of color and the police. They blamed Obama. But in the end, they were the reason. And I find it funny that a lot of the things the police were complaining bitterly about in these articles are now going to come to pass as reforms in their departments.
Just the left and the criminalization of politics, creep
Well that's a lie.

Bull shit. Russia and one fake investigation of Trump after another. That while abusing the legal system for guys like Mike Flynn. Sentences far longer than any normal person. That while using the FBI to spy on Republican candidates and using the IRS to go after conservative groups. That while Democrats committing crimes like Joe you aint black and Hunter biden selling influence in the Ukraine and other Democrats just get off free.

Democrats are massively criminalizing politics, for any one against them, creep
More lies.

You're on a roll!
What do you know about balls?
"You're a tucker, your father was a tucker, your father's father was a tucker."
View attachment 371075
Ah, a deflection.

Your surrender is accepted.
Or just a joke, sometimes a joke is just a joke and you need to lighten up and actually enjoy life instead of fighting against life and being miserable.
Proof: look at Leo Terrell, it wasn't until he left the fallaciously labelled "tolerant ones" that he suddenly got his smile and laughter back.
Do a side by side comparison of when he was a Dem and now as he has awoken to how miserable his party created that pessimist nature in him.

Regarding your comment a surrender requires an argument where I wasn't even discussing with you and through my previous commentary on this subject I was the one who said because of optics Presidents are never charged, however blotting him out like Ancient Egypt did to bad traitor pharoahs and removing all his former president privileges and clearances would be a good minimum punishment.
If he is the architect of the coup then if you don't do anything about it you allow history to repeat until they see there is a price paid for treason.
Lol, you're attempting to deflect from your deflection.
Actually since you lied about my position on this topic and were responding to someone by saying they lied, you deflected and proved to lie again. You are just a treasure trove of proof and validation-thanks.

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