Bull Ring *Censorship*


Dec 9, 2007
Sorry bout that,

1. Its a matter of *fact* here at USMB.
2. Is it right?
3. Nope.
4. Is one mod the main reason why?
5. Likely.
6. Which one do you think does this?
7. Free Speech means nothing to this mod.
8. I have a gut feeling who is behind quashing my *THE ROCK* thread.
9. Is it I?
10. Yes its you!

I'm not quite sure what point you are trying to make. Obviously, you have some sort of problem with the mods, or censorshp, here at USMB. I'll post a questionable video, and perhaps you can comment on how they respond/ignore the video to better explain what you are complaining about.
Sorry bout that,

1. Its a matter of *fact* here at USMB.
2. Is it right?
3. Nope.
4. Is one mod the main reason why?
5. Likely.
6. Which one do you think does this?
7. Free Speech means nothing to this mod.
8. I have a gut feeling who is behind quashing my *THE ROCK* thread.
9. Is it I?
10. Yes its you!

What is the topic?
What is the topic?
Sorry bout that,

1. My thread *The Rock*.
2. Has been deleted.
3. I posted it not in politics.
4. And some one scrapped it off line.
5. DIdn't stack it on the pile of shit in Badlands.
6. They 86ed it!
7. It was about Dywane Johnson.

Sorry bout that,

1. My thread *The Rock*.
2. Has been deleted.
3. I posted it not in politics.
4. And some one scrapped it off line.
5. DIdn't stack it on the pile of shit in Badlands.
6. They 86ed it!
7. It was about Dywane Johnson.

What is this? A list of random shit?
I'll give you this, Chessie, in all the years you've been posting, as far as I can tell you've never take the whacks seriously or personally. You've always taken them with a sense of humor. we seldom agree, and that may be because of your damn peculiar posting style as much as anything else, but respect for keeping the sense of humor. Ya dang weirdo... lol.
I'll give you this, Chessie, in all the years you've been posting, as far as I can tell you've never take the whacks seriously or personally. You've always taken them with a sense of humor. we seldom agree, and that may be because of your damn peculiar posting style as much as anything else, but respect for keeping the sense of humor. Ya dang weirdo... lol.
Sorry bout that,

1. No need to get all sentimental old chap!
2. They delete about 1 of my threads a month, and Im pretty sure I know which mod does it.
3. I post about 25 threads a month, so most my thoughts, or rants, get through to the printed screen.
4. I do drop a biggen every now and then, not too often, *THE ROCK* thread I guess was in their category of *biggen*.
5. I don't come unhinged your right, when that happens ole Hjmick, I just roll with it, it was a fine thread, maybe they should start a section, *Chesswarsnow Closet*?
6. Or name it, *Nice Try*?
7. Ive always liked your posts Hjmick, well done.
8. And don't think I didn't notice, you been here a little longer, than i.


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