Celebrity Passion: Christian Decisions


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a media-culture parable involving Apollyon/Abaddon (Christian character of the apocalypse said to control a bottomless pit of hopelessness) and the AntiChrist (incendiary adversary of Jesus Christ who also appears at the apocalypse) regarding celebrity-consciousness (and its relation to democracy and media).

It's inspired by L.A. Story.

Signing off,



An idealistic Internet-blogger named Ajay would dress up as a vigilante and post ideas about modern media democratization controversies (e.g., pornography, free-speech, etc.). Ajay was a big fan of the Hollywood (USA) movie-star/celebrity Leo DiCaprio who had made multiple culturally-symbolic films such as Gangs of New York and The Aviator. Ajay and Leo met on an Internet chat-room (Leo was using an identity-masking alias, but Ajay recognized his conversational tone/signature) and began talking about working together for various joint media campaigns regarding democratic issues such as EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) adverstisements.


Ajay was a big fan of the DC Comics superhero Plastic Man, a superhuman who could stretch to incredible lengths since his body is comprised of a strange plastic substance. Leo was a big fan of the Marvel Comics super-villain Gorgeous George, an eerie mutant who could also stretch to incredible lengths since his body is comprised of a strange hybridized substance of tar and clay. Plastic Man represented democracy, while Gorgeous George represented terrorism, so Ajay and Leo decided to start talking about these two unusual comic book avatars in discussions about new age pluralism-politics (e.g., the 'appearance' of multiculturalism in the social sphere). How did ethnic groups confront each other in modern civilization 'knowing' they looked so different from each other(!)?


Ajay, being a Christian, decided to talk to Leo about strange characters in the Christian Bible's Book of Revelation, specifically the apocalyptic characters Apollyon (also called 'Abaddon') and the AntiChrist. Apollyon is described as the 'master of the bottomless/waterless pit' in Revelation, and the AntiChrist is described as a humanoid messenger of anarchy and adversary of Jesus Christ. Apollyon and the AntiChrist were very much opposites, not unlike Plastic Man and Gorgeous George (good vs. evil). Ajay and Leo started planning a film about Apollyon and the AntiChrist engaging with each other in America disguised as Plastic Man and Gorgeous George. This engagement would loosely symbolize the drama and intrigue of modern pluralism. Chris Hemsworth was set to direct the film, since he had experiences starring in a fantasy-metaphysics comics-adapted film titled Thor: The Dark World. Ajay and Leo's film was loosely-titled End of Democracy.


Ajay and Leo's film (Ajay wrote the script and provided some of the comic book art, since he was an amateur but highly-gifted artist as of yet unrecognized), directed by Hemsworth, was a huge hit and inspired the generation of multiple Apollyon-AntiChrist engagement video-games for the PlayStation, Xbox, and Genesis-1. These games were simply called Apollyon and the AntiChrist and it featured strange landscapes in which the two Biblical characters met and dealt with all kinds of symbolic labyrinths. Ajay and Leo realized they were achieving the real American Dream...


Ajay and Leo were cool celebrities, so they were invited to a special Miami Dolphins summer festival in which their film and video-games would be showcased for various Dolphin players and fans to enjoy and comment. The Dolphins coach told Ajay and Leo that the modern world needed more society-figures such as themselves to get more 'involved' in pedestrian daydreams --- to make democracy feel much more 'participatory.' Ajay and Leo suddenly were NFL fans. This was democracy, but Ajay and Leo worried about the scars of 9/11 and if terrorism would cloud this sudden optimism surrounding their media 'campaign.' Would ISIS strike at Washington, claiming that Americans were 'knee-deep' in media/consumerism vanities? That is what happened on 9/11 after all...


Ajay and Leo were given a special matching set of Disney silver wrist-watches which they were told to wear at a press interview where they would discuss their passion for media and modern celebrity fanfare and the role of spiritualism in new age politics and pluralism. Ajay and Leo mentioned they were big fans of democracy and religious tolerance and were thrilled that their video-games were reaching youngsters and thanked the press and Disney for this watch-presentation celebration. U.S. President Donald Trump (Jr.) told Ajay and Leo were the new 'Batman and Robin.'


GOD: I like this 'celebrity age.'
SATAN: It's the time of media...
GOD: Maybe Ajay and Leo really are the real Batman and Robin!
SATAN: Many fans believe that.
GOD: Can Planet Hollywood solve the problem of consumerism cynicism?
SATAN: It's a challenge selling daydreams.
GOD: Maybe Apollyon and the AntiChrist will surface soon.
SATAN: That's what Revelation prophesies.
GOD: Michael is obligated to debate with you...
SATAN: I'm ready!
GOD: We must be wary of nuclear war and terrorism.
SATAN: Yes, terrorists do not cheer Planet Hollywood!
GOD: Can media cure the malady of networking cynicism?
SATAN: It depends on if Al Jazeera (Muslim television) is respected.
GOD: This is a 'great tribulation.'
SATAN: Maybe the AntiChrist will be on Facebook...




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